Chapter 89 Missions

Jack opened the missions tab and looked at what the new upgrades did.


[Otherworldly missions]

[Template missions]

Inside the tab there were three options, mainly the missions tab and the otherworldly missions tab.

Jack clicked on the simple missions tab and came upon a list of mission

[Get rid of the Hydra in SHIELD - B Grade]

[Get rid of All of HYDRA-SS Grade]

[Deal with Wilson Fisk-D grade]

[Deal with Mister sinister - S grade ]

[Deal with HAND-SS grade]

[Deal with Destroyer- C Grade-completed]

'Huh, I have unknowingly completed a mission' - thought Jack as he clicked on the mission.

[Ding! you have successfully completed a mission, you have been rewarded with a sync increase scroll]

Jack was immediately bombarded with the knowledge of what the scroll did and he was surprised with the effects,this scroll can be used to increase the sync rate by three, meaning if he used it on Midoriya, he would increase it from 60 to 63.

Although it didn't look like much, but this was the same as him grinding the character for a month or two.

He immediately used it on Midoriya, the sooner he got it to a 100,the better, it would give him the chance to draw another character, similarly, he was looking forward ro what kind of rewards he will get from the other mission, he quickly opened up the otherworldly missions.

[Deal with Voldemort-A grade]

[Deal with Bellatrix Lestrange-C grade]

[Deal with Draco- B grade]

[Save Harry potter once-C grade]

[Fight alongside the Justice league-A grade]

[Fight for the order of phoenix-B grade]

[Fight against Overhaul-B grade]

[Fight And win against AFO -A grade]

[Save Nighteye and Eri- A grade]

[Get first place in the UA competition grade]

[Deal with The roots -SGrade]

[Deal with Orochimaru-S grade]

[Deal with the army of Liberation-A grade]

[Deal with Villains League-S grade]

[Kill an Otsutsuki-SS grade]

Jack looked at the long list of missions and was surprised, it really was a list of otherworldly mission.

Then he clicked at the third missions tabe labeled ''Template missions.''

[Defeat Overhaul and his band of villains and save Eri singlehandedly-A grade-10 percent sync rate up]

[Defeat 30 Senju in the warring era-A grade- Sharingan upgrade]

[Defeat 5 jonin in warring era- A grade-Sharingan upgrade]

[Escape from a Kage-S Grade-Chakra upgrade]

'Does this mean I will have to do mission to upgrade my templates from now on

[Ding! although doing missions fastens the progress of Template upgrade, host can still get sync rate up by doing what Host usually does]

"So this is just like system support, meaning that even if I don't do these missions,I will still become stronger" asked jack.

[Affirmative, although it is advised to do missions, it can help Host Earn unexpected rewards ranging from random socks to specific abilities that can be used in all templates whether at 100 percent or not]

"Alright then, so what if I go for a otherworldly missions, will time flow or will it be stopped for the current world." - asked Jack

[The flow of time depends on the missions world and other factors.]

"alright then -"

As Jack was about to ask for more info, the door rang as Thor came inside, Jack thought it was a bit rude but didn't say anything.

"Cedric! My friend" Thor said.



"My real name is Jack." - said Jack, as if a weight had been lifted off his chest, it felt liberating, to finally come clean, to not hide behind false identities,

"Alright, Jack, I feel honored, that you have told you my name, but forgive me for asking this, why did you hide from me before." - asked Thor.

He felt that it was pointless to hide behind identities for such a great warrior like Jack.

He was still fascinated by how Jack easily handled the poor wolf Fenris, Although the wolf had now gotten out of the seal Jack had put on him, the matter was already handled, so the seal breaking against the beast was nothing much.

Fenris could be considered the son of Loki, as such, he had divinity, so he was able to break off the seal placed on him by now, besides, Jack wasn't really serious with the seal, it was only meant to keep the wolf unmoving for a short period.

"Forgive me if I came off as rude, Thor, but you have to know that on Asgard, I have a family that might be targeted if everyone knew of my real identity."

Thor nodded at that, he understood how far people could go for those that they loved , even if it meant destroyed a whole planet.

"My Father, Odin , has asked to meet you." - said Thor.

It could be seen from his thor that it wasn't an Order, which greatly surprised Jack, as he didn't believe that Odin would be happy with him trespassing onto Asgard without permission.

Jack didn't show it on his face and changed his template into Madara as he walked besides Thor, who kept looking at him from time to time, as if he wanted to ask something.

Jack who was now in madara template ,couldn't help but chuckle, this template was rather unique, it gave him a unique sense of confidence and awareness.



Hello guys I hope you enjoyed the chapter.


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