Chapter 101

In twenty minutes, Jack and his team got back to the base, but what awaited us was a total ruin.

There was no sign of any Uchiha, everything looked as if thousands of Elephants had crushed this place

The Chunin who was with us was devastated as he looked at the scene.

"How could this happen?!" he started looking around frantically, there was no body in sight,only the fire that burned the broken tents to ashes.There was probably a big fight over here.

Jack and Inno got to it and started looking in the area, the dread took over them as they looked at the place.The ground was ridden with blood and pieces of flesh, yet there was no body, the enemy had probably taken the bodies for the sharingan or something like that.

After a bit of time, they regrouped in the middle and thought about what to do

"Sigh, we must report this to the patriarch, the losses this time are too much, we have lost good ninja" the chunin said with emotion.Jack knew the Chunin was hearbroken seeing his comrades die

The Chunin then tasked the three of them with the duty of scouting, to go and see if the other team were alive or not.Jack Inno and Baku had no choice, it was practically an order from the superior.

Besides,this setting was in favor of Jack, although he was also a bit sad, seeing that some of the people he had conversed with these few days might be dead.

They regrouped and went their own ways, Jack and Inno along with Baku, ran for a while before they took a rest, the sun was about to set so they set up camp and sat around the campfire, the mood was too saddening for Jack, although he was just here for some time, Inno and Baku had people they cared about in the camp, they were quiet ever since.

Jack told them he needed some alone time, and went to an empty area,after making sure that he wasn't being watched, he opened the system and directly bought some A grade justus from all the styles except the Kekkei Genkai, he wanted to buy the Wood release but didn't have enough money

'Which reminds, what about if I get cash in naruto world, does that count as well' thought Jack as he assimilated the knowledge of various Jutsu in his mind.

After assimilating the knowledge, he started using the newly acquired jutsu and getting accustomed to them.After some time , he finally stopped as he looked around the area, it looked as if the place had gone through a catastrophe.

'I believe I can get rid of Junin Ninja if I am careful, If I run out,I can just turn into midoriya and win.' thought Jack as he knew he could change templates

After regaining his lost Chakra, Jack went back to the camp and sat down besides the two.He sighed as he looked at their faces

"You know, brooding about it isn't going to fix it" said Jack as he threw a branch into the fire

"They were alive just yesterday" said Baku in a low voice as he looked at the fire with hatred in his eyes

"Just yesterday, we were alive and well, but the next day, nothing!" shouted Baku as he punched his fist into the ground, tears threatening to leave his eyes.

Inno wasn't much behind as he clenched his fist so hard that his nails dug through his skin, Inno looked at Jack and asked with a whispering voice that seemed to break now and then

"How are you so calm Zabimaru!, I have known you for a long time, but now a days I think you have changed beyond recognition,it's like you are a different person"

Jack looked at Inno, who was full of Sadness and..misery as he looked at Jack,

"I just stopped caring.." Jack continued as he raised the fire," I mean, we are ninja right! we are supposed to be emotionless, but to tell you the truth,I am pissed as well, the Senju just took us out like we were nothing,I don't even know if the ambush teams are alive or not"

Said Jack, he was telling the truth, he had some feeling for the people here as well, since he knew they were just as alive as he was.This ninja world was truly too dark,people dying left and right,with no regard to whether they wanted to fight or not.

"Zabimaru , do you think there was someone who leaked info" asked Baku with a weak voice.

"What are you saying! that there was someone from within the Uchiha who betrayed us, Bulshit"

Inno yelled as he looked at Baku who was shocked at Inno's outburst.

Jack knew what was going on, To Inno , each and every Uchiha was a brother and a sister, he could never think about how an Uchiha can betray his own people.

"Calm down Inno, Baku has a good thought, we can't rule out the fact that this was an inside job" said Jack

"But Zabi-"

"I said enough! ,you two go and have rest, be sure to eat some rations, we will move on two hours" Jack didn't want the talk to continue, He knew what Inno was like.

Inno stood up silently before he went inside the tent, followed by Baku, Jack was left starting at the burning fire.

"I should complete my mission and go back as soon as possible,it while I am here,I should do everything to survive, who knows what I might come up against" Jack said as he played with the fire.

'Maybe buy flying Thunder God ' Though Jack, but when he looked at the number of Zero on the jutsu, he decided to wait.



Hello guys I hope you enjoyed the chapter.


remove. e from link

The reason why i dont show the prices for the things in store, whats the point, i mean,i am the one writing the story and so he will only have the required amount is when i will it,though i will put all kekkei genkai above 10 million and the wood release will be a billion,thanks