Chapter 109

"Who is this guy!?" A Ninja said as he saw a streak of lightning claw through his clansmen at blinding speed

"I don't know, but this definitely isn't normal, from what we know, the Uchiha isn't allied with any powerful ninja clan," said another guy as he prepared for the man of lightning coming their way

"Ghh! whatever it is, I don't believe we can't defeat it if we use our combined strength, everyone let's use our strongest just and stop this demon" another guy yelled as he raised his sword and yelled out to boost the morale, it worked miracle though the next moment his head fell down as his body was left standing.

"You were saying!" The man clad in lightning was now visible as he put his hands on the headless man's Shoulder, completely uncaring of the group of ninjas surrounding him

"Uchiha! it's an Uchiha" A ninja yelled as he stepped back only to be cut apart as well

"Who else would it be, you think you can come here and beat us in our own home ground, Dream on," Jack said as he concentrated high amounts of Lightning in his sword, blinding his enemies in the process, before they could even process what was happening, their heads fell from their bodies, Jack kept running around the area as he dealt with various enemies.

After some time he felt his chakra lesson so he stopped using the technique.

"Damn! I can feel my already monstrous reflexes and perception due to sharing an increasing further in the lightning release cloak mode." Jack said.

He hid in the Earth and escaped from the high-intensity battle area and back to the outer ring to fight with his Kenjutsu and slowly recover his chakra.He popped in a few potions to heal himself as well.

Jack would try and give his enemies a fast death and try and not kill children and it was going great,

As night arrived a weird scene happened

"What are they doing!?" asked an Uchiha who was fighting alongside Jack

The enemy ninja was backing down

"They are retreating," said Jack as he put his sword back in it's sheath.

"ha-ha! we won, everyone the enemy is retreating, we have won the war" An Uchiha said as he happily danced, kind of weird to see an Uchiha dance since all of them looked to be so stuck up in the hideout, this was the thought on the mind of Jack

He quickly came to a realization, since the Uchiha were at war, it was a given that the Uchiha Clan will be filled with gloom since they were being decimated.

"Don't be too happy, the Senju are still fighting us on the other end, let's move and give them a surprise" Jack said.

He had been fighting the whole day, now it was nighttime, Izui was already on the Senju battlefield, Jack wanted to go ahead and fight the Senju to complete his mission.

And he finally came to know why his sync rate was increasing so fast from time to time, it was because he was fighting, Thats what Madara was, a God on the battlefield, born to fight, it wouldn't be right if his sync didn't increase.

Jack already had a near Jonin chakra reserve and he felt that his chakra affinity were also increasing, he was becoming more proficient in using several jutsu. A sudden itch to use a Gunbai was also arising.

Some of the ninja who knew Jack were listening to his advice and quickly ran towards the other battlefield.Some wanted to kill the fleeing ninja but Jack stopped them, winning the battle was more important than drawing blood.

"Yes Zabimaru-sama, men lets leave " a Ninja spoke as he saluted him, he was one of the leaders of the original 200 men sent by Madara and he was filled with respect for jack, Jack had saved him countless times by now.

They started running and arrived on the other side , what greeted them was a real battlefield.Jack could literally feel several strong presences on the battlefield, and it filled him with strong battle lust,

"It's a good thing I am full of Chakra right now, let's go" yelled Jack as he led several Chunin and jonin level Ninja with him, the battlefield went into a frenzy as the Uchiha

Jack enveloped himself in his lightning chakra cloak as ge stormed the battlefield

in five seconds, the mission was complete. The sound of a single Chidori spread throughout the battlefield

The enemy ninja looked on in surprise as Jack tore through the enemies, literally!

Everywhere he went, the Uchiha shouted in happiness while the Senju died in regret, though it didn't mean the Senju were cheap.As Jack was killing another Senju who was using his sword to gouge out an Uchiha's eyes.

A sound was made as Jack stepped back, in the next moment, A humongous bolder struck where he was standing, it was at least the size of a two story house.

The greatly surprised Jack, Jack calmed his heart as he looked at the one responsible

"It's you!" Jack couldn't believe what he saw

Standing In front of him was the one and only Tobirama Senju.

Jack quickly scanned the man as he took a large distance from him.



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