Chapter 111

As the Uchiha were busy resting, I checked on the completed missions, and as expected two of my missions were now complete.

What came as a surprise was that I had also complete another mission, which was to deal with 5 jonins, which I had forgotten to claim before.

I claim both of them at the same time, my body felt like it was burning as I felt like thousands of ants were crawling inside me...Not!

There was nothing like that, I felt overwhelming power enter me as my Sharingan went through an upgrade of sorts, the next moment, my sharingan upgraded to a three-Tomoe Sharingan.

I did a mental dance, couldn't do it outside with so many Uchiha staring at me. I could feel that I had insurmountable power like I could do anything, My vision was much clearer and farther than before, it felt like heaven.

I then proceeded to cast a normal fireball Jutsu and the effect was better then normal, I could now deal double the damage with the same amount of chakra.

'This is great and all but I need to buy something that will give me another edge over that Tobirama, and not to mention him, there is his brother Hashirama as well.

The problem was that he didn't have enough money to buy his way out yet,

'Guess I will leave for now, who knows what's happening back on Earth, now what excuse will I give to these guys.' - thought Jack.


As the Uchiha were healing themselves. Izui, who had one arm left, a perk of being in a war, came close to Jack who was sitting on the cliffs edge, Meditating.


"Zabimaru...ZABIMARU!" - Shouted Izui.

Jack Woke up from his 'meditation' and looked at Izui with confusion.

"You realize what you did right?!" - said Izui, his voice was grave as he looked at Jack.

"Yeah." - replied Jack, Jack had put his everything in that Giant typhoon, he would have been hit with a severe case of Chakra exhaustion if it wasn't for his Mission of running from a Hokage being completed which granted him chakra levels of a mid Jonin.

As Izui was about to reprimand Jack, some one from the tents shouted

"Izui-sama, the Senju are chasing us, the bridge ahead is broken we will not make it in time, what do we do" asked the Ninja as he had clear terror in his eyes.

Jack could understand where the guy was coming from

The feeling of dying without knowing the cause was terrible, Tobirama was like a ghost on the battlefield with his flying Thunder God Slash technique.

I sighed, the Lightning Chakra cloak equipped on me, I could leave at any moment

[Would the host like to leave]

but I didn't, I guess these guys grew on me, Especially Inno, the memories won't help either

"Izui! you take them back to the Clan, I will hold them off." - I said to him as seriously as I could, these guys won't be able to survive out their, and as strong as Izui was, he wasn't Madara or Izuna.

"But Zabi-"

"I said GO!" - I ordered him.

He tried saying something but stopped, he looked at me, I was a lot smaller then him in size so it felt like he was looking down at me both literally and metaphorically.

"Zabimaru... you are a genius of the Uchiha clan, you dying is worse then all of us dying." - I was really shocked at his words,

I had heard that the people from the Uchiha clan were given the curse of hatred, but that also increased their kinship beyond comprehension.

I looked at him with slight anger, "Izui-san, you shouldn't say that, that's not how we should think, I know the world is filled with death and destruction, but that doesn't mean we have to become devils to survive. You should have compassion for even the beggars in your clan. Now, before it's too late ,I want you guys to run away, take the path around the mountain, it will take more time , but you will be safe."

I patted his shoulder, it felt comical a little comical when i thought about it, my name might be written in the books as someone who gave his life and bullshit like that.

After a bit of convincing Izui left along with the other Uchiha.

'Let's see if I can stand up against the Flying thunder God Slash Technique with a Three Tomoe Sharingan and lightning chakra cloak, I also have the typhoon release' I couldn't help but think to myself.

Just as I was thinking about when I will retreat from the battle, I felt sudden danger and used all my Jutsu at once to gain distance,

I reappeared a ten meters away from where I previously stood, and to my surprise, Tobirama was standing where I once stood, a deep gash was left on the ground.

It looked like I pissed off the little piece of crap from the way he was looking at me.

"You bastard! because of you my people died."  he shouted at me with rage in his eyes.

I couldn't help but snort at him, this guy was a real idiot, he considered himself a good man but because of his dislike for the Uchiha, he alienated them in the leaf village and after his death, his students took the role.

"Huh! you shouldn't have started it then." - I stated, as I got ready to deal with this guy.

"Since you have killed my people, I will make sure that your people die as well." - he stated.

It was then that I realized what he meant, he had made his people go the same way as that of the Uchiha members.

I didn't have the time to chitchat with him as I ran towards him, his face inches away from my blade when he vanished.

'I hate this ability.' - I cursed in my mind as I put my guard up, though with my denser and stronger Chakra, I was sure that I will have much more resistance than my previous lightning Chakra cloak.



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