Chapter 116

Jack heaved a sigh of relief once Fury was out of his sight, it was always a burden to talk to people who thought they were some big shots that can't be denied of what they ask

Jack was really irritated by Fury's behavior , he chugged a butter beer as he thought about what to do next.

Training was as easy as breathing now, each of his clones were training crazily so he had much free time but no where to spend it.

Jack used his time to catch up on the spider experiment, for now the eggs were in good condition and there was nothing to worry about so Jack let it be.

He used OFA Midoriya template and flew around the city and stopping any crimes he came across , He was wearing a mask as he looked at the city that was filled with life

Thinking about if he should come out into the public and announce that he was one and the same person, of course his real identity will be kept a secret until he was sure no sneaky villain will be targeting his close ones.

'This is such a drag, sigh' Jack went down and bought a tortilla from one of the carts, this guy was the one Jack had let go on the basis that the guy was only trying to save his daughter.

Though the guy didn't know it was him since Jack was acting as Cedric at that time.

As Jack was happily eating he heard the sounds of tires screaching, to his surprise and shock he saw a bus that was about ro topple over and smash into a bunch of Pedestrians.

He immediately ran towards it to stop the accident from happening , the next moment he saw a red and blue blur that was now standing in front of the incoming bus,

Jack vaguely recognized the symbol of a crudely made spider flashing on the back of this person

'Is this spider-man, such a bad suit, should I also start making custom design suits for heroes on my website' thought Jack as he stopped in his tracks, ready to act at moments notice , since he knew that Peter was new at this and might screw up, he didn't want to give J.Jonah Jameson the satisfaction that he wanted at all.

Jack was relieved when Peter was Able to safely stop the bus, though minor injury was imminent for the passengers, though next moment, another car that must have gone out of control due to the previous accident was now headed for Peter who was busy basking in the limelight, although Jack knew that Peter had spider sense, he didn't want to regret if something happened so he pumped the OFA through his body and ran towards Peter , the car came to a stop as Jack used his hands to grip and slowly it lost momentum


Jack POV:-

'Luckily I stopped it in time, or else Peter might have suffered some injury' I thought as I went around the front and checked up on the passengers inside the car

"Are you Alright, Man" I asked the guy who still had his hands on the stearing wheel

I jerked him to wake him up and helped him get out of the now damaged car, hopefully he doesn't ask me for compensation, or he won't be since I am going to fix the car for him,I equipped My Cedric template and easily fixed the car and the bus which had dents in it due to the way Peter stopped it, the guy still didn't have webs so he looked a little incomplete to me.

"Hey! you can do magic like Mr.Magic" asked the guy as he was now normal and checking out his brand new car that wasn't pink anymore, seriously! who gets a pink car, certainly not a sane man.

"Hmm, oh yeah,I know a thing or two" I replied as I still wasn't sure how to address the problem about my identity, Midoriya was wanted by the state for his brutal actions.

I greeted the crowd as people started taking pictures with me, leaving the poor Peter standing on the side.

He was now running away so I decided I might as well meet him, since I knew that his grandpa was still alive,I have been keeping tabs on Uncle Ben since I don't want him to die, which brings up the question, why is Peter running around as a hero if he isn't burdened by the death of his Uncle.

I trailed behind Peter who was dressed in Red jacked and a blue trousers, jumping from building to building, finally when I was sure we were far away from prying eyes I called him out.

"Hey! Red Jacket" I called out which spooked him enough to freeze.

Though when he looked behind him and spotted me floating in the air, he squealed like a girl,which freaked me out since I didn't know that Peter could be like that.

He was in front of me the next moment, shaking my hands so fast I might have to run my sore arms for a while.

"Ah! it's you,I am a really big fan of you Sir, can I get an autograph, also , how are you floating since I don't remember you having this ability, and what are those arcs of green lightning that are escaping from your body, do they sting, oh my God , Oh my God! I can't believe I am meeting one of my favorite superheroes aside from Mr.Magic and the Devil of hell kitchen, I didn't want to disturb you before because you were busy fixing that guys car and wow! do you also know magic like Mr Magic and can I also learn magic and do you know the other guy?!"

Peter started shooting questions upon questions which nearly gave me a migraine as I rubbed my head and stopped him from speaking.

"Hey! man , ask one question at a time will you?!" I shouted , this finally pulled him out of whatever trance he was in.

"Ah! sorry about that,I got really excited, since you are one of my role models, hahaha" Peter said as he rubbed the back of his head.

"it's alright, but please don't do that again,you nearly made me bleed from my ears" I told him as he laughed dryly.



Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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