Chapter 121....Envelope

The blind man threw an envelope at me and left, trying to act cool and all. I kept the envelope and then I went back to the base to check up on each of my clones.

The madara clone was busy fighting hordes of enemies, It really picked up on increasing the sync rate.

The wizard clone, which means a clone of me, was just doing research on magic that was given by Frigga, it will be cool if i can learn the transformation magic.

The Midoriya's clone was meditating while floating and dodging projectiles left and right with his eyes closed, though he was hit a few times, the projectiles were soft rubber balls so he wouldn't undo himself, I wonder if wood clones are much more durable, Who am i kidding? ofcourse they are.

I Went to the lab and saw my clone looking at the last of the spiders with fascination.

"Yo wassup!" I yelled.

This scared the clone enough to make him shriek,


"Can't do much when the one you want to curse is yourself, right!" I chuckled.

"Tsk!" the clone sulkily walked away, reaching the cabinet and taking out the feed."

"So...will they survive?" I asked, pretty sure I know the answer as I am talking to myself.

"They will, atleast one of them will live, though I know for a fact that we can use the philosopher stone's elixir to make sure that they stay alive, maybe even cause a mutation, who knows!"

"Man, you talk like a madman!" I rebuked him.

After talking for a while, I left him and made way for my office, not sure why I have one in the first place since I doubt I need an office.

"oh! lets see what info that envelope has." I opened the envelope and found out some info that brought chills to my mind, not even sure what I was reading.

"Shit!" I threw the paper away as i couldn't help but stand up.

"Those shady bloodsuckers, not even sparing children, and there is the body of a dragon inside hells kitchen." I cursed to myself.

From what I remembered, The HAND discovers the dragon later on after Fisk was convicted of his crime, but it seems that my being here changed some things.

"I need to go and save them." I said to myself.

I would have left already if not for the fact that I dont know where the body was in the first place, I bet Gao will be present as well, I will make sure to give her what she fears the most, that beast of a granny.

I quickly dispelled all my clones and drank up potions as various new experiences assaulted me, then made another clone to take care of the spiders and started going through the memories, part of being an Occulmency master is that I can use my master over my mind to not be assaulted with a shit ton of memories.

Though the fatigue is still present but thats not much considering I will be fine after some rest, I just hope those kids aren't dead, what is it that they are gonna use those kids for?!


The next day, at Matts place.

"So we going or what?" I asked as I looked at Matt and Stick, along with Elektra, they were having some kind of arguments.

"We can."

"Alright then, lets go, tell me where we have to go so I can get us there faster." I said to them

"And how are you going to do that?" - Asked Elektra with her usual arrogant voice, I could vaguely feel her emotions, she was filled with bloodlust.

I said nothing, it's better to just show her, I used apparation and appeared behind Matt who was on his bed, sleeping peacefull since yesterday, while Elektra and Stick were crashing in on his house, its better if he stays asleep though, since he would just be in the way, not because he was weak, but because he was like me, or atleast how I was before I was betrayed thrice by the police and learned to not be so forgiving.

"Cool trick."

"Blah blah, can we get a move on, here, this has the location, I hope you can read unlike the blind old me." said Stick as he was tired from all the chatter.

i couldn't agree with him more, it was better to deal with this as soon as possible.

i used my sling ring to summon a portal and we walked to the other side, Stick seemed calm at the sudden emergence of the portal.

"Where to now?" I asked.

Stick looked around for a moment before he told us to follow him, the bastard kept walking calmly and this was getting on my nerves.

"Old man, can't you go a little faster?" I told him.

"Why?, you have somewhere you wanna go." he asked.

"No." I replied to which he said

"Then shut up and follow me, A warrior must remain calm in all situations." He said to me, as if I was his subordinate or something.

"Listen old man! I am here because HAND is targeting my city and taking children hostage, I don't answer to you, if you had given the location in the letter, I would have been done with them by now." I told him straight out.

Stick was a character that really struck a nerve in me, I thought to give him a chance but it didn't look like he was any different then before. Just a man that was a slave to the chaste.

I over took him as I used shadow clones and started searching around the place, if he doesn't wanna lead, then it's his choice.