Chapter 143

As soon as Osborn came back to his senses, he looked around himself and immediately knew what was up, which was a mistake on my part as I have been using kunai's as my arsenal these past few days.

"You traitor!" Yelled Osborn as he took out his gun and was about to shoot my clone, who just tackled Osborn to the ground and proceeded to punch him two to three times.

'Just immobilize him, no need to beat him up, you idiot.' I facepalmed as my clone proceeded to beat it while acting like Ricky, or what we thought a teenager who had his sister in a critical situation would act like.

"I just wanna meet my sister, Where the hell is she!?" yelled my clone as he grabbed Osborn's head and fed him a potion.

'Oh my, I am so smart, I can just use Veritraserum, the truth-speaking potion to have him spill his beans out.

The potion tricked down his cheeks as My clone forcefully gave it to him, I could come out now but let's not make my life more difficult than it already is, or maybe when I used portals in his facility, I was already in his shit list.

"Grglgrlrgrlr ! hah hah, she is, she is in" Osborn covered his mouth as his eyes showed surprise.

My clone started chuckling while pulling back Osborns hand, in seconds we had the girl's location and a knocked out Osborn.

I and my clone looked at Osborn, after some thoughts, I decided to leave him be.

"Are we really going to leave him be, he just did organized crimes, turned the city upside down just so that he could later make profits and help eradicate the Tinkerer and become the hero of the city, we should lock him up." The clone said as he put the Osborn scum back in the car along with the knocked out guards.

"I think it's better to let him go, people like Oscorp are desperate, you know he is suffering from illness and my potions can only suppress the system, he is already dying." I said as I pulled down his collar, the neck was covered in black veins that seemed to be alive.

"I guess you are right." Clone sighed before he went away, to the hideout where the girl was held, and the abandoned hospital being used as a secret lab by Oscorp where illegal experiments were held.

I followed behind him, we scanned the place and silently infiltrated it, it took us twenty minutes to effectively deal with the security and not alarm the ones inside.

I saw the ten inch steel door that was keeping Ricky's sister hostage, Pulling back my punch, I released 30 percent OFA and directly blew it off.

I could feel the place shaking, which means that others have been alerted. There is only so much you can do.

I saw the girl, she was inside the cryo chambers.

"She is frozen solid, the cryo chamber is the only things keeping her alive right now, how about we use the elixir of life and a rejuvenating potion and see if she heals. or we can just take the whole pod like a barbarian." The clone yelled at me as I just took the whole chamber with me through the portal.

"Fry the security system!" I told my clone as I closed the portal.

I rushed the pod and attached it to the powerline in case I can't heal her and used the Elixir of life on her, it's not that much since I have a lot more stored up.

"Where is she!?" Ricky entered the room, which surprised me a bit since I had him locked up.

"I didn't want him to leave him alone, so brought him with us." Spoke Peter with his face covered in his spider mask.

I nodded and focused my attention back on the girl, she started to gain her lifeforms back and felt like she was no longer in danger.

Ricky came closer to the pod that was now open, ice was slowly melting as his sister was slowly healing.

I don't know what the specific disease was , but all's well that ends well, all superficial wounds were cleared up.


"You can thank me by keeping your head low as possible, Dont do crimes and we will be even." I told him.

I don't wanna know what happens if someone like him becomes a villain. I have a hunch he wasn't trying hard anyway.

"You can count on that, do you mind if I stay with my sister for a while, I promise I won't move around much." he said as he looked at his sister.

"It's a wonder how you were able to heal her after she got exposed to the blast." he said.

"You can stay with her, but don't move around too much, this lair doesn't know you much, so it might hurt you."

"Hmm! you mean this place is alive." he looked surprised.

"If you can make a cube that can project a personal space onto the real world, then I can make a lair come to life." I smirked at him.

He was clearly provoked just now.


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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