Chapter 150...Avengers

In a private hidden base, Shield.

Selvig was working on an alien object along with a number of scientists, He was getting further in his studies, the thing that happened to him with Thor's arrival shook all his beliefs, now he wanted more from it.

But there was something off, he was being asked to find way to turn this cube of infinite power into a weapon somehow, he could do that, but something inside him was keeping him from doing it.

Who knows what Fury will do with it, blow up Afghanistan for going out of bounds, or drop the cube on Japan once more, the guy was a paranoid little prick and Selvig would never trust fury with such a thing, that's why he wanted to contact The wizard, But maybe Fury had already for seen such a thing.

That's why he hasn't been outside for 2 whole years, it was marbles.

One day he was just minding his own business when suddenly the cube which was being tested on suddenly started levitating.

Everyone became alarmed by this, I suddenly had a very bad feeling.

"Doc! what's the situation up there." Asked Fury as he entered my office that was overseeing all the operation.

"Uh! I don't know"

" don't know"

Fury looked at Selvig with such intensity that Selvig could feel Fury's gaze on his back.

'Gosh! just think of some thing, this badly is gonna kill me otherwise.' Selvig though hard and long before finally coming to a conclusion.

"The Cube seems to be ripping apart the very fabric of space, its like, like someone is trying to forcefully come through and I don't know how."

"Well, how do we close it!" yelled Fury as the soldiers standing near the Cube we're suddenly struck and turned to dust.

A faint sound of roaring could be heard.

'Duck!' cursed Selvig as he rammed his mind

A translucent ring started forming on the outside of the cube.

"Doc! fast, we don't have much time." Fury was losing his mind.

The circular shape around the cube reminded him oddly of the circle portal that the idiotic hero of New York makes.

"We can try using a counter charge to close the portal hopefully." said Selvig as he looked at the readings that he cube was emitting.

"Agent Bart." Fury yelled into the comms.

"On it." A static reply came.

Before an arrow was shot, landing on the equipment attached to the cube.


A concussion force was released as everything went quiet, The walls surrounding the room broke apart sending Fury flying.

"Duccckk!" Fury fell from the first floor, Selvig slowly got up to see that Fury was already standing and walking towards the cube.

"Wait!" Selvig yelled as he saw someone, someone that wasn't there before.

The smoke suddenly cleared away as a beautiful women was revealed, Selvig felt his mind go numb at the sight of this women.

She was wearing a beautiful green dress that was revealing a great part of her cleavage, as if it was done on purpose, she suddenly looked at Selvig before Selvig felt like serving this woman forever and ever.

Though he shrugged it the next moment,

"Oh! looks like mortals are rather demanding now a days, I am glad I don't have to kiss you all to have you be my slaves." The woman issued a laugh, her voice seemed to echo, it was the most mesmerizing voice that he had ever heard.

"Who are you , and what are you doing on Earth!?" Fury was now standing guard, his gun pointed at the woman,

"Haha! so funny, you think bullets can effect me, I am much stronger then you mortals." The woman said, she wasn't lying.

"Be glad mortal, you will die knowing my name, for I am Enchantress, the strongest sorceress of Asgard, second only to Karnilla, I hope you die with peace."


Fury wasn't able to speak his mind and found himself flying back and hitting the steel walls before falling unconscious.

"You can come out now, Human!" The Enxhantress spoke as she looked at a pillar on her right.


The Enchantress raised her hands and several spears manifested and flew towards the pillar, turning it into rubble and revealing the figure of Bart, who was wrapped in an invisible force.

He slowly floated towards the enchantress, She carassed his face, Bart felt himself go numb.

"It's a pity I don't have the need to kiss you anymore." she brought forward a sceptre, and touched it on Bart's chest, who stopped resisting the next moment.

"Go and bring me that old man, he , although unknowingly, did ruin my plans." Commanded the Enchantress as she looked at Selvig with Interest.

Just as she was about to bring forward the army of Chitauri, the cube, her gateway to Earth, suddenly blasted her with it's energies, if it weren't for the mind stone, she might have suffered a fate worse then death.

Selvig, wrapped in ropes was thrown at the feet of Enchantress, she proceeded to turn him before they made their way out of the place, using a portal.

*Walkie talkiie statics*

"Gu-Ghh! Maria, come to the site, we have been compromised." Said Fury before he stood up and held his stomach that was bleeding profusely.

"Damn! I would really like a potion at this time." cursed Fury as he kept pressure on his wounds.

Maria came running in as she looker around the place

the place was full of bodies, A lone figure was barely standing on the other corner of the base floor.

"Director." she helped Fury stand up.

"Hurry, we need to leave this place, The cube has been stolen, it's another Asgardian."

"What!" Shouted Maria.



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