Chapter 152

I swipe away from the notifications and pay attention to Natasha Romanoff.

"You are here as well." I ask her.

she acts in mock anger, crossing her arms, I don't know if it's on Fury's orders but she is showing me more than I need.

"Last I remember, I was working for Shield, and I heard you have Hulk, we lost track of him for a while, where is he?" she asked me, that was rather straightforward.

"He is coming over, should be here in a moment."

"What do y-" she was about to ask when a golden portal opened and Bruce walked through, must have been Wong, he really likes Bruce for some reason.


he greeted me with his self given nickname.

"Hey! how was the trip, any improvements?"

"I am getting better at communicating with him."

"Excuse me, are you also a magician now?" asked Natasha, she thinks Bruce opened the portal.

"No, it's a friend of mine, Bruce was under his supervision."

"It's a pleasure to have you on board Bruce." Natasha said as she shook his hands.

"I am not so sure about that." Bruce said as he nervously rubbed his hands.

He was feeling nervous, there was only so much my bracelet could do to calm him. Though I doubt he will easily turn into Hulk now that he is starting to accept his inner self, or his alter ego to be more exact.

"Anyway, boys, let's get you to your rooms, And show you what you will be doing."

Natasha led us to where Bruce was supposed to work and find the signatures of the scepter.

I just hope that Enchantress is arrogant enough to reveal herself.

"These are some really expensive equipment." Bruce praised as he saw the stuff.

"Well, we aren't SHIELD, The best spy organization for nothing." Natasha said, pride and arrogance on her face, as visible as the sun.

'That's why Hydra ducked you over.' I couldn't help but chuckle, which reminds me, how will I get rid of shield, it will be better if I can just expose every hydra member inside shield, I don't remember the events of Winter Soldier.

All I remember is that the world council has Alexander pierce, a hydra agent.

After some small talk, mainly her trying to extract info from Bruce about the magical community, she left us alone, she did question what I would be doing, since science isn't my fort, I was offended by that, to be honest.

"You know, today I was finally able to hear the other guy." said Bruce as he worked on the computer.

"Hmm, is that so, what he says." I asked him, genuinely curious about it.

"He said 'Hulk big, Bruce Puny' "

Bruce imitated Hulk as he told me, I couldn't help but laugh at that, I guess Hulk would say something like that.

"I am glad I met you, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have come to know what Hulk was, he is just a kid." said Bruce.

I paid attention to him, "You would have gotten there eventually."


"Mr. Diggory, your presence is required at the Command Station." I heard Maria speak through the speakers.

I nodded at Bruce and left for the place.

It was pretty easy for me to find my way back, not!

"What is it, and please install some signboards." I asked them.

"We didn't know we would be having visitors." retorted Phil.

"We have identified the target, she is somewhere in Stuttgart, we don't know what the purpose of her visit is, but she is here for something."

Said Maria as she projected the images on the screen.

Steve looked at the photo and asked

"What do we know about her." he asked as he crossed his arms.

Everyone went quiet at that as the video of her was played.

"That's all we know about her for now,I am guessing she has the physique of an asgardian, being able to shrug of bullets and such."

Maria gave a brief introduction.

As everyone was done with their part, I raised my hands.

"Yes, what is it, Mr. Diggory." asked Maria.

Fury, Steve and the others gave me a look.

"She is known as the enchantress and one of the strongest sorceress known, second only to a handful. She is able to use the ambient magic in the surrounding as well as the borrowed magic, since you guys don't know what that means, I will just help you get a fair understanding of her powers."

I told them, with a wave if my hand, a board materialized in the air, startling them, on it was how strong she is and what type of magic she is good at.

I knew all this because the Ancient One, after me constantly pestering her, was finally willing to part with some info.



Lower level: 6

Equipment:Mindstone, scepter


Superhuman strength,

speed, agility,



endurance durability

, longevity and healing factor.

Abilities via mystical powers:

Energy manipulation

Mind Manipulation



Illusion Casting

Life force absorption

Demonic Magic

Light Magic}

Everyone looking at the table was shocked.

"What is this power level thing." asked Steve.

"Just a way for me and my companions to evaluate threat." I answered.

"And how would you categorize a person into power levels." asked Steve.

"Let's just say that I am currently a power level 7...8 if I am serious, the only reason she isn't a power level 5 is because she has the Mind stone, a part of Infinity stones, I am not going to go into depth, it pretty much boosts her mind related powers, she can also use it to turn normal humans to ashes."

Steve starting thinking something, Phil was the one to comment next.

"And what Power level is Captain America, And why are you so high in the ladder."

I chuckled at that.

"I am not just counting beings on Earth, this involves beings from everywhere, that's why Steve is currently only at 3, 4 if we consider his luck as a factor."

Phil was visibly unsatisfied by that,

"You are calling yourself an 8, why is that?,I have seen the videos,you aren't that powerful, with the right preparation, you can be defeated easily." Natasha asked.

"Well, lets just say I am more stronger than you can imagine." I only left it at that, as we had a sorceress to catch.

I also used sorcery to cast a spell on Steve and the others to not be affected by mind readers as Enchantress was one.

That was the best I could do, though Steve was a little apprehensive when I used the spells, he still hasn't come to terms with the fact that magic exists.



Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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