Chapter 154

After healing everyone I floated towards the debris and fixed the place to the best of my abilities,which involves a single spells named Repairo.

I earned the praise of everyone present by doing so, I did save them heavy hospital bills so I guess I deserved it

By the time I was done, The quinjet landed , out came the Cap and the others, needless to say, the audience was surprised by his appearance,won't be long before the internet is up in flames because of this

"What's the situation, soldier!" I think Cap is going back to his old times

"It's Cedric, Not soldier, as for our culprit she escaped by using teleportation, one more thing, she had company," I told them

as we entered the jet again

"Was it Bart, I heard from Fury how he was hammered"

"Not Him, some Giant guy, I guess he might be a giant, he had enough strength to cause mini Earthquakes to be true, though I handled him well," I told them

Natasha nodded at that and entered the pilot seat, there was no sign of Tony yet,

"Tony is here as well, he is in the Hellicarrier, talking to Fury as we speak," Nat told me, does she have the power to read minds now.

"The Enchantress is very strong, for you guys at least, I advise that you guys don't fight her head-on, maybe fight her directly, don't give her the distance, and no matter what, don't let her get a hold of you, she has Asgardian level strength, same goes for that Giant man I fought, he is even stronger."

Nat replayed my fight with the two villains while everyone watched

"Wait! when did you become this strong" Fairy was shocked at my display of brute strength"

"Heh! you thought I was some glass canon, didn't you, I have been this strong from the beginning, never really had a reason to use my hands, this ax has the power to destroy magic it seems, so I had to get personal," I told them

"I see, you think you can contact Blitz, have him come in on this!" Fury asked me


"Hah! there is my best friend and wizard in the world" It was Tony, walking around the command center like he owned the place

"And this must be the iced soldier, and you must be the big greenie, you should meet with Blitz" Tony pointed everyone out, minus Nat and Fury

Bruce could only chuckle dryly at Tony's comment, While I contemplated whether to tell them that Blitz and I are the same, I had Clone jutsu, but those aren't as resilient as me, one hit and they go proof, if by chance I end up making things worse, I might not be able to look at myself in the mirror again.

The place descended into chaos once Tony started speaking from his damn mouth causing everyone to leave him be with me and Bruce in the lab.

I gave Bruce the ax, after making sure it won't be a danger, maybe he can get a reading off it or something

I had already cast a charm spell, but no matter what I wasn't able to locate the Giant, I guess Enchantress isn't that bad, she is someone that can even hide from the Eye of Agamotto.

Tony started asking me questions once Bruce told him how he was living with me for the past year,I wouldn't say that was exactly the truth.

He complained how I left him after finding a new buddy

I knew he was just joking around with me,I saw him using his tech to hack into the ship , he winked at me when he saw ,I could only chuckle at that

"Tony,I have something I wanna tell you" I told him.

He was a good friend,I have already decided to come out after the war, it's better if I tell him in advance

"What is it, dont tell me! are you finally going to let me ride the carpet" he asked excitedly

"Not really, you know that non-magical can't use it right!"

He visibly became sad at that,"Though I might be able to come up with a solution for that after all of this is over"

"That's great,I am looking forward to that, scratch that,I am gonna make an Alladin suit for myself" he started rambling again

"Can you guys give me some silence" asked Bruce,

We left him alone and hung around the place, they even had a cafeteria ,I really wanna build a floating island for myself,I told Tony and he said that was willing to lend me his tech if I needed it, provided he gets a place on it as well

Once we were comfortable I addressed him again, though this time he was quiet as well,I guess he must have seen how I wasn't joking around

"What's been bugging you,I can't help but notice you seem a little bit serious ,that's weird for you"

"sigh! it's about me"

"what happened, are you alright" he asked me, worry evident on his face"

"I am alright ,I have a secret , a secret I have keot from everyone, even from you" I told him

"Is that it! my guy, I need for you to know that everyone has a secret or two" he told he as he safely nodded his head

"Even if that secret could potentially destroy friendships" I asked him, he become stunned at that

"I guess...i honestly don't know, what I do know is that you my friend," he grabbed my shoulders and looked at me intently," if it weren't for you appearing out of nowhere, helping me whenever you did, when no one else did,I would have died"

I gave a dry laugh, not knowing what to say, Tony was being too straight forward

"So whatever it is, lay it out on me,I promise not to lash out or be over dramatic" he told me, as he gave me a 'Show me' expression

I took a boig breath

"Actually I am..., I am Blitz" I said it,I finally did

I hear no sound from Tony,I look from my legs, he is just looking at me, like I ate his favorite hamburger right in front of him

"Tony..." I call him out

"ah! I can't believe it" he yells and stands up, hands on his head

"It was so obvious at that start,I never saw the two of you together,I was so stupid" he yells again, grabbing the attention of everyone nearby, realizing his mistake, he shushes himself and sits down again

"I can't believe it, why!how !what" he says in a hushed voice, a hand over his mouth as he comes closer to me

"And who else knows among us all " he asked

"Just you and Bruce, Ancient One knows as well" I told him

"Whos the Ancient One , wait! scratch that, you told Bruce before me, why!" he yells again.

"I don't know man,I just did, its been a month or less I think, we were working together on that lizard guy that showed up in midtown"

He cut me off again

"Oh my God, you guys caught a lizard guy, when did New York have that, and you we're working on it without me ,I am so disappointed" he whined

"I am sorry, he was just the right one for the job,I wanted to tell you sooner but did have the guts,I didn't know how you would react" I told him.

He was about to say something when Bruce called us back to the lab, he was able to track the gamma ray emission from the cube

"We aren't done with this,I can't believe you kept such a secret from me" Tony Whined as he picked his Taco

,we made our way to the lab

"I thought men were supposed to have one or two secrets of their own" I countered,I could feel he wasn't as hostile as I was thinking

"Hey! you dare use my own words against me, and besides, you are a wizard, not a man" he countered

"That doesn't make any sense"

"Exactly , just like your secret, its full of holes, we are gonna discuss that in detail once this is over" he told me.



Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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