Chapter 162 Jean Knows

We made way into the Stark tower and entered the building, The place had seen better days, even though I did my best to keep the fight to a minimum, but accidents were bound to happen

"The place is wrecked!" Tony exclaimed as he looked at me

"Hmoh! you should see Oscorp, See how well Thor took care of it" I replied, Tony went quiet, the Oscorpt tower had a giant Leviathan resting atop its roof, I will get that down later,don't want it turning the people down on streets into mincemeat.

The Agents came and asked about the one who cause all this, The enchantress,I told them about every thing that happened and that she was taken back by Asgard, Thor who was standing besides me , with his hammer in hand became witness,

Though I doubt these guys would have a problem with me,I think me showing them just what I could do should put the fear of in them.

The men then asked about the Tesseract, to which I said nothing, they didn't need that stuff,I reckon it's important for hydra,originally Thor would have denied them the Tesseract.

But for some reason he didn't speak,

"We are gonna need the Tesseract back" they pressed on,which tensed the situations

"If you want it so much, you can go and get it yourself" I spat back at them, first they try and nuke us, then ,when all the problem has been settled, they come in and talk like we are their fucking slaves.

The bald guy then looked at me, as if I was some kind of idiot and asked

"And where exactly Is it, you guys weren't so keen on that,I have to remind you, it is the property of the world council"

I sneered,I have just the thing for them

I waved my hand and the space broke as if it was made of glass

"Go in, and get the cube yourself, that is if you can travel their, ten minutes in and you will start losing yourself," I dared them to walk inside, one minute and no-one moved

"I have sent the Tesseract to where it belongs, and don't think I have forgotten about you all nuking us" I let my chakra go free as it made them fall to the floor, some of them fainted as well.

"Let's go guys" I told them and entered the elevator along with Bruce, Peter went back home, he was going to make sure that his aunt and Uncle were okay.

After the small staring contest with the team of World council,we finally arrived at the penthouse on top,

Tony looked around the place, the tower recieved too much damage

Jean also flew in,as soon as she saw me,she put on that same angry face,the same one that she made when i stole her favorite food

The others looked at her,to them ,she was an unknown,most of the happening between the mutants gets covered up by Xavier,and only the world council and Maybe Fury has access to the info about them

"Great! another redhead,and this one is actually something else" Tony quipped as he moved towards the Bar,his armor coming off as he did so.

Those bastards didnt even give us time to freshen up.

Jean slowly walked in , Capatin went forward, as usual he thanked her for her deeds of helping, he had no secret agenda and didn't ask her about anything like who she was or anything

This brought her out of whatever she was thinking, though she was still looking at me from time to time, Jean got acquainted with everyone.

Tony invited her for a drink, to which she refused politely.Everyone sat down and drank a glass of Firewhiskey, though I was in the mood for Butterbeer and I got one for Jean as well

"Thanks Mr silver" Said Jean, which caused Tony to correct her

"Haha , no his name is Cedric Diggory, I know it's weird right" Said Tony as he drank a mouthful, meanwhile I was sweating, and judging from the looks of victory on her face, she had figured it out.

I could only smile at that.

"Hello People,I hope you are in good shape" Fury came in,I noticed how his eyes stayed on Jean for a while which spooked me more then it did her.

I don't want her to be on this bastards range.

"Heya! Fury, you want some" Asked Tony

Fury nodded as he sat down amongst us

"I am here today, to thank all of you, You guys weren't obliged , yet you all came ahead and helped us, provided we did have some mishaps along the way, and to that," Fury linked his glasses with ours



Everyone cheered, they did deserve it, Although Fury was wrong to weaponize Tesseract, it didn't mean that the normal people are supposed to stay unarmed.

Now that news will travel that Earth repelled the Army of thanks, no matter how, will make waves, waves that might prove bad for us.or good as well

Which depends on whether or not the Skrull try to take us over from the inside, Or if the kree are taking our people and trying to replicate the X gene.

Or if Thanos is a war monger, or a deaths lover or just the plain one from the MCU.

We all talked for a while before everyone started dispersing, Thor who was unusually quiet went back home empty handed,I guess The Ancient One might have already delivered Enchantress to Odin.

Widow and Hawkeye went back to base, Tony got busy with Bruce, I guess they aren't gonna build a armor around the Earth this time around, beside, Hulk still had his training to do,

Fury told us we would be having a press conference tomorrow and that one if us would be acting as a spokesperson for the rest if us.

I was pretty sure it was going to be Tony or someone else, maybe even Nat, but how surprised I was when I found out it was me.


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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I love you guys <3