Chapter 183 Clone is now a cat

I just hope the lair fixes itself, oh! it already did, that's good. I should try out everything to see how powerful I really am, and can I travel space with this armor on.

'Ddraig can I go to space using this mode?!' I asked excitedly only to receive nothing

"I don't have time for this, I should check up on what my Clone is up to." I said to no one in the empty danger room before I opened a portal and walked through to where I felt it, a presence.

I ended up in the Atlantic, isn't this the place where...

"Yo! what are you doing here?, were you successful?" I heard the voice of someone, it was gruff.

"Hah! why are you running around looking like a polar bear." I asked incredulously

The One said the polar bear was my clone.

"What do ya mean, I am spying on me." he said in his gruff voice, he then stood up on his feet and pointed at the far north

"There is one of the main Hydra headquarters located at that place and I am pretty sure that they might even have some mutant shit going on in there."

I watched him with suspicion as he scratched his body like a cute guy would do, seriously! what is wrong with my clones, some are smarter than me, and some like to fool around.

I spread my senses and sure enough, there were chakra signatures, ones that belonged to normal people, then a stronger signature and the very familiar signature from the mutants.

" See! told ya didn't I." he said and patted his back as he got on all four."


"Come on!"

'Sigh! I guess a little ride ain't hurt nobody.' I told myself and got on him, only for him to run like the wind...on the air no less.

"Is this your idea of covert!" I yelled in his ears, I was very good at flying, but that's on my own, I don't like fast Flying objects, to be honest, call it a previous life horror.

"There is no fun on the ground, beside I have already secured the whole area with Fuinjutsu, so no one is going in or out." he told me.

'Huh! guess no matter what, my clone is still a part of me.' I couldn't help but be amused at the way my clones acted. sure they were whimsical, paranoid, serious as hell sometimes, and sometimes they were dark as the dark knight...but I guess they are me.

I slowly rubbed the soft fur under me, only for the flying polar to look at me dead in the eye.

"No homo bro!" he shouted at me.

"Homo your mom, you bastard."

"You do realise you are cursing at yourself, don't you." he retorted.

I closed my eyes and felt the cold air hug me, along with the occasional sounds of howls from my clone. Do polar bears even howl like that?

We reached the base in minutes and I got off of him, I was about to go in and start my massacre as Hydra never really was good in any way, and If I find prisoners, I will just rescue them.

speaking of refugees, I still haven't been able to find some people's families yet, I just hope they can have a good life, and move out of my lair. I think I should give them the mansion that Bruce was using previously.

The polar bear, my clone stopped me, I looked at him curiously, what was he trying to do? he gave me an excited smile.

"Do you remember those cliche movies we watched as kids. You know where you see a cute doggo or a cat, or some cute little animals who suddenly eats you and becomes a monster." he said excitedy.

I sighed, why do I have to be stuck with the weird ones.

"Sure! go ahead" I told him.

He smiled at me and turned into a cat, a freakin cat in this weather.

He walked towards the guards posted upfront, I was sure as hell they would shoot the shit out of him, but surprise! they didn't.

"oh! such a cute kitty, come here."

"What's your name little kitten, what should we call you." the second guard said as he picked it up.

"Agent! focus on your duty- oh! my God she really is cute, it's decided, your name shall be floppy." The chubby-looking guard said as his tone changed from serious to one of love.

"Floppy! what's that, your underwear brand." the fourth guard barked in laughter

Suddenly the second guard who was holding floppy- my clone disappeared inside the jaws of my clone.

at least that was what the other saw as they suddenly grew terrified of the little kitten who was busy licking her paws.

"Oh my God! she took Chalres, Bad! Mrs Floppy!" the first guard said.

The chubby guy was terrified as he smacked the man on the head and told him to focus

They started shooting at her, my clone could have simply killed them using the Genjutsu but he broke them out of it.

I guess he was having fun with them, I liked it, I guess I would have denied it before this, but due to the training I did, I came face to face with myself, and my vengeful side.

I guess I wasn't as white as I thought, no racism intended.

the bullets did nothing to my clone as he walked closer to one of the guards and surely meow before chopping his head off.

In moments the original four guards were dead, but by that time, the whole Site was alerted as several agents of Hydra came chasing after the cat with energy weapons.



And they were gone, returned to dust.

I looked at my clone as he saluted at me in ninja style before he vanished, I sighed as memories assaulted me.

I pushed them back with my extreme control over my mind and ran towards the hydra HQ. it was time this One head, two head fanatical can finally died.


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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I love you guys <3