Chapter 196 Serpent, Skadi the Frost Goddess

"He was over here just moments ago...but then he was gone, I don't even know if he ran away or someone or something took him away." she told me as we scouted the whole of New York to find his brother, I wasn't depending on my chakra sensing ability as I wasn't even able to feel him disappear.

though that didn't mean I was using him.

"Is there anything else you remember, anything at all!?" - I asked her as we flew through the air.

"He...he was acting very weird lately, I don't know why, he was unusually arrogant and was ignoring me lately." she told me.

I could hear the small stutter in her voice that would have gone unnoticed, she was about to cry, if it wasn't for her tough girl act, she would have cried by now.

"Don't worry Wanda, we are gonna find your brother and see what he is up to, he is probably gone to some faraway city to eat some sushi or stuff?" I told her in a light tone, trying to have her calm down

Though in reality, I wasn't sure about what was happening myself, From what I have seen of him, Pietro is extremely protective of his sister, He wouldn't act in any way to make her hurt.

I had contacted the Ancient One as I had a bad feeling, and as I expected, she wasn't able to locate him, not was Heimdall for that matter, and that only meant two things.

Either he was a worthy under Cul Borson now, or he was in another reality by now, maybe ge ruptured the multiverse barrier and went away, accidentally, though I don't feel like he has such power.

I didn't want to say it, but I guess Wanda already had an idea as to what was happening, which means it could happen again, What if Serpent, better known as Cul, takes away Hulk, that would be a disaster.

The most terrifying thing was that he was able to steal someone from me, someone inside my lair, which was protected by magic and tech, even the Fidelius charm didn't work against him.

'He is a known Magic user, capable of being able to stay out of the radar of even the Ancient One. Whom even I can't stay out of sight from.' I thought as I slowly drifted across the city.

"Let's check in Egypt and its neighbouring countries." I told her and opened a portal to Egypt, Wanda silently followed behind me, as soon as I walked ahead.

I was greeted with the sight of death and destruction, My chakra-sensing ability picked up zero chakra signature.

The whole of Cairo was dead, no one was in sight.

"Oh my God!" I couldn't help but a curse, Serpent acted and took off a whole city, with only empty burning buildings left in his wake.

"Blegh!" Wanda who saw the scenes of death and destruction started vomiting, it became messier as she was flying.

I caught her and pushed some magic in her, helping her calm down, though she did give me a glare.

I guess she still doesn't like when I do it, she thinks I am controlling her mind, which I am not by the way as her brain is too weird, too chaotic for me to control or see into for that matter.

"Did he do all this!" she said as she calmed down.

I nodded at that, But what I don't understand is why no one saw this, Did Heimdall not see this either, or is that guy thinking human lives are worthless or something.

I contacted Fury and told him what happened. He became alert, and soon I received a piece of news from him.

Two worthies have shown up in Texas, and they are wreaking havoc. I immediately opened up a portal and flew through, followed closely by Wanda.

We came to the sight of people being hit by lightning or freezing into ice sculptures.

{Hero of Midgard, I have sense, Oh!}

"Glad to know your eyes still work Heimdall, help my friends with coming here will ya." I told him, I was sure he was gonna give Thor a ride, might as well have the others come here as well.

I sensed two particularly strong chakra signatures, my dragon senses also picked up the signatures.

I told Wanda to go ahead and help anyone she can, although she was far too worried about her brother, she still nodded and got right to it.

It took me no time to run into a feminine figure who I can guess is likely worthy, particularly Skadi.

As she was about to blow an iced human's head off, who was full of despair, I rammed into her , effectively sending her barreling into a nearby building and saving the man.

I used a spell and he was back to being normal again, that's why I love magic, simple and effective.

I sent him away and got ready as Skadi came flying back, I narrowly dodged her attacks and used my other hand to cast a fireball Jutsu at her, who conjured a wall of ice, stopping the attack.

Just as I was about to use the head hunter Jutsu, I felt something approaching me.

It was a hammer, Having a long ass handle with a simple small Hammer piece at the end, it was sure weird.

But the fact that it easily tore through the ice wall gave me enough warnings that it would surely hurt....or at least sting.

I heaved a sigh of relief, as I dodged yet another attack.

"Hmph! Hero of Midgard, The Devil of Shield, is that all you have is that all you are worth, I honestly expected more." Skadi said as he caught the hammer and strikes the ground.

Once rapidly spread throughout the place. I did not doubt that the whole block or two will be frozen, but some people hadn't evacuated yet.

And these people were the only reason this bitch could speak, she knew I was deadly, and unbeatable if I had free space.

I watched her give me a huge grin as the ice started approaching me.

"Hmph! KhaoPachi, Come out, we got a contender." I yelled and pulled KhaoPachi out of my chest.

As soon as KhaoPachi came out, The previously ice-covered Floor became wet with water and the hammer of Skadi lost against the Staff KhaoPachi.

"Is that all you got, hmph." I mocked her with her own words, making her grit her blue teeth as she sent it at me again, though as I was about to get her hammer.

Caps shield appeared out of nowhere and struck the hammer, sending it flying back, I had it handled but I didn't want to make the Captain look bad.

"Captain America, it's an honour to meet you, I shall have your head decorated on a spike and Hydra shall rise again." Skadi said as she gave a menacing grin.

I didn't give her time to complete her monologue, the one to strike first wins and that's exactly what we did, I sent the staff hurling at her that turned into a giant Flaming dragon..why does it look like a Chibi Ddraig is what I don't know.


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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I love you guys <3

All right, our guy is officially powerful from now in the latest chapie, i will soon update an auxillary chapter to give you an update of what a beast he has become