Chapter 200 Finale of the serpent I

It took me three days, but I have finally done it. It wasn't easy, the only reason I was able to do this is because I had my comprehensive ability enhanced because of the mind stone.

I entered my subconscious and saw the old man who was buried inside the ground with only his head exposed to the outside.

Giving Ddraig a look that said 'explain', I moved the old man out of the ground and towards me.

*He was being a pain in the ass, I believe I might have killed him off if it weren't for you asking me not to.*

"It's alright, he isn't gonna live through this anyway." I said casually and before the man had a chance to speak, he started turning into black motes of light before dissipating.

"So that's the plan, I am sorry for overestimating you, you are just a brute." I said as I left my mind, giving Ddraig a good bye.

I immediately arrived inside the Helicarrier, surprising the others for a moment, Though they put their guns back in once they saw who it was.

"Where is Fury?" I asked Maria Hill who was overlooking everyone.

"He is in the lab, the one Bruce used in the previous alien invasion." she explained to me.

"Mr. Diggory!" she called me out as I was about to go.

I turned back, asking her to continue asking what she wanted,

"Did you get anything, about the God of fear?" she asked.

"Yes, Yes I did," I told her and left.

There wasn't much time left.

I barged into the lab without knocking and came to the sight of Bruce with The black widow.

"H-Hey! Diggory, I didn't see you." he said as Black widow looked at me with anger in her eyes.

"You should have knocked!" she told me in a blank voice.

"I clearly should have." I replied, giving her a smirk.

"It's alright, so...did you get anything about the guy we are looking for." asked Bruce as he buttoned up his shirt.

Trying to steer the conversation, huh.

"Yes, I know where he is now, also what he is planning, he will use the worthies to attack three different cities while he sees the show. He knows that I know about this, but I am sure he doesn't know about the fact that I know where he Is" I told them in one breath.

"Let me call the team, everyone needs to be here, meet in the cortex in ten." Natasha said as she walked out of the lab in a hurry.

Partly because of the new info and partly because of embarrassment, that's a new emotion on her.

As soon as she walked out, I looked to Bruce who just shook his head.

"Don't ask me, please don't."

he said pleadingly, I gave a wicked laugh, I didn't even notice that the rabbits were humping in the bushes, how careless of me.

"Gentleman, what's happening here?" Fury came in just at the right time

I pointed at Bruce whose face was marked with lipsticks and said.

"He got laid."


My God! Fury is no fun.

"I meant, what is happening with Our new threat, do we have any intel." he asked.

I told him what I told Nat and Bruce before I told him that a meeting will be held in ten minutes.

I also got the time to ask Wanda to come back using magic.

Or my clone could have used a portal but I guess, whatever.

it took fifteen minutes before everyone was present.

I also found out that Skadi was now back to being a normal human, which meant that the hammer has been stolen back by Cul.

"Alright, these are the places where the worthies will attack." I told them as I enlarged the map.

"my god! is that the white house." Bruce gasped.


I then gave the second location, it was Washinton D.C., not that specific but I got what I had through hard work and they better appreciate it.

"Hmmm, what's the third location." Fury and Cap asked at the same time.

"It's in New York."

"Not again, I just rebuilt the tower." Tony whined.

"Can you act a bit serious!" Cap reprimanded and Tony looked before he became quiet.

"As usual the supernatural people are targeting America again, I don't know what everyone does that, but we are going to be prepared this time.i think it's best you prepare the Iron legion, Tony." I told him.

"What's that." asked Fury

Cap also looked at Tony, to which Tony told them about how he is making a ton of armours to self-fight.

"The wizards won't be helping this time, so I am going to give you all some stuff, such as portkeys so that we can divide our attention and fight at out peak, have each others back." I told them.

I also told them that Wanda's brother was now under the control of Cul and that we need to bring him back.

I made sure to tell them about the abilities of Absorbing man ,I was only able to get a rough estimate of who was coming.

"While you all fight his henchmen,I will be taking care of the big guy, he is hiding inside a forgotten hydra base, and no, I am going alone." I told them.

After discussing a bit more, I told Silent to inform Peter of what was happening and what to expect in the coming days. I also told Wanda about it as she wasn't in the meeting in time.

She was livid once she found out what happened, and wanted to barge into the base and fight the god to death, but I was able to convince her that what we were doing was the best direction to go in.

Once I was done with that I appeared in the stark tower, Tony was in the bar, cooking up a drink.

"Hey! want one." he asked.

I shook my head and sat in front of him.

I had a bit of a bad news for him.


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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I love you guys <3