Chapter 202 Infinity holder

Jack and Cul traded blows after blows as they finally arrived far away from civilians

The God of fear had a bit of blood of slipping down his mouth, though that seemed to ignite a deep spark in the God.

"Hoho! I haven't felt like this in a while, you are worthy to fight me." He declared as he put his hands forwards and the whole place started to surround itself in darkness.

Jack clicked his his tongue in annoyance,the God was really good at magic, most of his attacks were negated easily, so he was fighting with pure strength.

Though the surrounding darkness was rather alarming, Jack could finally feel himself in danger.

A deep feeling arose in his lower abdomen.

'I can't let him finish.' Jack thought as he rocketed towards Cul at immense speed, ready to deliver an attack that would uproot the sea below.


"Sorry but that won't work." Cul said as the first passed through him, Jack didn't feel the chest of Cul puncturing.

It seemed as if Cul was now a ghost.

"Although I can't use illusions and mind tactics on you, you will not be able to stop this." Said Cul.

The world turned murky all of a sudden as if the creator had accidentally spilt a whole barrel of black tar ink on the world.

Feelings of Despair, Fear and Hopelessness spread like wildfire.

*Patrner, He is going to turn the whole of Earth into his play ground, then you won't be able to defeat him, I suggest you use balance breaker and the mind stone. The armor will provide you with enough power to use the stones at will.*

I heard the voice of Ddraig, Cul at this moment appeared behind me, he was looking like a being made of ink, I couldn't even feel him come at me.

I barely dodged a strike as it went past my head.

"I am getting stronger every second, all the emotions will be sucked in, and I shall come out as the one true god." He said.

"Are you sure you aren't just bluffing, I mean, Earth does have several figures who could get rid of you with the snap of a finger." said Jack as he took some distance.

Before a Red gauntlet appeared in his hands and blinding red lights were released from his body, Cul looked at the rapidly glowing Light with greed in his eyes.

"So that's what the dragon does, I shall gracefully accept your gift once I dispose of you, mortal." He said as his hands came forward to gauge at Jack.


"What! impossible, how is this possible."

*Boost*Boost*Booost*Boost*Boooost*Bossst....*Balane breaker*

*Infinity holder*

Finally the light died down, what came out was Jack covered in his armor, except it was overflowing with blue and yellow energies of the mond stone.

"Let's see if I can touch you now." Jack laughed as he disappeared from his position, Cul tried moving away but found himself locked in place, but unlike before, he couldnt move no matter what he did.

"Hahhh." Jack released a punch that sent the figure of Cul flying, leaving behind a streak of blood.

Jack didn't let up and kept punching him, though Cul would immediately start healing and it looked like the fight wasn't going anywhere, though the real matter was different.

The skill Cul had used was one specific to him, he had used his divinity of Darkness and fear to seize control of a portion of space, where he was basically a god that couldn't be killed and would grow stronger using the feelings of fear from the people that knew who he was.

Jack knew all this because the Mind stone was feeding him with the power, although the current Jack wasnt able to seize back the control from Cul even with the Space stone.

He was able to have Cul slowly deplete his reserves.

After ten minutes of relentless beating the surroundings slowly started to crumble and fell.

" bastard." Cul cursed, as he was lifted by his neck, his body could barely be called a functioning one.

"It's the end Cul, and there won't be an Asgard to save you this time. I am sure Odin will let me kill you." Jack said.

To which Cul gave a laugh, a laugh of insanity as he looked at the skies.

"Hahaha! you hear that Odin, you hear this mortal Kid, since when did Mortals had the nerve to call us directly by our names."

"He won't be hearing you, not for a while, Earth is currently being protected by the space stones energy, nothing goes in and out, not even a high God like Odin." Jack grinned as his helmet disappears, leaving behind a bloodied face.

Using Two Stones at once was taking some tall on him, he could still go on for thirty minutes, an hour or two with one stone.

I'm visibly shook at the thought.

"No! don't do this, you are making a big mistake." shouted Cul, but Jack was having none of this, he still remembers how the Asgardians came to him for Enchantress, he wasn't going to let this one go.

"You think you will be safe if you do this,I am an Asgardian, I am a God." Cul shouted at the top of his lungs as he started squirming, the hold of the space stone being too strong for him to break free from.

But who was he, he was the God that even his own people feared with fervor. Suddenly the sea below started churning before a whirlpool formed and a giant snake came slithering out.

As it's fangs were about to reach Jack,

"Hpmh! that all you got, be gone."

with a simple snap, the giant 90 meters snake got shredded and died.

It didn't even know what hit it, that was the power of the space stone, that was the power the stone held inside.

I'm finally lost hope, he was hopeless...he was afraid.

"Let's see how it feels to kill a god." Jack struck his hands inside Cul.


the boosted gear issued a sound.

Cul issued a grunt as his body bled out while he hung in the air, Jack made sure the God was dead, using the mind stone, he also extracted all the knowledge the man had on magic and see if anything was missing.

After dipositing the body in his inventory and making sure the system counted it as the body of a dead asgardian god.

Jack issued a sigh, Loki was at it again.



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