Chapter 206...The meeting

I look at Sasuke and his family with a glint in my eyes, Fugaku is still alive and well, I have also come to know about some Uchiha elders who plan on doing something dubious, something that might cause them to be eradicated.

Though I can't say it's their fault, not completely at least.

"They are not good enough, Zabimaru-sama." Replied Sasuke.i could feel his aura , he was exhibiting respect, I guess that's what happens when you are standing in front of a Legend.

"Hmm, then I hope you win this exam and become a chunin, if you have any questions and need guidance, you can come to me."

With my final words, Fugaku took the queue and everyone left, aside from Fugaku, he sat back down in front of me.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Patriarch-sama, the Elders are getting restless, they believe that after you are gone, the Uchiha will be treated even worse than now, I have heard rumors of them thinking of usurping your position and take action against the Hokage." Fugaky said in a single sentence

According to the memories, he was a firm believer of mine and a mole for me in case the elders spring up any new ideas.

And another thing is that my...what should I call it, Clone has been rather soft these years and that has allowed some problems to spring up.

I do plan to get rid of Danzo, though that will have to wait until the exams, I will be taking care of him in the time of exams.

Plus that snaky bastard as well, he is really hard to kill, for a ninja that is, with me being a master of mystic arts and the newly learned Soul magic from the library,I have grown very proficient in it.

I believe I can kill that guy in one fell swoop, but it needs some probing as I am not sure how my magic will react to his soul seals , or whatever they are called, Cursed seals?


"Yes, Zabimaru-Sama!" he replied.

"I want you to keep an eye on all the elders and those that are the part of Anbu and Root, meanwhile I will be going to the meeting this time." I replied, which earned a great amount of shock from him.

I hadn't been going to the meetings for a while now, maybe an year or two since I last left for a meeting, some speculated that I was sick and dying, which is bullshit since I am fine as a bull.

"You will go by yourself, Zabimaru-Sama." He asked, unsure of what he heard, that was the good expression on his usually dull and broody face.

"Is that a problem, Fugaku."

"Absolutely not! Zabimaru-sama." He said before ge left after giving a bow.

The reason I will be going to the meeting is to show those old foxes that I am not dead yet, lets see if they have the guts to deny my request, for starters I will be asking them to abolish all the extra taxes and restrictions they have placed on my clansman, although I wouldn't have felt much for them, but I have shed blood for the people of this clan and lived for them, though most of the people that I remember from my time here, are dead, but their children are still alive.


I got ready for the meeting, wearing my custom Uchiha Robe that was grey in color with an Uchiha symbol on it.

Today they will also be discussing the exams that are going to be held and some more. My target this time is to have them see reason, or have them see why I am called The white haired devil of the Uchiha.

I spread my chakra senses and directly arrived in front of the hokage building, no doubt my enormous chakra reserves that I purposely let leak out will be sending sending alarms off in their heads.

As I walked in the building, I could see the fear and small amount of respect that the people showed me, as well as the Anbu that were spread throughout the building, seemingly unable to move, either due to the fear or due to the presence of my Chakra.

I stopped in front of the door, where the meeting is supposed to be held, releasing a sigh I walked in.

I saw several figures of the various clans sitting on their chairs, normally they would have been causally chatting up a storm, but not today, probably my chakra had them scared shitless.

I walked in as everyone gawked at me, taking a seat that I knew belonged to my clan, smirked at them as I said,

"Whats going on people!?" I asked in a carefree manner.

"Zabimaru-Sama, you are..." I heard Sarutobi mutter.

"Alive? well? among the living! yes I am good, thank you very much for asking." I replied as every one kept looking at me, as I stared back at them, they hurriedly avoided my gaze, Sarutobi being an old fox quickly took the situation back in hand.

"Ahem! since everyone is here, lets start the meeting, today we are gathered to discuss the security about the upcoming Chunin Exams as well as any minor problems that have come to be in these days." he said.

Soon enough, everyone started putting in their two cents on how to increase the security, once the matter was finished, I called out.

"Since the matter about the exams is already over, I have a few things I want to discuss." I said as everyone tensed.

They all sat in attention and we're ready to hear me, I could feel the amount of hostility in the room was not that much, though the Hyuga head was exhibiting some amounts of negativity at me.

"Yes, Zabimaru-Sama, what is it?" asked Hiruzen as he took a puff.

"Then I will say it, I want back all the land that has been taken from the Uchiha, to put it in simple words, I want the Uchiha back where they were before the incident with the fox."

Instantly I felt negative emotions Permeate the room.


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