Chapter 232 Meeting the Nova prime again

Before Jack could continue his talk with Jean, Peter who was rolling on the ground in pain also stood up and looked at Jack for a moment before he spoke,

"Who the fuck are you, are you from Terra as well?" As expected.

Jack who heard that nodded at Peter, Jean also looked at him.

"How did a human find his way into space?" She wondered.

"He was kidnapped by the Ravager Yondu when he was a kid by the orders of a celestial, though Yondu never completed the order so we are all alive." Jack said in a single breath.

"I am sorry what! what Celestial, and how do you know all this?" Peter asked, still a little shocked about it.

Gamora also listened in while Drax was busy looking at Bruce, who was also awkwardly looking back at him.

"It's nothing, though I suppose it's better to help you out, though you will have to wait a while for that to happen." Jack said in a mysterious manner.

He didn't know how to tell the poor guy that his father, who was a living planet, as well as a celestial, wanted his body or whatever, and that his mother was dead.

'What if I eat Ego, my power is on a planetary level already,I hope I can get a good enough boost, though if I really use everything I have at my disposal, I can be on the level of turning several planets to dust.' Jack thought.

"What do you mean that will have to wait? listen to me you!-" as Peter was about to continue to annoy Jack.

The Nova Corps was finally out of its stupor and invited Jack to meet the Nova Prime, the previous haughtiness carried by the authority was nowhere to be seen.

They had seen a supposed caveman destroy one of the strongest armies carrying an essential power of the universe with ease.

It was time for them to be the ones to be nervous.

Jack thought for a while, then decided to go ahead and meet her, he could also ask her for some special privileges.

Despite the tough battle, everything inside the tower was seemingly fine though the same could not be said about the city, the place was filled with the spoil of war and fortunately, the citizens were safe, mostly because Jean was keeping them safe, her powers had truly developed in a very powerful directions.

A large area as big as the whole city was exuded from her body during the battle, every friendly in that place was constantly healed and energized.

Jean, Bruce and Jack calmly walked behind a Nova corps official who was sweating buckets of cold sweat, like he would be killed if he angered the Terrans...the monsters behind him in anyway.

'I wanna go home and sleep.' were the thoughts on his mind.'

Jean who could read the surface thoughts giggled, which was quickly silenced by Jack who gave her an accusatory look.

It's not like he never read the minds of people, but most of hem were criminals and villains.

He had tried his best to never cross the lines, partly because of the morals and because he was scared about that fact that someone else might read his mind as well.

"Welcome, Dear heroes of Xandar." Nova prime said as she spread her arms, various foods were placed on the table.

"Hmm." Jack nodded in return,

"Shouldn't you be helping the terrified citizens and giving them food, this is a waste if resources." Jean couldn't help but reprimand the Nova Prime.

No one had the qualifications to do so, but Irani Rael, the Nova Prime was someone who had seen the outside world, and knew that those with a bigger first have the most power, so she didn't show any bad thoughts.

"I am sorry, I just thought it was best to treat the ones who saved our planet with the utmost respect and majesty they deserve." The Nova Prime replied in a swift manner befitting of her title.

"Then we shall accept." Bruce replied, Jean shrugged her head, Jack sat beside her and Nova Prime.

Bruce sat to her left, the man had a very peculiar light in his eyes.

'There are a hundred better options, does he have a thing for....old people.' Jack couldn't help but think.

He decided not to mull over these things and started eating the delicacies while avoiding the weird looking ones on the table.


Peter Quilll and his group of misfits Guardians of the galaxy were waiting on their newly repaired ships, Waiting for jack as he had promised them, or more specifically Peter was waiting for his answers.

'What did he mean by that? is there something going on that I don't know about, Yondu isn't answering me for some reason, This bastard is my only hope.' Peter thought as he played around with a cube, Gamora kept looking at him.

"It's gonna take a while for that man to be free, I guess the Nova empire will try and establish connections with that man, even rope him in if they can." Gamora gave her piece

"All I wanna know is, how that hell did he make all those ships vanish right in front of our eyes." Rocket asked as he tweaked around with a peculiar-looking gun that he was previously using to blast open holes in the Dark aster.

"Groooot!" Grooted replied as he started stretching his hands upward in an attempt to imitate Jacks actions.

"He is strong....He beat Ronan so easily." Drax was still munching on some food he bought as he thought about what happens.

"Yeah! I get it he is powerful, but I need answers, and I am getting them no matter what." Peter said with resolution, thinking about what the guy said about some celestial.

'And I am a half celestial according to those Nova corps officers....which means.'


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