Chapter 211....There is no chapter 210

"I would like to invite you as a representative during the exams" Hokage said as he slurped the noodles.

"Last time I heard, you were pretty vengeful on us uchiha for our suppose betrayal" Jack mocked Hokage as he also waited for the Ramens to gather so that he can put them away.

"After that day, it's been really hard for me to actually help the uchiha and the council is always pressuring me to work things out, I don't have a say in everything that happens" Hokage said, as if he was really a powerless old man.

"The previous Hokage were determined and strong-willed, they didn't let their friends get in the way of their work. You, Hiruzen are the worst of them all, even though Tobi was filled with hatred for us, he still knew our importance, I feel like you are a tumour that is infecting the village itself." Jack said in one breath and his voice wasn't all that low,

Hiruzen who was on the receiving end of this insult would have lashed out if it weren't for the fact that he knew how weak he was in front of the other party, as no one had seen him fight seriously,

"A village is ruled by law and regulation, you expect me to use an iron fist to rule and be known as a tyrant," Hiruzen said, trying his best to guilt trap Jack.

Jack was having none of this, "Are you fockin serious with me, if that were the case, why did you let Orochimaru escape, I know for a fact that you let him go or he would not have escaped and you still allow that fuckin Danzo to do things as he pleases...I am still talking to you despite your bullshitery because you are the third Hokage, but don't force my hand, as for why you want to be a representative, I know it's because you think I am gonna play some end-game tactics to usurp your stupid position" Jack mocked Hiruzen further as he clarified the reason why He wanted Jack near him at all times.

The Hokage was filled with surprise as his trick was seen through, he didn't think the normally suppressed Uchiha would see this gesture as a trick.

"I don't need an army to deal with you or this village Hiruzen I could have taken this village right from your teacher and his idiot of a brother, I am just that powerful, here is a small demo for you to understand" Jack used his ability to snatch Hiruzens Physical parameters that included his chakra as well before he placed a space lock on him and a Genjutsu

Although people would think he was being a bit weird and rude, if they had gone through the memories of what he had gone through and seen what was happening over here, they would have immediately killed Danzo and his henchmen.

"Take this as a learning experience from an elder, even though I look young as hell, I am still older them you, both in experience and age. Never try and trick me" Jack said his final piece as he took his ramen and left the stand, If Hiruzen were but conscious, he would know that no one was reacting to his sickly body that was lying on the ground because Jack had used a charm.


Jack POV:

I was fuming as I made my way back to the compound, no one got in my way as I walked through the dilapidated Uchiha clan and arrived at my house.

I entered the house and sat down in meditation to calm myself, after a while of talking with Ddraig and calming down I was able to have a hold on my emotion.

I guess I shouldn't really have dealt with Hokage like that but I don't like his smug mug, I just wanna bash it in,

Fugaku is supposed to come in today and report to me on what is happening with Danzo, if he somehow has a cast on his arm, I am sure I will go full bonkers and might even kill that little fucker.

What I didn't know was that the news of me folding the hokage like an omelette spread somehow, maybe when the Anbu found him sprawled on the ground like a starfish and connected the dots, they must have come to a conclusion.

I wasn't worried about any reprecussions, cause if they do one more bullshit,I will build a new village for the uchiha, no need to mind these idiots.

Night fell and I received the news of Sasule passing the first test, I was told that the test will start in a few days, my clones were tailing Gaara as usual who had no clue.

Fugaku gave me reports on Danzo and his actions these past few days.

I can't wait to deal with that little cretin, is what I thought as I looked at the cast on his body, which means he still ends up killing shisui and obtaining eyes of some uchiha.

Why did no one raise any questions about this, meaning someone from the inside is dealing with Danzo, or else how would he be able to get his eyes.

I didnt want to stay in the Narutp world for too long,but i needed to complete the missions,so i decided to deal with Gaara tonight.

In the middle of the night i ran over the village houses like a ninja before i remembered i can fly so i decided to do just that.

I appeared i front of the ninja from the Sand village,With a single yse of my eyes, they were now in a genjutsu.

I was pretty efficient in Fuinjutsu and so i entered the mind of Gaara and came face to face with the one tailed beast who looked like it was about to die.

I mean, i have never seen such a bad case of animal abuse, i think seeing this, kurama should feel thankful.

"Hey! little raccoon" i called out to him.


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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I love you guys <3