Chapter 212.....100 percent

The beast was stuffed in a pit that had various seals placed in it, looking at the crude design in front of him, even Jack couldn't help but feel a sense of disgust, this is not how a sentient being should be kept, even in a prison.

"Human! you dare stand before me" Shulaku shouted, for that's all it could do, only it's head appearing out if the pot as it glared at Jack who wasn't fazed a bit, one had to know that dealing with something like the one tails was as easy as lifting a finger for him

Just the use if his eyes would be enough to get rid of this beast.

"Listen to me Shukaku, I have come to you with an offer of a lifetime" Jack said as he sat down, his Sharingan at full display

"That accursed eye! what do you want from me , puny human" asked Shukaku?

"All I want is for you to go free, but that can only happen if you accept to be my tailed beast"

"Hah! you humans and your tricks, I will never fall for you humans, you just want to me to go from one prison to another" Rage wafted off of Shulaku as it tried to rampage around but the pot kept it in place.

"Sigh! it's not like that, I am honestly all for giving you a better place, I just need to be your jinchuriki for a while, and then I will set you free of this prison, I have a whole planet for you and your siblings to thrive on" Jack tried to reason with the stupid fox as he flared his chakra, showing that he already was strong enough to not need him.

The weaker Beast.

"For all the time I have spent with you people, I know there must be something you want, tell me the truth or else the deal is closed"

Shukaku threatened, this caused Jack to feel amused as with a single Genjutsu he could have imprisoned the poor bastard, but then he would be the same person he abhorred.

"For one, I can call for any of you to help me in case I need you, second I ask for everyone of you to give me half your chakra for a project of mine, though the second things is optional and we can talk about it later, think carefully while I am patient, because I think you already know from you brother kurama how easily I can get you under my control." Jack first gave him a reason and then threatened him as he really didn't want to delay this any longer God knows if the other might have noticed the unusualness or not.

Jack used the commonly known as carrot and stick treatment, the Raccoon became a little quiet for a while before he finally agreed.

"Alright, I agree, but I have some conditions, I want this offer for all my brethren, and I want you to keep my host alive" Shukaku replied.

His reply truly brought an amused smile to Jacks face,

"I didn't know you cared about the kid so much, then why did you keep tormenting him all these years"

"Shut up and do what I ask or this is over, hmoh" Shukaku wasn't in the mood to talk and immediately belittled Jack and went back in the pot

Jack got out of the mindscape and took out a vial filled with the elixir of life, one of the best medicine he had and then approached Gaara who was on the ground, asleep.

With a quick work the seal was broken and Jack used Fuinjutsu to seal the Beast in himself, he made Gaara stand up and had him drink the elixir and cast a Genjutsu so that no one finds out about the disappearance of the One tail beast.

"So, how do you like the new place!?" Jack asked as he put the three ninja to bed and teleported back home.

"Hmm, it's nice, you have got taste" replied Shukaku as he felt free for the first time.

"Thanks for the compliment, you can talk to me anytime and even come out if you want, though only as a chibi version and without much of your powers, feel free to change the landscape as you like, and yes, go and meet the dragon next door" Jack said with a smile

"Hmmm, Dragon, I don't see not , WHAT THE FUCK IS THATT" Jack drowned out the voices of Ddraig who was about to attack and possibly scare the poor raccoon to the next life and received the system rewards.

[Congratulations on completing the Madara template, template has been absorbed into the base body]

[Congratulation for completing a mission, Rewards have been deposited in the inventory]

[New missions have been added, take a look once you are free]

"Well, now I don't have to switch to use jutsu, that's good, I feel like I have become a lot stronger as a whole , though it would be better if I could somehow merge magic from every template, chakra and whatever else I receive into one single energy" Jack couldn't help but think to himself

As he was talking to himself, he felt Fugaku's chakra signature making their way in his compound.

"Lord, may I come in!?" he asked respectfully as he stood outside the door

"Don't be an outsider, come in"

Fugaku went ahead and sat opposite to Jack as he pushed a scroll towards Jack, Jack could feel copious amount of stress, Sadness and grief from him.

He opened the scroll and read the contents, although he already knew it, but it didn't make him feel any better

"Hmm, Lord Zabimaru, should we report this matter to the Hokage" he asked

"No need, Danzo is a close aid of Hokage, who is a man without a strong will and easily bends like a whore for his friends,I will deal with this on my own, How are things with Your family" Jack pushed aside such thoughts

He decided it was better to deal with this on his own


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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I love you guys <3


The problem with the website has been fixed,though it wasnt a problem, just an effort from the chinese chaebols to earn more...and you cant say otherwise.

though they quickly realized their power is only amounted to be inside their novels and china itself.

No hate to any chinese, i love you guys,genuinely, just that you were trying to make my life miserable and i have bad tooth ache so i am a grumpy grandpa rn