Chapter 240 Immortals

It was noon, the two suns were setting as the planet was about to set in darkness, surprisingly the moon was the shape of a amorphous rock, unlike the earths moon.

This was the planet from whxih Jack had received a distress signal, Jack was looking over the group of people he had saved, Beuce was busy arming the women and men, those that weren't killed by the kree.

Jack had wanted to shift the planet somewhere else, preferably close to Mova empire or even Earth, but the problem was with the solar system.

He knew if he did something like making a whole planet disappear and reappear anywhere else, the solar systems in both places will be disturbed.

The next best thing they decided was to arm the people of Suran until they were ready to defend themselves, which arose another problem, Jack didn't want to birth another planet, a planet of racists.

One had to know that at first the kree were also poor folks until they were contacted by the skull for some reason, later revolting and destroying the once prosperous Skrull into poor folks of now.

'Hmm, it seems like the best way to thwart this problem is to...' Jack thought about the suggestion from Great sage.

The great sage suggested that the people of this planet had great potential for magic and physical arts and would make great subordinates, and his Lord of Trials allowed him to gain loyal and undying subordinates.

'But I don't want mindless subordinates,I will let them decide.' Jack thought as he looked at the yellow people on the ground being given weapons by Bruce.

Jean was busy healing and replenishing their health with her Phoenix force. It was time to address the people and let them decide what they want.

Jack floated downwards, as he did so, everyone looked at him and stood, by now they knew who this man was.

A very powerful person who had the ability to wipe out armies with a single glance, which was literally true as he had the Passive ability to kill those who were weaker then him with a gaze.

"My team has been thinking for a while on how to go about and save a whole planet from war and engagement, especially a planet that's still in the steam engine phase." Jack said, everyone became quiet as he spoke.

Even the little girls and boys were not speaking, defying their natural instincts, but also because Jean had distributed some candies.

The same women whom Jack had saved at first spoke up at this time, she stood up slowly from the crowd and addressed him.

"Ahem, we are willing to serve our savior if you help us fight the aliens." She spoke.

Although Jack had called her a mayor, she was more like a lord of lady of the town, this planet follows a system that is closely related to the feudal system.

What's more surprising is that it's only ruled by three Kings and nothing else.

Which is rather surprising considering the planet is bigger then Earth,

"I don't know how that's your choice, only your kings have the authority to give that ultimatum, am I right?" Jack questioned.

"You are right, however, I have stopped following our king, when these aliens descended with their armies, those wretched kings were the first ones to sell us out. They are not even on the planet anymore, except for King Zion, who stood by us...but he..." Zeeki gritted her teeth, as she told what happened to the kings, it was not surprising that most of the normal people weren't aware of this, before the crowd fell into panic and chaos, Jack spread his aura which helped them get back to their senses.

"So you are saying that this land is sold off by your kings....alright, I will help you all, but you have to know, the kree are an intergalactic empire, so its impossible to win, I can give you a new life.those that come under me shall be blessed by me, and gain the power to defend their homes " Jack said.

Zeeki and those behind her immediately bent on one knee, and before Jack could address further, all two hundred prisoners were on one knee, pledging their allegiance to him.

'This is gonna take a while' Jack thought, he also had to explain what he was doing to Bruce and Jean.

He doesn't want them to think he is some warmonger, though it would be a lie if Jack said he wasn't interested in having real subordinates.

'Maybe I will gain the food chain skill, ah! great sage, can I give names to my subordinates and help them evolve and such, like in the Tensura World.' Jack asked as he suddenly smiled.

The Suran's thought this was him agreeing to accept them and happily shouted, for a species that was ruled over by only three kings all these centuries, something like serving a single being was not out of question, and Jack was someone that had saved them from enslavement.

{Yes host, though further observation is required.}

"Alright, Zeeki, was it, help us and identify the important places of this planet, it's time for some cleaning. We don't have much time." Jack clapped his hands.

He decided to first wait and see, he didn't want to give names to just anyone, only the truly loyal ones will receive the gift of power.

"Yes sir!" Zeeki gave a salute as she follows Jean and Bruce into the ship while Sinni and some others who now had enough understanding of the futuristic weapons began training others.

Jack walked towards the entrance to the camp and named it 'Immortals'.

Since he planned on turning some of these people immortal, it was only right to name it immortal.


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