Chapter 228 Incoming threat

We were here to scout the various civilizations in the vast galaxy, and to do that, we needed the universally recognised currency of the said galaxies or even the whole universe, and for that we would have to trade some stuff.

Now the thing is, we don't even know the exchange rate or stuff like how much of vibranium to sell for how much credits.

Credits are needed for everything, of we wanna have fun, I mean, if we wanna make sure that Thanos doesn't attack Earth again, we will have to build an influence large enough to threaten him, considering everything that has happened so far, I believe a lot of things are a lot more different.

'What if Ronan is scary ass powerful and hell, though I doubt he can have much effect on me without the power stone.i even have the powers of chaos magic, said to be a magic connected to evil Cthulhu or whatever.'

While I was busy looking for someone that would buy weapons from us, I heard my system ring , Superman has already reached twenty five percent sync.

Easiest one to master yet, not even that long before I got it and it's already a quarter filled.

"How about that guy!" Jean said as she pointed at the shop, it had various small time armaments on it...I am just guessing.

"I think it's better if we just sell directly to the Nova Prime, That lady Nova Prime seems really approachable." Bruce said as we reached the shop.

Me and Jean both gave him a 'bruh' look before we went in.

I walked around the place and started analyzing everything in display, while Great sage kept ringing up notifications that I could make that stuff in thousands.

"Hello! how may I help you." I Xandarian woman came up to us and greeted us.

Jean and Bruxe started looking around, there were all sorts of things ranging from hover boards, to hover bikes to stuff like levitating cars and some plasma rifles that we're graded as none lethal.

"I would like to speak to the owner, please." I gave her a smile and asked.

"I am afraid that is not possible sir, my owner is rather busy." She was about to continue when I handed her a small cube and asked her to show this to him.

She was a bit confused but surprisingly enough listened to me and went to the back, probably to talk to her owner or whatever.

In under five minutes, a fat alien that was purple in color came running before he was pointed towards me.

He looked at me excitedly and asked.

"Sir! how many more of these do you have, I would like to make purchases." he said directly and started taking out various plans for me.

I stopped him, the thing I showed them was what I call a storage cube, it has a space of 5 cubic meters and is not easily destroyed since its made of special alloy, it comes in various modes such as anti theft etc, etc.

"First, I don't have a trading license so you will help me get it."


"Next, I am only selling you this, no one else will have this technology, I don't know if anyone has made this yet."

"We are thankful for your patronage."

"Third, I know you own a shipping business and since you will be using this cube, you business will be booming, I am sure of that, so I will give you two choices, One, you give us a percentage out of each shipment you make, Second, You make me a partner."

The alien went quiet on the last choice I gave him and started mulling over, I decided to throw in a bit of a carrot.

"Plus I am willing to give you blueprints to a spaceship that will cut your travel time by lore then half, it's small sized but given that we have cubes, you are smart enough to understand where I am going with this, this will only be given if I am a partner." I told him.

He was taking his sweet time so I gave him the location of our ship and told him to wait for us...i knew not everything was white and we needed money to function in space.

The alien will probably try something underrated today, if he does I will take everything away from him, and if he just decided to join hands then its all good.

I told the others to be careful of any unusual activity for tonight, as we made out way back to the ship.

It's better to capture someone elses business then to start everything from scratch.


While Jack was busy touring Xandar and finding ways to warn money, Peter Quill, the star lord was escaping along with the Ravagers towards the Nova Prime location, Xandar.

He had just heard the awful news of how powerful the thing he previously carried was, it had the ability to destroy planets with ease if used properly, the power stones.

And Ronan had managed to grab it from him, his consciousness was drowning him in guilt as his tagalong group of members consoled him, which surprised him greatly.

Peter Quill, wasn't one to give up so easily so he came up with a plan to turn things around, as well as warn the Nova prime in advance of what was happening.


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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I love you guys <3