Chapter 230. FIGHTNG RONAN

The lasers charged as they hit Jack directly in the chest.

'It tickles.'

Jack continued moving towards the giant ship.

'Sir! enemy ship has landed Inside the Ester." Another alien shouted as he told Roban who was looking at Jack with surprise on his face.

The person in front of him took a charged attack in the chest and came out unscathed,

'He reminds me of her...'

"Deal with the intruders, and I want all of you to take that man down." Ronan yelled as he pointed at the monitor,sadly there was no one on the ship's monitor.

Ronan looked at the monitor with surprise

'Did he run away.' He asked himself

"I don't run from a fight."

Ronan dodged to the side in fright as everyone on board was surprised by the sudden unknown voice in the control room.

Nebula was also looking at what was happening with great curiosity, though she had her weapons ready to find if it got to that.

"You..How dare you enter the ship, you are looking to die " Ronan yelled as he stood up, though he was still on guard.

Judging from how fast Jack had entered the ship, without any signs, was something anyone would be wary of.

Though wasn't afraid, because of the stone embedded on his hammer, it gave him a rush of power.

Meanwhile Jack was also inspecting Ronan, he was able to asses the blue slimjim with a single glance, A coward.

Though he could also feel the danger from the power stone embedded in Ronan's hammer.

'Let's keep the base form up, I don't wanna die just because I wanted to play as superman though Jack.'

"Ronan whatever, I advise you to turn around your ship and leave this planet with your forces, or I will be forced to act." Jack reminded him.

Though he would be lying if he said he wanted Ronan to turn around and go away, the Power stone was right in front of him, It would be a waste to let it go.

"Who are you to order me? a present." Ronan pointed to the hammer and said to Jack.

"I am the Avenger, Part of the Earth's force that stomped on the forces of your master, whose feet you lick all day long, Ronan."


It was a known fact that Earth, a planet that no one gave any mind to, was able to stop the army of Thanos from invading them.

No matter how small the army was, no matter the fact that none of Thanos's children wasn't in the said army, just that achievement alone was enough to earn them praise from the masses.

Though it was a known fact that Earth's days were numbered after that incident as Thanos will be sending more of his forces, so no civilization contacted Terra after the incident.

"So you were the one who halted Thanos army, you have my Admiration, but I must tell you..i no longer serve under him." Ronan said,

The power stone glowing with a purple light,

"I have a much higher power now..Thanos is merely an ant, and so are you."

Ronan said and rushed towards Jack who calmly looked at the rushing Ronan.

Ronan jumped and struck the hammer towards Jack, who in return coated his hands in his Dragon scales.


The shock wave from the attack caused the whole ship to sway, as well as the aliens that we're onboard, causing them all to go flying.

The only two people that stayed the same were Ronan and Jack, Jack was able to take the attack from the stone, though it caused him to asert his strength to a higher degree,

The power stone was as expected, full of power,

But Jack was now strong, far stronger than Ronan who could never harness the stones full power,

"How are you still standing, this is impossible." Ronan shouted in shock as he pushed harder, the scales on Jacks body glowed in a red light, ot looked like the stone was being...dominated.


Ronan didn't have the time to respond as Jack kicked him in the stomach,sending the Blue bastard flying out if the ship, before Jack lifted himself off the ground and flew after him.

Needless to say, the Nova Prime was able to see what was happening clearly, she saw how the seemingly ordinary terrain was able to send the Famous Ronan flying away like a kite, that too, a Ronan that had the infinity stone on him.

"We must take this chance, notify the forces to attack with everything they have, no need to show mercy, they have lost their leaders." Nova Prme shouted as the Xandar's forces moved in sync and started bombarding the Dark ester and the other opposing ships with everything they had,

The ravagers also started going crazy, the problem was that Peter was now inside the Dar ester along with his crew.

They fought tooth and nail but once they entered the control room, the sight was worth seeing, a giant man sized hole was present and the aliens in question were all dead.

"Where the hell is Ronan?" Asked Quill.

Gamora noticed something and her breathing became uneasy.

"Nebula!" she ran towards her bloodthirsty sister who was plastered on the wall like some painting.

"Nebula...Nebula, who did this to you." she asked in worry, ignoring Drax who was being stopped by Groot and Peter from killing the robotic daughter of Thanos.

"A Terran...he came in...ughhh!" Nebula wasn't able to speak much.

Gamora slowly took her off the walls and helped stabilize her condition.

"Tell the Nova to not attack anymore, the ship is now under out command, do it quickly." Gamora yelled as Peter who was in shock also got out of it and established a link with the Nova Prime.


Ronan crash landed on Xandar, he had suffered some injuries and if not for the power stone giving him the strength he needed, he would have died.

As Ronan stood up, a giant boulder crashed into him , the power stone easily turned the boulder into ashes.

"You will pay for this insolence." yelled Ronan as he looked at Jack who was floating in the sky

"Let's see how you do that." Jack replied as his aura surged out in waves.

The whole area seemed to turn red, with the exception of Ronan who glowed in a purple light.



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