Chapter 238

The Nova prime heard of Jack leaving, she didn't ask what his future plans were and didn't want to waste his time.

judging from the scowl on his face, she didn't wanna antagonize the man, She just gave him the license to freely trade anything he wanted, an exclusive pass and some other authorities.

Jean, Jack and Bruce got in the ship and flew off, Jack couldn't help but grit his teeth as he saw the stuff, he could have never imagined that the first thing he will have to deal with after posting the bulletin was this.

The space had no real rule, as long as you were powerful, you could do whatever you wanted in the name of law, only the weak followed rules.

Jack pulled out the pictures and took a look again, various scenes of death and destruction were posted, along with a request for help from him, or anyone that could stop it.

But the area was one that belonged to the kree, so no one in their right mind will help the pitiful yellowed aliens that looked like the Aakons, the only difference being that these guys had normal hair on their bodies.

After thinking a while, Jack decided it was better not to waste any time, even with the new tech, it will take them at least two or three days to reach the coordinates,

"Guys, lets not waste any time, Bruce, turn on the invisibility, let's teleport with the ship." I asked.

the response was almost immediate, so I closed my eyes and concentrated for a bit, I have to take the help of the stones in cases like these sometimes.

After a minute, I got a positive idea and used the stones power to teleport, with a swishing sound, we disappeared from the space and appeared on the grounds of the unknown Sooran Planet.

A planet that was still a simple planet with no capacity for space travel, the reason they were being exploited and used like this was because their planet had large deposits of precious metals that the kree empire had over looked.

"let me use illusion, great, now no one will notice us unless we want to be noticed, or if there is someone special among the three stationed here."

I told the two.

With a thought, I flew in the sky towards a city far away, I had to help Bruce as he doesn't know how to fly, I can't imagine how it would be like to see a flying hulk.

Jean also followed behind, I saw her look, she must have accidentally sensed the emotions of the people.

We arrived in the city, there were signs of Kree soldiers marching around the place, no signs of the yellow aliens who were natives of this place.

"I think we will have to go in, we won't be getting anything like this. Jack, can you check the location of the distress signals? I think it's better we start from there." Bruce asked.

I brought up the communicator, it was not working properly anymore, thankfully I was able to get the location.

With a clear direction in mind, we began flying, after another fifteen or so minutes, we came across a camp.

Which felt more like the concentration camps of Hitler, maybe even worse, Yellow Natives were huddled up together like animals as the Kree soldiers beat them and did whatever they wanted.

I almost felt like blowing the place up, the Kree were...using the females to be exact for getting rid of their frustration.

We slowly flew down as my communicator blipped, we were near the location.

It seems we have found our guys.

"Let's clean and then look for the ones who contacted us, meet in five." I asked.

It would be easy for any single one of us to get rid of all the soldiers in this settlement camp or whatever the hell it was.

I started moving towards what looked like the holding cells while Bruce and Jean did their own thing,

The door was closed but I was easily able to bypass it using magic. going I saw several more prisons, much better then the concentration camp on the outside that looked like it was made for the likes of animals.

After taking a look, I was able to confirm that this was more like a place where soldiers came and took some relaxation in.

"Tell me what you did you damn bitch!" I heard a shout as I was walking ,turning to the side I came upon the scene of a group of soldiers in a holding cell.

Several yellow skinned women who looked to be in their twenties were huddled together as the soldiers kept their weapons aimed on them.

On the other corner, one of the soldier was beating up a woman who was too weak to even answer anymore.

it looked like the soldier was asking for some info, but it was just him taking sick pleasure from beating his prisoner to death.

As the man raised his belt, ready to strike, I moved in with swiftness and kicked away the soldier as he crashed into the metallic bars and died from the rough impact.

The soldiers were too surprised to even acknowledge what happened before I blew them to dust using the Phoenix flames.

Seeing that the woman was safe, I quickly helped the beat woman, she was beaten pretty badly and looking at the wounds, a belt wasn't the only thing they beat her with.

I raised my hands and used the Phoenix flames, though one of the ladies thought I was trying to hurt her people so she hit me from behind with the gun of one of the dead soldiers.

I would have stopped her, but if I do, this woman will die and I don't wanna use any of my resurrection type skills on people and attract the ire of Death.

It's not like her attacks did anything, while the flames slowly licked at the woman and she started healing, in no time she was back to new.

Once the woman saw what I did, she threw away the gun and ran towards the once near dead woman and hugged her..

"Sinni! oh god, thank god you are alive, I was so scared." While the two were having a happy reunion, I heard some footsteps..


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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I love you guys <3