Chapter 252

Jack snickered as he looked at the shocked expressions of his friends,To say that he was happy to see them wasn't a lie, Peter had a complicated look as he stared into Jack's eyes.

The reason for this was that Jack's alter personality knew of Peter's identity, which means that Jack knew all along that peter was spiderman but the opposite wasn't true for him.

This made him feel like he was cheated,The others didn't know this, they were planning on telling jack, but the said person was already in the know of things.

Jack gave a brief smile as he looked at Peter who had a face that said he had been wronged

"Come on Peter! you know we have to keep our identities a secret, heck! I thought you would have better kept your secret identity in check, but you went ahead and expose yourself to elements such as Hydra, Shield, Aim." Jack said as a matter of fact.

The things he said were true, for if Jack hadn't helped him, These organizations would have long been able to deduce Peter's identity, especially someone like Brainiac, who was especially smart, it only took Tony a brief amount of time to figure Spiderman out.

"That doesn't mean you couldn't trust me, I mean, we are best friends." Peter retorts in an angry manner which is a surprise for them as he is usually a calm guy.

Jack also decided to not show his teeth in case his friend grew irritated,

"Alright, let me tell you the real reason why I hid my identity from you, ever since I helped Daredevil in hell kitchen, I have been surrounded by the Hydra, Hand and other forces that would love to have a piece Of me, so to keep you guys safe, I decided it was best I don't tell you guys about any of this." Jack said in a serious tone, hopeful that the message will get across.

"Heck! I didn't even tell Tony and the guy is responsible for running my company, you get me." Jack said,

"Sigh! it's alright, I guess I too am at fault, I didn't tell you about my secret life as a vigilante as well." Peter said as he took a sip of his butterbeer, something he received long back," though it still bums me that you knew about me and I didn't"

"Forget about that, I can't believe you are the STRONGEST AVENGER." Felicia shouted as she giggled like a fangirl, to say that jack was surprised won't be a lie.

Since he knew Felicia has been active as Black cat for a while now, now she knows Peter is spider man.

"Yeah, I guess you can say that." Jack shrugged off the praise, that didn't mean it felt good

'Praise me more.'

"Alright, out with it, what abilities do you have, what were you bitten by!" Gwen asks the next big question as the trio moves closer to Jack, hoping to hear his secret.

"You guys wanna know." Jack asked.

The trio shook their heads like chickens pecking on food.

"You really wanna know." Jack asked again.

The pressure built up,

"Out with it!" Gwen said.

"Yeah, I wanna know." Felicia said,

"Hmm, I guess it won't hurt to know." Peter confirmed,

"Alright then, although I wouldn't normally tell anyone, I guess since you guys are my friends, I will be honest." Jack said as his previous posture changed.

His aura became different, the trio gulped as they waited for Jack to answer the question

"Actually, I was bitten one." Jack answered

"Then how did you obtain your powers, are you perhaps one of the mutants?" Gwen asked in wonder.

"I don't know, perhaps I am a boy from outer space sent here by my dad and mom to usher the humans to a new era." Jack said as he raised his head high,

"Pfft" x 3

The group started to laugh, for a while the room was filled with the sound of laughter, soon enough the previous atmosphere was changed and everyone began talking about different things.

Peter knew that Jack was supposed to be in outer space taking care of the mad titan, said to be one of the biggest and cruelest monsters.

So he asked him about how that went, Jack told him about what he did while he was out and how he dealt with one of Thanos's henchman and that he was practically a ruler of an entire race of yellow colored people,

Peter also mentioned some of the things he did while Jack, the most surprising of which was peter now having the ability to release bioelectricity and organic webs due to his experiment on the spider.

Jack congratulated him, also reminding him to be careful with the data, to which Peter told him that the data was designed specifically for someone with his DNA so it was almost impossible to replicate.


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