Chapter 261

I was sitting inside a well made cell inside the watchtower, it felt really nice as a fellow marvel and DC fan to come here and stay, as well as being able to meet my favorite superhperies like superman, Batman, shazam and many others.

But, these are my all time favourite, right after marvel heroes, cause in my opinion, nobody can beat my homeboy iron man in being an exceptional hero.

A hero who made the sacrifices that nobody else did, who made sure that his friends and protege didn't have to fate the same fate as him in life.

I was broken out of my thoughts by the sounds of clacking heals and such, looking away from the vast expense of the space, I was face to face with the goddess herself, Diana of themyscira, daughter of Zeus herself.

Maybe I will get to meet the Greek pantheon of DC, I have already met with the gods of the Norse Mythos in my own world.

"What is it?" I asked the goddess who was eyeing my strategy.

"I have a question for you human, if you can even call yourself that to be honest," said Diana, as she eyed me with the eyes of someone that wanted to accuse me.

"Feel free to ask, it's not like I am going anywhere." I said, I could go anywhere I wanted and it wasn't like the cell was binding me in any way or form.

I have already studies this little cell, it's equipped with all kinds of measures, to resist against enormous physical and magical might, and even I feel like it might be hard to break off.

But what one has to understand is that the magic systems of marvel and DC work in different ways, I have already concluded that I can easily escape should I need to.

But, I am not gonna do that, as it's not like they are being rude to me and I have nothing else to do rather them wait around for some Superman clone to break out of some facility and finish it off.

Speaking of that, I had already used my powers to crush and dispose of any superman clone I could find in that cadmus facility.

"Who are you?" Diana asked, as she moved closer, as if she was trying to intimidate Jack.

I understood the gesture, I didn't bother hiding himself, as I knew that this wasn't just Diana, everyone behind her, in the watchtower might be wondering who he was, as even though I only killed the small time superman clone.

But it still showed how much strength I had.

"I am a hero."

I answered with all the truthfullness, though the goddess wasn't having any of it as sound of something hitting the floor sounded.

I looked down and sure enough, the lasso of truth, the thing that allowed its user to find out the secrets of it's enemies.

I couldn't help but smile in amusement as I slowly held the rope around me and knotted it on my hands.

"So?!" I asked.

"Who are you?" She asked again,giving a small tug at the rope that would have normally made a mortal fall on the ground face first, I am sensing some kind of hostility here now.

"As I said before, I am a hero," I replied. She was clearly irritated by this and asked the question with detail.

"Is ask, what is your name? where did you come from? what is your purpose?" She asked three questions in a row.

"As I said, I am a hero." I couldn't help but grin in a mischievous manner as the rope thrummed with power in my hands, the little amazonian was growing more frustrated by the minute as the silence between us made me feel awkward so I continued,

"My name is Jack silver, I am from Earth, and my purpose is to be a hero," I replied. In all honesty this time, as the rope forced the answers out of me.

"Is that so, and why are you not in any of our data bases," She asked again, this time a lot more freely, which means she believes my answers, as she should! because I answered them with all honesty, I didn't even resist.

"It's because I am not from this Earth," I replied.

The amazonian displayed a surprised expression at that, before she controlled herself and continued asking me questions that peaked her interest.

Finally she asked me the most important one

"Final question before I let you out," She made a dramatic pause before she continued,

"Why did you kill that clone of superman and what happened to the other clones inside cadmus, how did you end up here," She asked me.


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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I love you guys <3