Chapter 271

As Jack reached the floating blocks in the air, he was noticed by the henchman of Darkseid who threw his axe at him.

Expecting Jack to be torn apart by the powerful weapon, though the expected scene didn't happen as Jack easily grabbed the axe by its blade and swung it back at Steppenwolf.


The axe struck The giant Steppenwolf straight in his chest and sent him flying, Jack wasn't even remotely hurt by the axe as he got back to the mother box.

"Now all that's left is to tear you three apart,"

Jack grabbed the three boxes as they began to release arcs of blue energy that struck his arms, if it were anyone else, they would have been burned to a crisp or would have suffered from severe cases of third-degree burns.

"You are quite the feisty one, aren't ya?"


Cyborg who was holding the boxes from the other side gave a nod, Jack nodded back at him before he put some force into his arms.

Jack couldn't remember the last time he had used such force in his actions as the three boxes started separating, issuing dangerous lights as they did so.

The members of the young Justice league looked at the newcomer, most of them were out of juice and wouldn't be able to fight.

Steppenwolf got himself out of the wall and he shook his head, his weapon in hand as he looked at the two humans trying to rip apart the mother box.

"No!!" Stephen wolf flew forward as he raised his axe in the air, ready to cleave Jack into two, unfortunately, that wouldn't be possible as Jack was a jack of all trades.

Several black streaks released from his back as they lashed at the monster, sending him flying back as they tied around him.


"I have closed all the portals, only this one remains, we will have to separate the boxes completely or else it won't close, we have to be fast, or else he will come through," Cyborg roared as several propulsors grew from his arms, giving his strength a boost.

"Yeah, I get it."


Several boost sounds rang out as Cyborg looked at the glowing body of his newly acquainted friend.

The cubes started to separate slowly, Jack had not felt such pressure in a while, this was something else, the mother boxes were a force to reckon with.

Just as the boxes were about to fall apart, Jack felt a sense of danger as his passive shields tore down like paper.

Against his wishes, he had no choice but to get out of the way as a red beam struck him,


The cyborg was sent flying as another best struck him.

Jack's senses warned him of a very strong presence making its way over.

"Great sage, Full power use full power!" he screened out as his flesh wound began to heal, his body started taking on draconic characters as he faced his strongest foe to date.

"Puny mortal, die!" a raspy voice rang out as the towering figure of Darkseid stepped through the portal.

"It's over," Cyborg said in despair as he looked at the towering figure.

Jack didn't pay him any mind, snapping his fingers, he sent the cyborg along with the young justice was transported a safe distance away.

"Great sage, deploy spacial barriers for defense."


*He is a strong foe, be careful Jack*

The voice of Ddraig rang out, so did kurama's.

Jack eyed the large bald monstrous god of apokolips as he stepped forward, his fists pulled back as he sent a punch, which was surprisingly blocked.

Though the enemy still took a few steps back as darkseid looked at him in surprise.

"You mange to push me back, quite strong for a mere mortal."

"Less talk more fight."

This seemed to anger the god as he fired his omega beams at Jack that he easily avoided with the use of space magic and his enhanced thinking capability by having the beams strike another target.

'Great sage for the win, I guess.'

Jack mused as he fired some attacks of his own and sent them hurling at the god.

None of the magical attacks were strong enough to hold Darkeid back, he was one tough cookie to crack.

All my attacks were easily dispersed.

{Noted, target has matter transmutation abilities, Invulnerability, superhuman stats, and eye beams that are extremely powerful}

"Yeah, I already knew that, so energy attacks are a no go since he can just sap away the energy, using chaos magic might be good enough, chakra will not be useful so that can be sidelines as well."


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