Chapter 286

Ego raised his hands and a ball of celestial energy was launched in Galactus's direction, He also raised his hands, catching the said energy with his hands, the armor seemed to sizzle as the ball's size started decreasing.

'Holy hell, that thing is strong as hell, it alone has more energy than my reserves, provided I have nigh unlimited chakra and tons of other energies.' Jack thou thought as he watched the two titans fight with awe.

'I just hope the effects don't reach any poor civilization' Jack felt pity for those planets that might accidentally get erased by these two.

Silver surfer also looked on in awe and fear at the fight, he hadn't seen the true might of his master yet

'Fortunately, I was smart enough to come under his servitude or else' the emotionless slave shuddered for the first time in millennials as he saw the two fight each other.

"Hey! Maybe we should create some distance between us, how about it ?" Jack said as he started flying far away from the two, that didnt mean he didn't plan to help, as getting rid of Ego would be good for the whole universe, if not the multiverse considering his 'big' Ego.

[Sync rate increased to 55 percent]

"Oh! Nice surprise, I guess planetary level fights is a good way to go if I want to increase the sync rate of Sentry." Jack mused as he called upon the power of the space cube and the Mind stone to effect Ego who was busy fighting Galactus.


Ego hurled several asteroids in Galactus's direction , who simply waved his hands and an arc of cosmic energy flew out, cradhing into the asteroids and destroying them

The space around was filled with debris , Ego took this chance and charged his energy, ramming himself into Galactus, his hands coated in the celestial energy as he was about to slash at Galactus


Though the next moment, space seemed to crack as he found his arms severed from his body

'Huh! That damned insect' Ego cursed as he 'stepped' back in an effort to dodge as his attack was rendered useless.

Though who was galactus, he didnt waste this opportunity to absorb Ego's energy, grabbing onto his torso, Galactus started absorbing the powers of Ego.

Who issued a blast of celestial power from his chest to get away.

'Damn it! If this keeps on, I will really die' Ego cursed ad he carefully glared at the small insect in the distance .

'if it weren't for you, none of this would have happened' Ego was one vengeful bastard, even as he was being siege by Galactus, he looked at Jack in the far distance ,

Raising his hands, Ego launched a huge wave of blue celestial energy , it was so huge that Jack who looked at it, couldn't help but be amazed as he immediately used teleportation to avoid it,

Though the energy wave seemed to have a mind of its own as it curved mid space and chased after him, destroying a few in habitable planets as it did so.

Seeing that he wasn't able to leave behind the blue wave of energy even after teleporting himself very far, Jack had no choice but to face the attack

"Great sage , activate every strengthening skill I have, be ready to devour as well" Jack spoke as he looked at the fast approaching energywave that raged with power.

*You really pissed off a strong entity this time around,partner*

Ddraigs mocking voice was salt to injury as Jack could only brace himself.

Avoiding the attack using skills was already useless as Jack tried doing it, which means the only option is to take this 'punishment'

The familiar Juggernaut armor appeared as it wrapped around Jack


[Hercules:God of trials]

The wave crashed into Jack's body, a huge amont of pressure assaulted him, the clestials energy raged as it pushed against the armor, the wave covered Jack's armor from all sides, acting as a sort of acid.

The armor started melting soon after as Jack started feeling the pain , which was soon gone as great sage turned off the body's pain receptor

The ultimate skills worked in unison as Jack held on for dear life, his wounds regenrating as he kept getting damaged by the huge amount of energy.


In the empty space , a lone for the figure floated as his eyes seemed hazy, his figure launched as he coughed out blood.

His body riddled with wounds that slowly regenrated with time

'I thought I was about to die, fortunately my body held on until I was able to grow resistant to the attack, I even gained a huge physical boost from that attack.' Jack thought as he squeezed his hands that had no skin.

'Though it seems I have run dry, hopefully I don't have to deal with such a strong attack every again, it best if I can get stronger, I don't want to feel that again ' Jack wondered , he hoped Galactus was able to defeat that maniac.

Using the space stone, Jack appeared near Galactus, only to discover to his relief that he had won the gamble, the giant world eater had come out on top at the end.

[Ding! Mission completed, rewards in inventory]

"Huh! What mission, maybe I had a mission to get rid of Ego and didn't know about it, it not like I am glued to the system all the time."

Jack muttered as he mentally swiped away the notification and flew closer to Galactus who seemed to be glowing in a blue light similar to a celestial before it turned red again.

"Hmmm, Human, consider yourself pardoned" Gaalctus spoke before he disappeared.

Jack tried using the space stone to discover him only to receive nothing this time

'Has he made himself u discoverable even from the space stone, hmm'

He felt for Silver surfer, seeing him flying towards the other nine planets he had given the Giant eater, Jack sighed as he used the space stone to go back to Earth.

Jack appeared in his room, his clothes changed into a pajama and a shirt as he shot into the bed

"Ahhh! I am too tired, I deserve some sleep after fighting for the planet don't I?" Jack said his final words as he disappeared into the dream world


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon Link:- remove. e from link

A/N:- I love you guys <3