Chapter 301

Jack had no words to speak as Jean literally made him spill out everything he did the past few days in the parallel universe, including what changes there existed between the two universes in detail.

"I can't believe you went without me," she whined as Jack could only smile in awkwardness.

It really wasn't his own decision when he was plucked from his universe and dropped into the other, that didn't mean he didn't feel about not taking Jean with him.

But for now he still wasn't interested in going to other universes as he was busy mastering his current powers.

'I am not gonna go until I master the powers of Sentry atleast,' Jack thought as he felt guilty about Jean.

"Sigh, fine, you take me to the movies and I will forgive you," Jean huffed as she demanded.

Jack couldn't help but feel that Jean was too cute, "Are you trying to get asked out on a date," Jack teased as he scooted over and sat beside Jean.

Jean in question didn't say anything much and just held Jack's hands as they both descended into silence, happy with each other's company.


After a few hours of cuddling, Jack and Jean were separated by a pissed-off Ororo, Jack didn't know what to do about her,

He could feel that the wheather goddess was both happy for Jean yet she was angry at Jack.

Jack couldn't help but feel awkward as he sat among the X-Men table, ready to eat breakfast with them, he could feel several people giving him a look.

Amon them were mostly teens who were looking at Jack, as if he was some alien, which was something to say considering he was sitting among a group of people who aren't able to find a place in society due to their own appearance.

He wasn't able to do much the last time due to the reclusive thoughts of Charles, but now he felt that with the help of Jean, he will be able to present the mutants in a more favorable light.

After a rather awkward breakfast, Jack walked around the garden while holding hands with Jean, Who was glowing with happiness.

"I will come pick you up tomorrow," Jack said as he let her go, He had to go and meet his mother, she had already texted him, asking about his whereabouts and where he had been all this time.

Jean reluctantly let it go, Jack also reminded her to talk to the mutants, or the metas as they are called now because of the efforts made by Jack.

He believed that with the influence from Charles gone and Xavier who had been brutally beaten by Jean for some reason, currently being detained in a facility.

"Bye then!" Jack opened a portal and jumped through it, arriving at his house, immediately sensing his mother's presence on the ground floor where she was preparing food.

"Thankfully I have a bottomless stomach, or else the results would have been very consequential," Jack thought to himself as he made his way downstairs.

Greeting his mother who was busy making food while being distracted by a drama she was watching from the aisle side.

"Hey mom!"

"My son finally has time for his poor mother," Martha said scarcastically as she looked at him

"It's not like that, I got pulled in by some idiot's spell mistake," Jack threw the blame to Dr. Strange in another universe.

"And with your strength, you took your sweet time with finding a way out rather than just fixing it," She eyed him as she spoke, it seemed like Martha knew her son well even though she didn't have much interaction with him.

"Haha, well, I guess I could have done that, but then they all wouldn't have learned a very important lesson," Jack laughed it off as he set the table while Martha brought the food over.

"Well, be sure to keep me updated about you, although you might be the strongest person in the world, I would still be worried about you," Martha said, caressing her son's head as she sat down.

The both of them had some mother-son moments before both of them retired to their beds.

But it seemed like the world had other things planned for Jack as suddenly he felt his house shaking as a blonde idiot fell through.

"I need your help!" shouted Thor, with the love of his life in his hands, her body exuding a weird aura as Jack immediately came to a realization about what was happening.


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A/N:- I love you guys <3