A Bloody Fight

Beatrice transferred Dominique and Serena upstairs. They were lying unconscious in the king-sized bed of their bedroom. Everything was prepared. She was waiting for Victoria to come.

Beatrice was holding the silver dagger that she would use to kill the Werewolf King and the Werewolf Queen. She still couldn't believe that this would be so easy.

She could even stab their hearts now or even dig their heart out of their chest. But she wanted to share this victory and moment with Victoria and Raizel.

Nothing would go wrong as soon as they could come on time. She knew that Raizel and Victoria wouldn't miss this opportunity to eliminate their mortal enemies.

Beatrice was still patiently waiting for them when suddenly she felt another presence. Before she could verify the identity of the newcomer, the door of the room flew open. And Dylan showed up before her eyes.