Alethea's POV: (OCTOBER 5, 2021)

The searing pain on my nose wakes me up this morning as I turned over to lay down on my stomach trying to get comfortable.

"Ow ow ow, ouch!!!" I screamed angrily as I shoved my face more into my pillow, clearly greeting more pain.

I heard Maddie and Nicky coming inside my room and peeking in as they saw me trying to touch my nose lightly.

"Thee- Thee don't touch it. You know what the doctor said; NO TOUCHING AND ONLY APPLY THE OINTMENT 3 TIMES A DAY TO GET IT BETTER QUICKLY" Nicky yelled at me slapping my hand away from face.

I swear sometimes I question how old is he and had to remind myself that I am the adult here.

"I'm fine Maddy, Nicky, it was just a little bruise that was it." I explained trying to get them to calm down.

My phone ringing had me looking around like deer caught in headlights as I searched for it. I looked under my pillow and literally threw my blanket down the floor to find it and when I did. I saw my boss calling 'maqe!! Au sa bera levu saraga' [monkey!! I am so late.]

I answered as sweetly as I can;

"Hey, boss. How are you this fine morning?" I asked him hoping to get him into a good mood.

"Alethea, you're late." He said sternly as I gulped down. 'Shucks! I have never been this late!' I thought as I try to explain the situation, I am in.

"Sir, I am so very sorry. I wa----"

"Don't be sorry. In a way I am sort of glad you did not come to work on time. And plus, you don't have to come back to work today and tomorrow. I am having the day off. You can work from home though, but you will have to come and get your work stuff from the office. Is that, ok?" he simply cut me off and finished explaining.

"y- yess sir. That is fine. I will come by the office and get my work. Is there anything else that you need sir?" I asked him feeling a little relieved.

"No that is all. Just be back to work by Wednesday. Have a great day, Alethea or else my fiancé will make me sleep on the couch." He joked.

I laughed slightly and wished him a great day before he ended the call.

Well, that was something, I thought and then turned towards my two little munchkins.

"What do you say we go to my office get some stuffs and then go to the amusement park?" I asked them and they just nodded while still playing on their respective I-pads.

I sighed and went to get ready and as soon as I was done, I went to grab something to eat along the way. The earlier we get there, the earlier we get back.

After I got everything and double checked the door to the balcony and the windows and made sure the stove is off and everything else, I quickly made my way towards the front door calling Nicky and Maddy:

"Nicky! Maddy! Hurry up guys. We don't want to be late now, do we?!" they quickly rushed towards me with their I-pads in hand and all ready to go.

I checked them to make sure they have everything they need and kissed their foreheads.

"Quickly make your way to the elevator and wait for me while I lock the door ok" I asked them to which they responded with playing tag.

"Be careful!!" I shouted over as they keep tagging at each other along the way to the elevator even as we went down to the parking lot towards my car.

I settled the kids to the passenger seats at the back and quickly made my way to the driver's side. Before i start up the car i double check the kids and their seatbelts only see Maddy doesn't have hers on.

"Maddy put on your seatbelt" I asked her simply.

"But Thee- Thee, its so tangly and it makes me loose focus on my games" she complained towards me.

"Its true Thee- Thee, but Maddy, seatbelts can also keep you safe from the impact of a car accident. You wouldn't want to fly outside the window if we ever do get hit now do you?" Nicky explained towards Maddy not even looking away from his I-pad screen.

I swear this guy is 7 years old and not an age older. He is really mature for someone his age. With that thought I helped Maddy put her seatbelts on and checked Nicky's seatbelt too.

After checking them over again and the mirrors I drove out the apartment complex parking spot and onto the highway.

I turned on the radio to listen to some songs and 'Love not War by Jason Derulo' came on and Maddy and Nicky started dancing and singing to it.

We came to a red light stop as we waited for it to turn green. The song was coming to an end and I had my attention on the road now, fully focused.

I took my attention away from the road for minute to admire the black Tesla with tinted windows that drove up beside my car waiting for the light to turn green too.

'Man. The safety procedures of this car would be top notch' I thought as I looked over at the rear view mirror to check on the kids and shift my attention towards the road again.

As soon as the light turns green, I sped forwards and turned on the lane towards the company I work in.

The enormous building standing proud and tall, like a sky scraper with glass window all around.

I drove a bit slower because this road is always busy and I really don't want to bump into anyone or vice versa.

"Thee- Thee, the guy that broke your nose was right there beside us" I heard Maddy said as she kept looking out the window.

"Maddy, what are you talking about?" I asked her as I looked left and right to quickly make a turn.

I peered at the rear view mirror only to see her face all stuck up against the window trying to get a glimpse of the said 'guy that broke my nose'.

"Maddy, that is very unladylike" Nicky said finally taking his gaze off his I-pad screen and shifting it towards Maddy.

I heard Nicky trying to get her face off the window.

"Guys we are almost there, see the building is only 5 minutes away." I said trying to get them excited and forget about the 'guy'.

As soon as I parked the car, my phone rang. I mentally sighed exaustedly as I look at the number calling.

Great!! Just what I need. My big cousin big brother calling me for something totally important that I can't ignore or something totally unrelated whatsoever and ends up pranking me. I thought to myself and answer his call.

"Ioo Bula Ben" I answered [Yes, Hello Ben]

"Ioo dou Bula, Adi. How are you guys?" he asked. [Yes, Hello Adi.]

"We're doing good. We're about to head out to the amusement park. The kids want to get out of the house more often now that fall break just started." I explained.

I started getting out of the car with my phone on my ear and my bag on the other closing the door with my elbow.

"Dua na ka ni gadreva, Ben? How is Aunty and Uncle? How is your fiancé'?" I asked him trying to get to the point of the phone call because obviously I am busy. [Is there anything that you need, Ben?"]

"Sega, au via tukuna ga yani ni na noqu soqo ni Vamau ena lai caka ga I Viti, I Denarau. So, you have to attend it with Maddy and Nicky. It is in 3 weeks' time. Kua ni via leqa taka na I vodovodo since we will all be going together" he explained. [No, I just wanted to let you know that my wedding will be held at Fiji, at the Denarau hotel and it is in a week. Do not worry about the fare and everything else since we will be going together]

I was about to explain that I cannot go and that I am simply busy with work and everything else but before I could get anything across, he hung up the phone call.

He always does this. Tells me things last minute without me being prepared at all and it annoys me to no end.


My phone chimed up with a message and it is from Ben.

Mental head slap!

From: Big Cousin Brother

To: Little Cousin Sister

Don't even think of canceling. I have already talked to Edward and Elizabeth about your work and they are giving you a month off. So, relax and just come ok.

Love you heaps sis.

P. S: Hazel, Mom, Dad and the rest of the fam can't wait to see you and the little ones.

I mentally sighed. Well, that's that. Guess we are going to Fiji for Ben's Wedding.

I have to admit we do miss everyone back at home. Since mom and dad died, we haven't seen much of each other, and it is partly my fault. The fact that Uncle Daniel looks a lot like Dad doesn't help at all. So, we basically just cut off everyone except for Ben who was so persistent that we remain in each other lives. He checks up on us once or twice a week and we do the same.

Maddy and Nicky quickly got out of the car and walked towards the elevator that takes us up to the Executives office. Only Edward and I are allowed up including Elizabeth, my cousin whom is Edward's fiancé' and other appointed guests and VIP's.

As soon as I am in the elevator, I pressed the button and the elevator doors started closing in. I quickly checked my phone for the time and nearly dropped my phone in shock from Maddy's screaming.

"Thee- Thee, there is that 'guy' again. See there he is, right there!!" she exclaimed loudly but before I could react or say anything the elevator started moving up.

"Maddy that's not very nice. You scared me and made me thought that there was something wrong. I almost dropped my phone" I explained.

"Maddy, we talked about being too excited" Nicky calmly said as he went over to her and held her hand in his.

"I am sure you're daydreaming" he explained further.

"Hmmpphh. Whatever, don't believe me anyways." She pouted.

I chuckled as we wait for the elevator to stop at my floor.


Edwards Simons [Alethea's Boss and Elizabeth's fiancé.]

Elizabeth Nadromo [Alethea and Ben's cousin and Edwards's fiancé']