WARNING: This story contains abuse, rape and explicit sexual conduct. Read at your own risk!!!!
Damian didn't know what was going on. His head throbbed and his body felt like a ton of lead. He tried to move only to find he was bound by a thick rope.
What in the world was going on? The last thing he remembered was being at the club with his friends. They'd finished finals and had decided to celebrate in the only way they'd known how: to get drunk.
His closest frient Tay (pronounced Tai) had found a group of girls to dance with as he'd sipped his drink. His other friend Jak had staked out a place at the bar to chat up the cute bartender, his intention to take her home. Damian had been abandoned, but he hadn't minded. He enjoyed being alone almost as much as he enjoyed being with his friends.
He felt his body involuntarily and wiggled a bit to see what was going on.
That's when he reaized what was happening. He was being claimed, and he didn't know by who!
He started to thrash, testing the ties that held him down. One wrist slipped free easily. Once it was loose, he used it to push himself up and roll over to see who the creep was.
"Damn it, kid! Stop moving! I'm close!" said an irritated voice.
Dread crept up the back of his neck. How long had he been out? And what had knocked him out? He'd kept a close eye on his drink the entire night. How had this happened? And where were his friends? Surely they knew he was missing.
He couldn't stay still. Damian pushed himself up and tried to turn over. It put pressure on his hind end and he tensed involuntarily. Pleasure and pain ripped through him at the movement, but he managed to get on his back.
His bound hand screamed in pain as the cord dug into his flesh. That pain he could handle. He was causing that pain to himself. The pain in his ass however was not of his doing. He wanted that to stop.
His attacker gathered Damian's knees to his chest, wrapping massive arms around them to hold him in place. Damian bunched his muscles and shoved with what little strength he had left. His assailant went flying and pain ripped through him. He was certain he had ripped something.
"Damn bastard!" Damian cried out as his foot was jerked and the rope pulled taut on his wrist. The pain surprised him enough he was captured again and entered rougher this time. "I said I was almost done!"
With his body screaming in agony, Damian did his best to hold on. He gripped the rope with both hands and pulled himself up as much as he could to alleviate the strain on his arms.
Why was this happening? As far as he knew, there was no one who disliked Damian. He was easy to get along with, and people genuinely liked his personality. The only thing he could think of was his family.
Damian's last name was Marquette, and he was the only son of David Marquette and Antonia Deville Marquette. He was set to inherit a multimillion dollar corporation from his mother and multibillion dollar one from his father. He was basically loaded and anybody could try for his inheritance.
His honest opinion? It was because he was a rare male Omega.
Society was divided into three classifications. Typical humans were known as Betas. Most were average working humans, blue collared people who worked hard to make good lives for themselves. Some were considered gorgeous and could make it in the world of pop culture.
The highest ranking people were Alphas. They were considered the best and brightest in all of society. They were white collared people who made millions in whatever career path they chose. When they walked into a room, they grabbed everyone's attention due to the "power" they exuded. They were the athletes, the models, the actors, and inventors. They were all over the place, and many were envious of them due to their natural ability to make something of themselves.
On the lower end of the spectrum were the Omegas. They were usually short and cute with angelic faces that made everyone want to take care of them. But at the same time, some people wanted to own them because of their looks.
Like Alphas, Omegas were able to break into whatever career they wanted because of their natural ability to get along with everyone. One Omega could bring an entire room full of people to their knees with a simple smile.
Alphas could be male or female. Traditionally, Omegas were female because of their higher chance of producing children with an Alpha than a Beta could. But every so often a male Omega was born. When that happened, his family could keep him or put him up for adoption since it was a little harder to raise them. Very rarely did their parents kill them.
When Damian was born, his parents had hoped he'd grow up just like them. They'd known their beautiful boy was different but they hadn't treated him as such until his symbol had appeared on his right shoulder. The circle looked like a simple birthmark, but his parents had known what their son was about to go through.
They'd loved him regardless and had counseled him on how to coexist with people who would want to claim him.
It had helped that Damian had enjoyed athletics because it kept his figure nice and trim. He was bulkier than other male Omegas, but he paled in comparison to the Alphas. Witht that alone, he flew under the radar and kept everything in check.
Until now.
He wasn't sure how the man had figured out what he was. As far as he knew, he hadn't exuded any pheromones to attract anyone. In fact he knew he hadn't because his body did not want to accept this person. It was rebelling against it as best as it could.
Somehow, Damian got the rope loose on his other wrist. Using all four extremities, he garnered enough power to push the man away. The heat left his body, and he realized he was completely naked.
He didn't have time to find his clothes or possessions. He had to get out as soon as possible and find help.
He ran to the door only to find it locked. He heard his assailant pick himself up off the floor and come for him. Refusing to be used again, Damian slammed his elbow into the door knob multiple times to knock it loose.
Just as the man reached for him, the handle fell to the floor on both sides. Damian shoved hard and bolted out when the door gave way.
His feet slapped painfully on the concrete floor as he ran with whatever energy he had left. He was fading fast, but he needed to find help. Anyone who saw a naked man running down the street would be curious. He could get help if they saw the man following him.
Just as he turned the corner, he was tackled from behind. His knees hit first, pain biting into them as he skid across the ground. Somehow he managed to roll out of the man's hold. Within seconds, he was up and running again.
But Damian was tired. The longer he ran, the more his body began to shut down. He needed to find someone quickly.
He could hear the breath of the man before he saw them. He didn't want to be touched again. Not by that hand again. Not by a hand who would hurt him.
Running naked through a crowd of college students certainly drew attention. Damian didn't even have to yell. People were naturally drawn to the commotion, and many stepped in to stop the guy from chasing him.
At that moment, they weren't Alpha, Beta or Omega. They were human beings trying to help someone in trouble.
Damian glanced over his shoulder briefly so he didn't see the person directly in front of him until it was too late. He slammed into them full force. Luckily, the person was prepared and spun their bodies around to stop their momentum.
At the sound of his name, he looked straight up into the face of Tay. His friend seemed shocked as he took in his named friend's condition. The look faded from shock to anger as his eyes roamed the fully exposed form. Damian had never seen the mottled purple on Tay's face before so he was surprised when he stripped his jacket off to cover him.
"Someone better hold him so I can beat the shit out of him," Tay said. He turned and headed towards the man fighting several burly men a few feet from them.
Scared senseless, Damian grabbed his friend's arm and held on tightly. In that moment, he truly felt like a powerless Omega who needed to be rescued. And if anyone was going to do it, he was glad it was Tay.
"Take me home," he muttered. His voice was barely above a whisper, and he was fighting a wave of emotion. "Please, Tay. Take me home."
Tay wasted no time. He wrapped Damian's arms around his neck and carried him like a child. He kept his bottom covered with his wrists as he carried him to his apartment, ignoring the wetness on his wrists.
He was going to have to call the police. Even with Damian being an Omega, this kind of thing was not tolerated. His friend was going to be subjected to more humiliation in the next several hours so he would talk to the owners later.
He felt Damian relax until he was all but dead weight. He must have passed out from exhaustion now that he was safe with his friend.
Tay wished he could beat the shit out of the person who did this, but Dmaian was more important. That didn't mean he wouldn't exact revenge at a later date.
No, Tay Marzano wasn't that kind of person. He didn't just let anyone walk all over his friends. Damian wasn't only his friend.
He was HIS Omega, and he was going to kill the bastard who did this.