Be my friend

It also surprised him that he suddenly grabbed her hand when she was about to leave. She looked at him, confused. He couldn't say anything and just let go of her hand, then he stood up and slowly walked closer to her.

Her heart started pounding when she saw him getting closer. Her body became frozen and she couldn't even move an inch.

He was six feet tall while she was five feet six inches. His jet black shoulder length hair was half pony tailed and she noticed he has a black diamond earring dangling on his left ear. She would admit that he was really good looking.

He got closer and was standing in front of her. She tilted her chin up to meet his gaze. He leaned forward, staring at the face of the girl who piqued his interest.

Their faces were just a few inches away, only staring at each other yet no one dared to cross the space between them.

He leaned closer to her ear and whispered.

"I'll see you again."

Then he turned around and left her standing there.

Amaris didn't know how she managed to go to her classroom. She was confused on why she couldn't move when Zion got closer to her.

"Ari!" It was Maxine who called her, pulling her inside the classroom.

"Where have you been? You missed the first period." Therese, one of her friends asked.

She couldn't believe what she just said. She didn't know she was out for a long time. Did Zion do something to her?

"Are you sick, Ari?" Maxine asked, worried.

She shook her head but still couldn't believe what had happened.

They took their seats when the professor arrived for the next class.

"We will be having new students from today onwards. Come inside!" The professor called.

She wasn't really listening and was just writing the lectures she missed from the first period. She frowned when she heard the girls from her class squealing but didn't even check the reason.

"I know you already know who they are so I won't bother to introduce them to you. They are new here in our city and we're expecting that you will all help them with what they need." The professor continued.

"Where can we sit?" A girl, one of the new students asked.

The professor looked around, trying to check for vacant seats. There were two vacant seats in front, one in the middle and another one at the back. It was perfect for the four of them but she wasn't sure if they wanted to sit separately.

"Are you okay sitting separately or would you like to sit together?" She asked, looking at the guy with jet black hair.

He wasn't listening to the professor so one of them answered. He was intently staring at someone.

"Zion, what is it?" The new girl asked while looking around the room where Zion was looking.

Zion didn't say anything but to the surprise of everyone, he walked in the direction where Amaris was seated.

"Is this seat taken?" He asked.

Amaris was sitting at the back quietly. She was busy writing when she heard a familiar voice. She just met him earlier but for some reason, she was already familiar with his presence. She slowly tilted her chin up to look at the man standing in front of her.

"That seat's taken, he was absent because he ran into a fever." The professor said.

He frowned when the professor said 'he' which means a guy was sitting beside her. Amaris saw his face suddenly went dark when he glared at the professor.

Without any word from Zion, the professor nodded and informed the class that the guy sitting beside him will be moved to the front seat.

"Take your seats so we can start."

Zion sat down beside her. She could see that the girls were giving her cold glare because she was sitting beside the alpha of the blue moon pack. Maxine was also looking at her, as if asking her what happened. She ignored them including her new seatmate and continued writing.

She frowned when Zion handed her a small piece of paper. She knew she couldn't ignore him forever so she looked at what it was about.

'Aren't we friends? Why are you ignoring me?'

Friends? They just met and it was a coincidence. This guy is weird.

'Look around. The girls were glaring at me.' She then returned the paper to him.

He didn't bother to look around. He didn't care about the people around them. He was getting more interested in her. It seems that she was really different from the other girls.

'You want to know about the story of the Moon Goddess and the Demon Prince, right?' He wrote.

Her eyes widened. She suddenly looked at him when she read what he had written. Is he going to tell her about it?

'I'll tell you the story. You want to ask a werewolf, right? Then I'll be your werewolf.' He met her gaze while holding the paper, showing her his answer.

She blinked and bit her lips that made his inner thoughts crazy. He wasn't really sure what it was. He was trying to figure out the reason why he was suddenly captivated by her.

She snatched the paper and wrote something. Then she handed it to him with a frown.

'What's the catch? I know you want something in return.'

He chuckled when he read it. She wasn't an easy girl like the others. She was different in every way and that may be one of the reasons she caught his attention.

'Be my friend.'

She was confused. As far as she knows, werewolves don't mingle with the Terrans. They lived together in peace and some of them worked with each other but she never heard that werewolves can offer friendship, much more from an alpha.

He knew she was confused just by looking at her face. She was frowning and her eyes had a lot of questions. He crumpled the paper then leaned forward and whispered to her.

"I will tell you everything I know if you meet me after class."

She felt like a thousand volts of electricity ran through her body when his warm breath brushed into her cheek and neck. She could feel the goosebumps in her stomach. She suddenly turned to his side and they were both surprised seeing their faces were just an inch away from each other.