Soul Transference

After the first period, Amaris was still thinking of the things they had discussed. She couldn't understand why it all sounded familiar. 

Zion noticed that she was quiet and was staring blankly at her food. They were at a nearby restaurant having lunch together.

"What's bothering you?" He asked.

She looked at him with a frown face. If there's someone that could help her with her confusion, it would be Zion. She thought to herself.

"The things we discussed in history, it sounded familiar. I felt like I heard it before and that I already know all about it." She said, staring into his eyes.

He sighed deeply before answering her.

"Maybe you could remember some things in your past life. It's possible that after your death, your anima ventured in Terra. Maybe you were looking for a vessel or a shell and those bodies that you've been to witnessed those things." He answered.

"Anima? What's that?" She asked, curiously.

"An anima is a soul. When a powerful being dies, they can either choose to stay dead or live. When they choose to live, they will leave their original body and find another, it's called soul transference. They need to find a corpus strong enough to handle the power they possess, in order for them to continue living. If that body couldn't handle that power, it would eventually deteriorate, and the anima needs to find the next corpus." He explained.

She nodded, but there are a lot of words that Zion was using that she couldn't understand. Still he was willing to explain everything to her.

"But still, it was just my opinion. I couldn't think of anything else other than that. Although, soul transference can only be used by someone ancient." He continued.

Amaris frowned again. His last words added more confusion to her.

"Ancient? What do you mean?" She asked again.

He intently looked at her, staring into her face. Somehow, she resembled her original body. He wasn't really sure if she used that power. He didn't really know if she could do that either.

"They said only the Gods can do that. A titan God or Goddess to be exact."

She was surprised and couldn't believe what he just said. She couldn't feel any power inside her. Aside from forgetting things about the men she dated, she never experienced anything unusual until she met Zion.

The voice she heard, that was the first time either. She was living peacefully with her aunt and Maxine after the accident. She never felt that she was a supernatural or ancient being.

She felt Zion touching her face, looking at her with a worried face.

"Hey, don't think about it for now. I also have limited answers to your questions. I can tell you everything I know. But there are things that weren't clear to me as well and if I tell you, it might add more to your confusion. Let's wait for the witch and for now, let's think of something that could at least make you remember me." He said.

She felt the sadness from his voice and her heart felt a sudden pain. She bit her lips and sighed, feeling so guilty from what she had been doing to him.

She nodded and sighed deeply. She almost forgot the issues with her and Zion. She was also asking herself how she could remember him. If not completely, at least a way to show her what happened the other day.

"How about we take a video of the things we do everyday?" He suddenly asked.

She looked at him with a frown face. It wasn't a bad idea, but if they would record it, does it mean that includes kissing and making love? She blushed with the thought that she would watch herself having sex with him.

He chuckled when he saw her flushed face. He knew what she was thinking and it was amusing to see her innocent face, blushing.

"D-Does that includes kissing and other stuff?" She asked, while biting her lips.

He nodded. 

"Instead of telling you everyday. I think it's best to record and save it. I'm not sure if it would work, but at least I have proof that I'm not forcing myself on you." He said.

It was embarrassing just thinking about it and she felt like her privacy would be invaded. But does she have a choice? She wanted to remember the things they did. She wanted to know everything.

He saw her worried face. It wasn't a decent idea but he couldn't think of anything else. It's either they record or he would just tell her everyday about it. 

"Hey, if you're not comfortable with it, then we don't have to do it. I'll be happy to tell you about it anyway so stop making that face." He said in a gentle voice.

Her heart skipped a beat hearing his gentle and calming voice. She felt Zion's sincerity and she knew he would do everything for her.

"N-No. I want to see it. I don't want to just imagine it, I want to see for myself." She decided.

He was surprised. He didn't really expect that she would agree to it.

"I promise it would be for just the two of us. And Ari, I want you to stay with me. Last night, you agreed on staying three times a week, but I'm sorry I can't accept that. I need you to live with me." He suddenly said, looking so serious.

She knew he would say that. It wasn't easy to deal with a woman who forgot about her lover everyday. He was worried that she would wake up one day and won't remember him at all, even if he told her about them.

"C-Can I talk to my aunt and Max first? I lived with them and I'm not really sure if they would agree with it." She answered.

"They can move there as well. I know it's quite far from the city and if only I could live outside of the pack house, I would be happy to buy a house near here, but you know I can't do that right?" He said.

Werewolves need to stay together. Not only them, but all creatures actually. It's still dangerous for someone to be alone, or to be away from their clan. The Elysian Elders signed a peace treaty, but there are still a lot who weren't in favor of living together in Terra.

She nodded and looked into his eyes. He was really serious about living together and she knew he wouldn't let him go that easily.


Reader's Guide:

Anima - Soul

Corpus - A host or a vessel for an anima