
"Ophelia!" Zoila shouted.

From what Amaris heard, it was the name of the witch that could help get her memories back. 

"We have no time. I came here as soon as I heard that you found her." The witch said, looking at Zion.

Then she turned her gaze to Amaris. She walked towards her and looked at Zion. He waited for the witch's response.

"It's her. Your lover." The witch said.

Amaris felt Zion's arms tightened on her waist. Zoila's face lit up and she could see that tears were starting to fall from her eyes. Cole and Xander were also happy with the confirmation of the witch.

Amaris, however, couldn't understand the reason for their happiness. Ophelia frowned when she saw Amaris face full of confusion. Zion took a deep breath and looked at the witch.

"First off, Ari, this is Ophelia, the High Priestess of the Underworld. Ophelia, this is Amaris or Ari. She couldn't remember anything about me. Love, can you tell her?" Zion said in a gentle voice.

Amaris nodded and gulped, before telling Ophelia her situation.

"I had an accident five years ago. They said I died but after an hour, I woke up. I couldn't remember anything, not even my name. Aunt Lorelle and Maxine took me. My aunt told me about my family who died in that accident. I never had an interest in taking back my memories, but I always felt something was missing." She paused.

" When I met Zion, that's when it all started. I felt a connection. It was deep but I couldn't figure it out. But on the next day, I forgot about him. I knew who he was but my feelings were all gone. I thought it was normal until I heard the story of his former lover. All of this sounded or looked familiar to me. It felt like somewhere in my memory, it's all there, just blurry." Amaris told Ophelia.

"Surcus Extermina." Ophelia blurted.

They looked at Ophelia who sat down across Zion and Amaris.

"It's an ancient ability only used by a Titan God or Goddess. The power to destroy memories. Memory destruction, a blank slate. Meaning your memory has been wiped clean. It's an ultimate form of memory erasure." She explained.

Amaris' heart was pounding from different emotions. All that information couldn't take her mind and gave her a headache.

"Can you get her memories back?" Zion asked.

Ophelia shook her head. Zion saw Amaris' face pouting, she was  so disappointed hearing those words from the witch.

"Like what I said, a Titan God or Goddess did that. And whoever it was, they intend to keep her that way."

"Why? I can't understand the reason why Ari was killed in her past life, only to be sealed in a jar and woken up in another body. Did she do anything bad in the past?" Maxine asked, annoyed.

Amaris wanted to know that as well. Zion told her that she was a product of a forbidden love, but why would the Gods allow her to live again after taking her life. She thought to herself.

"She was considered an abomination of Heaven and Hell because she's half God and half Demon."

Everyone was shocked, especially Amaris. She looked at Zion and she saw his face was also surprised by that revelation.

"You didn't know?" Amaris asked Zion.

"No. When we first met, I saw you in the flower field, naked and on the brink of death. I took you here. When you wake up, you told me you came from the sky then cast out from there. You said you were hated by both the Gods and Demons. That's all I know. I never asked you because it seemed to me that you didn't know the reason as well." He explained.

Amaris turned her gaze back to Ophelia.

"Who's my parents? What creature am I?" She continued to ask.

Ophelia stood up, then paced back and forth as if thinking about her answers.

"I don't know who your parents are. Let's just say you are a hybrid but the first one of your kind, or maybe the only one. Hybrids are offspring of different creatures. The first hybrid was half human and half god. It was called a demigod. Then a lot followed, but you are the only one born to have a God and a Demon as parents. A love between creatures of heaven and hell is forbidden. "

Amaris was looking at Ophelia, listening to every word she said. She couldn't afford to miss a single thing about herself. There are a lot of things that are still not clear. Like why was she still alive? They could just kill her in an instant since they were powerful beings.

"Why am I still alive? Why did they keep my anima?" She asked, confused.

Ophelia stared at her and then to Zion. She took a deep breath and bit her lips.

"When you were born, a prophecy was carved in your anima. You are destined to either bring destruction or balance to all worlds. I am not yet born during your time and there are secrets hidden in the abyss that were guarded and protected by the Gods itself. So I am not really sure about the exact details. But, I brought this." Ophelia said then a book appeared when she circled her finger.

"This is the Book of Malum. I know there's something in here about you." Ophelia continued.

Amaris frowned. Those words again seemed familiar, but she couldn't figure out what they were.

"That's the book of fate! Is that the one that belonged to the moirai?" Zoila exclaimed.

Ophelia shook her head and smiled widely.

"The moirai holds the Book of Fatum. This is not the book of fate. That's for the Terrans. This is the book of doom where the destiny of the dark creatures was written."

Zion and the others were shocked except for Amaris and Maxine. They didn't know why it was shocking to hear that from Ophelia.

"That book was kept in Altum, the deepest layer of the Underworld. The one who holds that book was the Demon King itself. How were you able to bring that here without being caught by the demon princes of the nine layers of hell?" Zion asked, curiosity piqued.

"It's a secret. You don't need to know that." Ophelia grinned before opening the book on the table.

Ophelia started turning the pages one by one, reading them carefully. After half an hour, she read almost half of the book but still couldn't find anything. The others patiently waited, taking their deep breaths due to boredom and getting impatient.

"Here!" Ophelia shouted.

Amaris gulped and felt her heart pounding loudly. Zion held her hand tight while they focused on Ophelia.

"It says here that a hybrid child and the one who was favored by the Gods would meet. They will bring imbalance to all realms and - and, shit!" 

They looked at Ophelia who was frowning and disappointment was all over her face.

"What?" Amaris asked.

Ophelia looked at her and sighed.

"It's been erased." 


Reader's Guide:

Surcus Extermina - memory destruction/extermination, a power to destroy memories.

Book of Malum - Book of doom, a book where the destiny of the dark creatures was written. ( Keeper: the Demon King)

Book of Fatum - Book of fate, a book where the destiny of the Terrans was written. (Keeper: The Moirai)

The Moirai - the three goddesses of fate who determined the Terran's destinies.