The Elven Prince

Silver, white hair hangs over a full, lively face. Glittering silver eyes like crystals, set appealingly within their sockets, watched intently over the village he had become enchanted by for so long.

His soft and white skin elegantly compliments his long hair and leaves a delightful memory of his past.

This is the face of the crown prince of the Elven Clan, Alwyn, a pure-blooded among the white elves. He was born to be one of the protectors of the child of the moon.

The Demon Prince Phelan and the Moon Goddess, Selene, searched far and wide across Terra to look for five creatures who could protect their child from the Gods.

The Elven Queen, Elmyra, was taking a stroll in Redwood Forest and saw Phelan unconscious. She helped the Demon Prince and attended to his wounds.

"What are you doing here? This is part of the Elven Clan Territory?" She asked.