"Snap." I looked around. My heart is pounding non-stop. I'm scared. It sounded like a branch of a tree was cracked. Someone is following me. But who? I gained my strength and started to walk. I can feel the pain in every step I make. It doesn't matter, I must ignore it for now. I have to get out of this forest.

I can hear someone is running behind me. And it's getting closer. I can't look back. I have to keep going.

The sound of someone running is getting louder and it's coming from different directions. I thought there's only one person following but I guess not. I tried to walk faster but I'm so exhausted. I looked around to see if there's a place where I can hide. There's a huge tree with a cut in the middle. I walked closer to check if I can fit in. Wait! I looked at my hands and my feet. They're small. I'm small. Is this me when I was younger?