Chapter 14: EROS

"NO! the kids have fallen asleep. Makani are you awake?" I said nervously. "Yes but barely. I know you will fall asleep before me but don't worry we will all be safe ok?" She fell asleep as well as Makani not long after.

Eros went out and saw the family he had been waiting for asleep floating. Then he used his magic to float them down into the cave.

Once they were in the cave they were still asleep but an hour later they all woke up one by one except for Grey who was wounded. "How did you all sleep?" "Like a baby." Said Ocean. "Hello sir. You must be Eros." I said. "Yes quite right. I take it you met Hermes?" "Yes sir. He helped my son Grey." I see that. I recognize the first aid. May I check him out?" "Yes please. Anything you can do for him." Eros looked him over and saw he had a fever. "Hmm. The kid has a fever. I can't do anything for him until it goes down. I can give him some medicine to help it." He put some different looking stuff on Greys wound to help the fever. "Ok that should do it. I know why you all are here. I asked for the kids to be here and also the reason you came here is because the people of the sea are weakening and the sea piano isn't doing anything for them anymore is it?" "Yes that's right. I am also the current sea goddess." "I figured as much and I also heard the change of law. One of your children are going to be the next one aren't they." "Well if the higher ups thinks so then yes. The recent goddess Kleena made a deal with the higher ups to let me die at an old age. In return she left us earlier." "I see so that's what happened. Well it happens anyway as for helping you I can only tell you one thing. The sea is under a spell."

I was zoning out for awhile then Makani said my name a few time. "Huh? Sorry can you repeat that?" "Its ok its understandable. It is shocking the sea is under a spell. The only one who can break it is the recent Goddess." "So I have to break the sea spell? How exactly am I supposed to do that?" "Well I don't know. That is something you have to figure out yourself. I'm afraid once the spell is broken I won't be here anymore. Like I said time will catch up with me and I will be dust." "I'm sorry sir." "Its good. I enjoyed my youth long enough. Give me a minute. Stay here with your family I need to do something." "Yes sir." I sat and talked to Makani for awhile.

"Makani. I feel bad not to be able to see the man again." "I know Naia. If you think about it sacrificing one man who is passed his time to save hundreds." "Still I know we just met the guy but I feel bad." "Yeah I know. It will be ok honey." "It'll be ok mom." Said Miya. "I know sweetie thank you." Then Kleena came by to comfort as well. Ocean stayed with Grey. "I'm ok kids thank you."

Then a few minutes later the man walked back out. "Ok sorry about that. I called my family to let them know what is going to happen. They will all be here soon." "Oh so we get to meet your family huh?" "Yep. I wish my son didn't die before I did though. I guess I will see him soon." "I guess that is a plus. I take it your wife died as well?" "Yes she died at childbirth." "Oh I'm so sorry." "Its all right."

Hours later the others showed up and Grey Just started waking up. "Ow. That hurt. What is going on? Who are these people?" "Oh Grey your awake. Nice to meet you. I'm Eros." "Oh so you're the guy. Nice to meet you. Whats going on." "Oh my family is here to say goodbye." "What do you mean goodbye? Are you going somewhere?" "Well…" "I will tell him sir." Then I told him about whats going to happen. "I see. I'm sorry sir. At least you will see your family again that's good." "Yeah thanks kid." He introduced his family to me and they spent time together. While I was trying to figure out how to break the spell.

'Wait I think I remember reading something about the sea spells. I think I have it with me.' I checked my pockets and found a book. 'Ah here it is. OK now lets see. Here we are. Its says a strong feeling can bring the sea spell down. Wheather is evil or a good feeling. Depending on the strong feeling that could turn the people as well.' "Hmm. I see." "What is it mom?" Said Kleena. "Nothing honey. I brought the book back with me about spells." "Did you figure out how to break it?" "Yes I did. It has to have a strong feeling good or bad could end up turning the people depending on the feeling." "I see then we have to be careful don't we?" "Yes we do."

I went over to Eros to see if he said his goodbyes. "Yes I did. How about you? Did you figure it out?" "Yes I did." "OK then. Oh hang on the goddess is calling me. I still sometimes get her spirit to help me when I need it."

I walked away for a little bit to hear the goddess. "Hello Goddess. What is it?" "I'm afraid I have some bad news. Its Tide. He is seriously injured. He is not expected to survive the night. I Have to cut the line just thought you should know." "Th-thankyou Goddess." Then the call was gone. I went out and started screaming. "NOOOOO! HE CAN'T DIE! PLEASE DON'T DIE! TIDE NO!!" Then there was a strange sound and feeling like an earthquake. Then I calmed down a bit. "What is going on?" I asked worriedly to Makani. "Looks like you broke the spell." I looked around for Eros he was still there but like the goddess he was withering away. "Eros!" "Thank you Naia. Your son will be ok. Everyone take care of eachother ok? I wish I could have got to know your family more Naia you have an interesting family." "Thank you sir." Ocean helped Grey up to say goodbye. "Thank you sir for helping me." said Grey. "NO problem kid. Take care of your family ok?" "Yes sir." Makani ruffled Grey and Ocean's hair. "Goodbye everyone. I love you all I had a long enough life. I did my duty now its time to go." He smiled and closed his eyes and there was nothing left of him.

Eros' family came to us. They told us they didn't blame us because he had a smile on his face when he went. "We want to thank you." Said Hermes. "This is my wife and our two kids." "Hello Levy and Jet. Nice to meet you." I said. "Nice to meet you too." Said Levy looking towards my boys. "Mind if I talk to this one for a moment?" "Sure go ahead Naia." So I walked with her somewhere alone.

"SO Levy I would like to ask. How old are you?" "Uh 16 why?" "I see. I saw you looking at my boys." "Oh you saw that. Its embarrassing." "No its ok. Which one are you interested in? I'm curious." "The one with the bandages." "Oh Grey huh? He is the popular twin. I'll tell you what. How about if I talk to your parents about you two dating?" "You would? Really?" "Yeah I would if you are interested." "Um before you do can you ask him what he thinks of me?" "I think It would be best if you did but I will do it for you. OK lets go back." "Ok thanks."

"Grey can I talk to you alone for a second." "Yes mom coming." So we came over and we talked a bit. "Grey. Levy said she was interested in you. What do you think of her?" I saw him blush and say "She' is ok." "Just ok?" "OK she's pretty alright I said it." "Well what would you say about dating her?" He cleared his throat. "Really? But doesn't she live to far away?" I would arrange something with her parents. "I wouldn't mind. It would be cool to have her go to school with me. She would be the prettiest one at school to me." "Oh so that's how you see her. Ok I will let her parents know." "You're the best mom." We went back out and grey laid back down to think.

I talked to Levy's parents and they figured this would happen. They told me that Miya and Jet had the same feeling as well and they agreed but they would have to stay over with us. "Are you sure?" "Yeah. Its all good. What do you think honey?" "Its fine with me." "Hey sis what do you think?" "Hey they aren't my kids do whatever. I just don't want any cousins to early ok?" "Woah easy now wierdo." Said Jet. "Not even thinking about that right now." "Don't worry we will watch them like a hawk." Said Makani. "Dad! Jeeze! Sorry about that Levy." "Hey its all good." "Ok well the spell has been broken are you heading back now?" "Yeah we will leave in the morning since its late." "Sure." So the kids went to sleep in the cave. Us grownups stayed to talk.

"So tell us about your grandfather." "Oh well he pretty much raised us with dad's help until he died. Then it was just gramps to raised me and my sister. Mom died giving birth to my little sister. No one ever blamed her but she still blames herself." "It is. If it wasn't for me mom would have died." "Dad told me that he had a choice to save his wife or the child which was you. If that was the truth dad wouldn't have wanted to save you if he thought it was your fault." "Is that true?" "Yes you were still little when dad died but he told me." Then she hugged her brother. "You two are close huh?" "Yeah she stuck like glue to me when we were kids. I always tried to get her out of trouble." "Hehe. Oh brother." "What is it?" said Makani. "Oh nothing. Just remembering when Nen and I were younger. I was the older twin. Though I was the older twin he still treated me like the younger one. If it wasn't for our hair and eye color mom said we would be identical. Sometimes my brother would get a wig to trick our parents." We laughed a lot.

"Was your grandfather Eros a good grandpa?" "Yeah he was. My grandpa died at a young age and so did my father as well. I never knew what happened but my father died in an accident. Haha my great grandpa Eros was pretty funny guy growing up. He was serious when the time came to it and also scolded when it was necessary. So when we saw he had a serous face we knew something was up. He normally was a happy guy." "I see. I guess that is why he had a smile on his face when he went." "Yeah I'm glad that's the way he went." "Yeah me too brother." "Well We better get to sleep so we can have energy in the morning." "Yeah sure."

The next morning we were getting ready to go. Then I had a strange gut feeling something is about to happen not knowing if it was good or bad. Makani noticed I was acting weird and came over to me. "Are you ok Naia?" "Yeah I just can't believe Tide might be dead." "If he is there is nothing we can do about it. But I know that's not what that look was. What's wrong?" "I just have a strange feeling something is about to happen. I don't know if its good or bad. I'll have you go with the kids on Azure I'll stay with Selena. If anything happens protect those kids got it?" "Yes but be careful ok?" "I will do my best." We said goodbye and thanked everyone and we swam up.

We finally made it up. Azure and Selena saw our sad looks. "What is it Naia?" "Well I am sure you noticed the spell has been broken on the sea but it had a price. Eros had to die. He was Levy and Jet's great great great grandpa. He had a spell on him for years and when the spell broke He fluttered away like the goddess did." "I see. I have something to tell you about me since the spell has been broken but I can tell you on the way." "Ok lets go then." Then we started going.

"Oh Selena before I left I had a strange feeling I don't know if you felt it but I'm not sure if it was good or bad. It will be something starting really soon." "Ok. No I didn't feel it." "Ok just warning you I have a feeling Makani told Azure as well." "Ok now as we are going there is something I need to tell you about Azure and I." "Ok sure." "Well since we were born we were able to turn human at night and animal during the day. Some can do it on command but we haven't figured it out yet." "Woah wait a minute. So you and Azure can turn human?" "Yes its true. I hope you like my form. As for Azure he is really handsome." "We have been friends since before we met you." "Oh I see." "Do you love him?" "Well maybe." "Why don't you tell him?" "I'm just too nervous." "Haha cute." "How did you tell Makani?" "Oh uh I told him and Tide I wasn't ready to date but when thinks calmed down I would make my decision. Then I found out about Makani being half sea human and all that I had to teach him. Since then I was closer to him than I was Tide and the goddess set us up." "Oh so it wasn't love you were just friends." "Yeah so when the time comes I'm sure you will know. I think from looking at you two it will be soon enough." "Hehe I hope so." Then we swam faster.

We finally got to where the fast part of the ocean is and we stopped. "Oh no. The feeling is stronger. Makani! Wait!" Stay here Azure. "Yeah sure." Makani swam over to me and I said, "My feeling I had. It was right here. It got stronger. I don't know if its good or bad so I am worried." "It will be ok honey. I promise." "I hope so." I swam over to the kids and said, "Kids protect eachother ok? If you can't find Makani find someone and protect them got it?" "Yes maam." So I went back to Selena and we went at the same time and off we went really fast.