Chapter 24: Six years later

"Ok Knight and Kida are you ready for School?" "Yes daddy." Said Knight. "Ok good boy. What about you Kida?" "Yes dad." She rolled her eyes. "Ok then lets go. I told you when you start Jr. high, you can move to the surface ok? Until then be a good girl. Its hard on your skin when you are still this age. It can make you sick." "Yeah I know." So Makani took the kids to school. Grey and Kleena already had families of their own. Miya went to the surface to live up there. She stayed close to where Kleena lived. At least they would be able to see their little nephew and Nieces. Grey has 2 boys and lives in the ocean still. Kleena has 1 boy and 2 girls.

"Nen have your boys been bugging you about leaving the surface?" "No not yet." "Lucky you. Kida has been bugging me." "Well I'm sure they will when they get old enough then the girls will be doing to same not far behind." 2 years after the boys were born they had 2 girls and they didn't want anymore so she took the medicine I did. "Well nothing seems amiss so far. Thank goodness. I have an idea Nen. What if I let you and Ocean take it down here and I will go up if it blinks. Can I do that?" "I guess we can try that." "Ok good." "Ocean honey where are you?" "I'm here mom what do you need?" "Oh there you are did you hear what me and uncle Nen talked about?" "Yeah Me and Nen will deal the people down here while you go up there." "Yeah also from time to time I will have you come with me ok?" "Yeah mom. Oh and when is Grey supposed to start training?" "Oh he is supposed to start tomorrow." "Ok good." "Plus the sooner the better I'm not getting any younger." "Oh mom you look pretty young to me." "Thanks Ocean. You're a good son." "I know." "Suck up. Have you heard from Miya?" "Yeah she seems to be having a good time up there with her boyfriend. He too ended up as one of the sea humans up there." "Well that's good." "Ocean how do I get your little sister Kida to stop asking us to go to the surface? She is only 8 and bugging me." "Haha Ok mom I'll see what I can do after work." "Thank you." "So have you visited Greys boys lately?" "No but I was planning on going there after work. They are still babies after all." "Yes well the more you spend time with them the more they will remember you." " I guess that's true." "OK well looks like you guys are on duty." Nen looked at the chart. "Ok uncle lets go." So they both left and I did some paperwork.

After work Ocean went to Kida and had her go with him to see the baby boys and talk with her their so Grey can help. Kida and Knight were already back home. Knight stayed home with Makani. "Hey Knight how was school?" "Oh Hi mommy it was good. I'm doing homework." "Oh I see what homework do you have?" So he showed me the homework he had. "Oh I see do you need help with any of it?" "Nope I can do it all by my self. If I need help I can talk to you or daddy." "Haha Ok big guy. You do that." Then I ruffled his hair like I do my brothers. Except Knight didn't seem to mind it. Then I went to my room to rest a bit until dinner time.

Finally it was dinner time and I woke up due to the smell. I changed my clothes and fixed my hair. As I walked out I saw Makani and my oldest son waiting to escort me to the dinner table. "Why thank you kind sirs. Hehe." "You look lovely my dear." "Why thank you kind sir." "He's right mom you do." "Thankyou young sir." We all laughted and I put my arm in each of the mens arms and we walked to the dinner table.

"Ok go sit next to Ocean and your family Grey thanks for helping to escort me." "Any time my Lady." Said Grey jokingly. "Oh you." Makani pulled the chair out for me and I thanked him then we all sat down and I had to say something. "Welcome to dinner. I don't really have any announcements other than everything is going good since everyone has moved to the surface and to the sea. I hope you all enjoy yourselves. You may eat." Then we all got our food and started eating.

"Hey mommy? I haven't heard the piano yet? When can you play it so I can?" "Oh don't worry honey I will play it soon. Just a little longer ok Knight." "Ok mommy." "Yeah we'd all love to hear the piano ourselves we heard it was more beautiful down here than it was hearing it up there." Said another person. "Ok everyone calm down. When I have some free time again I will announce it ok?" "Yes Goddess." Then we focused on our eating and it was time to go to bed a couple hours later.

"Ok you two. Want me to tuck you in?" I said since I don't get to see them often. "Yes mommy." Said Knight. "Sure mommy." Said Kida. Then Ocean went to his room which he shares with Knight. "Ok then go get in bed I'll see Knight first then you ok Kida?" "Yes mommy." "Ok good girl. OK Knight go get to bed I'll follow you." "OK mommy." So I followed him. "Ok buddy there you go. Want me to sing or anything? Ocean would that bug you?" "No I don't mind you can sing. I miss your songs. Oh sing that song you played on the sea piano. Your favorite one." "Ok lets see….Hmm hmm mmm hmm…." Once I was done both boys were asleep and I went over to Kida's room. "Hey Kida. Lets tuck you in. there you go want me to sing for you too?" "Yeah sing the lullaby." "Ok sure." "Hmm hmm hmm…." Then she fell asleep when I was done. I kissed her goodnight like I did for the boys on the forehead and left back to my room with Makani.

"Hey Makani. Ocean wanted me to sing the song I played on the piano. Kida wanted me to sing the lullaby." "Oh is that so?" "Yeah want me to sing to you too Makani? Ocean said I still got it?" "Sure if you want? Sing anything you want." I sang as I was getting ready. "Hmm mm hmmm…." "Wow you sure do got it still. Come to bed Naia." "I'll be right there. OK coming now." So I joined him to bed and turned off the light. We snuggled until morning.

The next morning was the weekend so the kids got to stay home and do whatever. I of course had paperwork to do. Nen and Ocean look at the chart. "Oh I totally forgot. I need to go to the surface and bring mom and dad. Can you two handle it for now? Its been years I've been meaning to do it." "Yes go ahead we will be fine right ocean?" 'Yeah sure." "Ok thanks." So I swam over to mom and dads.

"Hey mom and dad. I've been meaning to do this but I need to take you both to the surface. I know you two are starting to show your age. But come on please. Just this once." "Ok sure. When do we leave?" "Ok cool we can either leave now or tomorrow morning." "Tomorrow morning is good." "Ok thanks be ready then. I gotta get back to work." Then I swam back and went back to work. "Oh tomorrow I'm taking mom and dad to the surface. Can you help Makani when you can Nen? You too Ocean." "Yeah we will do our best." "Good thanks."

I went back to work to make up for missing it tomorrow. I did paperwork stuff mostly. "Hmm. Paperwork is tiring. Just as much as going to the surface." "Haha. When aren't you tired sis." Said Nen. "Yeah I know. As much as I've known mom she is always tired whether its work or taking care of us." Said Ocean. "Yeah I know. I will be on the surface for a few days so I can rest. Sorry to pin this stuff on you." "Its ok Mom. Uncle Nen and I can handle it. Right uncle?" "Haha yeah I guess we have no choice." "Oh and its Grey's first day tomorrow. So don't forget ok Nen? Show him the works. Ocean you pretty much got the stuff down you need right?" "Yeah mom I do." "OK good. If you need any advice get ahold of Nen ok?" "Yeah mom I know." Then the day went on.

The next morning I was at my parents house getting ready to leave. "Ok mom and dad. Are you all packed and ready to go?" "Almost." Said mom. "OK done." "OK lets go." So we started swimming out.

(On the surface.)

"Finally we made it." I said. "How are you two doing?" "We are doing good." Said mom. "Ok you two after we get to a certain place I need you to stand outside and I will come get you when its time. Don't worry it won't be long." "Ok honey." Said dad.

We got to Ocean's place and I told them to wait outside. Then I went inside to find Ocean. I looked in his office first and found him. "Oh Ocean good timing. Meet me in the parlor room. I have a surprise for you." "Oh really?" "Yep." "OK let me finish up here and then I will ok?" "Sure." So I went back outside to get my parents and showed them to the parlor room.

"Ok Mom and dad take a deep breath ok?" So they did and I walked inside with them. We sat down across from him on the other couch. "Ocean I would like you to meet my mother. The one who saved you all those years ago." "No way? This is her?" said Ocean. "Yes this is my mother." "I want to thank you for saving my life back then. I told myself if I saw you again I would thank you. So thank you." "Well no problem. I couldn't leave a young boy to be swept away. Look how handsome you are. I'm glad you are doing well." He blushed. "Ok well I'll leave you 3 alone. Have fun mom and dad." "OK honey. Thank you." Said mom. Then I went out to find Tide.

I went to the dock first to see if the sailors knew where he might be. They told me he was at home it was his day off. So I walked to his house.

(Knock Knock) "Oh hello Naia. Tide is in his study. I'll go get him." "Thanks." His grandpa died 1 year ago which was really sad I took that day off to be with him. Then not long after Tide came out. "Oh hey there Naia." "Hey Tide how are you? I see your wife is pregnant." "Yeah I'm glad I got married before gramps passed." "Yeah me too." "Yeah she is pregnant with a boy." "Oh really? Well congrats." "Thanks." "Well I will be here a few days. Mom is finally visiting ocean. Dad is with her." "Oh maybe I will go say hi to them later." "Yeah they can finally meet you." So we talked about pretty much random things then I had to go.

"Well I better head back to Oceans. See you later." "Yeah see you. Thanks for stopping by." Then I waved and went back to Oceans.

A Few days later we were finally home. "Ahh. I have gotten some much needed rest up there. OH mom and dad what did you think of Tide?" "Oh he was a nice young man." "Yeah I know. He helped me when I first Came there." "Yeah he told us." "Well I better head to work. I shouldn't leave it to them for too long." "Ok honey see you and good luck." "Yeah thanks dad." Then I headed back to work.

"I'm back everyone." "Mommy!" Said Kida and Knight. "Oh kids. What are you doing at mommy's work? Were you giving people a hard time?" "Well sort of." Said Kida. "Kida you are a big girl now. You shouldn't be givning the maids too much trouble and your setting a bad example for Knight." "Yeah Yeah I know. Sorry mom." "You shouldn't say sorry to me say sorry to the maids you gave a hard time. Oh and sometime tomorrow I will be playing the sea piano if anyone is interested." "We can take a day off right Naia?" "Yeah why not. Grey Nen come when we do it the people aren't going anywhere and Grey bring your wife and babies. They will enjoy it. Oh and speaking of babies Tide is going to be a father soon. His wife is having a boy." "Oh really?" "Yeah." "Cool." Said Nen. "Ok lets get to work and kids go back to the maid ok? I will stop by mom's after work and let them know."

After work I went to mom and dad's house. "Hey mom and dad. I'll be playing the piano tomorrow around noon. My family will be there if you want to come." "Of course we will come." Said mom. "Thanks mom."

Finally it was time. Everyone gathered at the meeting spot and we headed out. We finally made it and I sat down did some finger warm ups and pressed one note just for the heck of it then I told them I will play the sound of the sea then I started playing and they were mesmerized.

The End