Chapter 64

Allen, who was using the [Gunslinger Mode] ability, had an effect that affected his comrades. One by one , his three friends Devan, Marc and Ronald came out of the [Barrier] that had been created by Snow White. The white-haired girl gasped in surprise. Can't believe that even the strongest [Barrier], was destroyed so easily. Not only that, the blood splatter stains seeping in the sand turned out to be Montag's. Snow White suspected that he was most likely killed by Allen McCarthy. His jaw tightened, the stomping of his feet walked towards Allen. He plans to comb the beach as well as avenge some of the Dwarves who died at the hands of the otherworlders. Snow White's two palms pointed at the remaining screen. A magic rune appears in the form of a white circle with sharp edges on four sides. Unfortunately, its action was prevented by the magic Mirror.

"Stop it, idiot! You want to die?"