Intermission 12 Part 3

In a forest at night. The sound of a wolf's howl echoed around him. The full moon shone to cover half of it. Tall trees with swaying bushes. The sound of a sighing moan came from a red-skinned girl without wearing a single thread. Being wrapped in pleasure with two dashing men who incidentally were hired soldiers. Cries and sighs complement each other. Several people have died of various reasons. Some were beheaded, slashed in the back until they died. Until fifteen-year-old girls are raped by mashers.

All that is no different from the oppression of the British colonial against the Indians or Native Americans. Ships sailing in Plymouth Harbor or Plymouth harbor, seem quiet because the crew are fast asleep. Leaving a few crews on night vigil. However, to the right, there were sparks and shadows from the tent.