Intermission 12 Part 6

"War you say? Don't joke to me!"

Weroance Powhatan was shocked to hear the words of the masked figure. He took off his robes, smoothing his war bonnet hat. A nail driven, a bow that has been sharpened and full of carvings. Taken by Powhatan and grafted onto his back. Three pieces containing forty arrows were held by him. Run as hard as you can to find the source. Only then did he see a masked figure carrying a book. Around him a lot of people died because of him. All have similar characteristics. Weroance Powhatan's expression was furious. Take the initiative to attack first.

"Why did you attack our tribe?"

"I'm looking for a girl named Pocahontas. And planning to recruit her to destroy the British colonial army. One of them is John Smith and Sir Samuel."

"I don't know who Sir Samuel or John are. But if you disturb our composure, then you will come face to face with us."

"Go ahead, human!" the masked figure pouted.