Chapter 187

Needless to say, the weather has changed again. The powder from the Essay tree sprinkled it into the sky. Heals otherworlders who are poisoned. They are taking a short break after fighting the final boss, Wolf and Red Riding Hood and his grandmother.

Hiro and Rina groaned in pain. Letting both of them be healed by someone who is not Yumi. Moreover, the ponytail girl is being cared for by the Powhatan tribesmen. Marc, Allen, Ronald received similar treatment. In contrast to the condition of Sakari who intends to be buried on the ninth floor. Take some items as memories or relics.

Each tribe of Indians has its own variations in funeral customs. This includes the use of native languages, symbols, ceremonial objects and practices. The natives regard nature as a sacred place, with religious activities attached to certain places. Many also believe that birth, life, and death are part of an endless cycle.