Chapter 189

Some time before…

Ilsa and Otto Koch had arrived on the tenth floor. The two of them were greeted by dozens of mindless dragons. Some of them spouted fire on a large scale. There are also fighting with each other. The rest waited for orders to take a nap, look up at the artificial sky and stare at the Kochs. The stomping of his feet was quite felt around him. An orange dragon growled as Wilhelm held it up to the head. However, their strength cannot be doubted.

stretch his neck. Stretch both palms of each other. Ilsa prepared to use the hundreds of knives she had stored. While Otto prepared twelve swords that were lent from the Grimm brothers.

The sword floated in the air. Prepare to attack the otherworlders. For Ilsa and Otto, they rode a Vietnamese dragon. Depart by opening a portal. The size is getting bigger. The wings of a Vietnamese dragon, traveling at high speed together with Guivres, a dragon from France.