Chapter 192 Part 2

Phoenix itself is a kind of legendary sacred fire bird. This fire bird is described as having very beautiful red and golden feathers. After living that long, the phoenix burned itself. After that, from the ashes, emerged a young phoenix. The life cycle of such a phoenix would undergo resurrection after death. Then, the creature appeared as a new figure. Even the nature. The bird is often symbolized as a symbol of immortality or a symbol of the cycle of life after death, as well as a symbol of the resurrection of the body after death. The European world considers it a sacred bird that should be guarded.

Ronald's eyes turned red. A frown appeared on his face, giving off a great amount of energy. Until Ilsa couldn't move. He felt for the first time fear. His footsteps could not be stomped. It was as if something was bugging him.

Śrīksetra turned to his comrades. Turn to them. Sri Jayanasa shouted loudly. Release all emotions that are in him.