AURORA (Mi Corazon)


(Mi Corazon)

Episode 12

He moved closer to her, he had to stab her deeply so that she wouldn't survive.

A sound made him flinch backwards, putting away the knife into his pocket.He looked up to see Marco approaching.

'What the fuck!'He thought.

"Marco,I thought..."

"I cancelled the trip.The moment I left the house,I was feeling so uneasy, even if I got on the plane,I know I would only be slacking off with the investor since my mind wasn't settled."He averted his gaze to a drunk Aurora.

"Mierda! Where are her guards?And why the hell is she drunk?"He asked, pissed.

"When I got here,the guards weren't here, so I decided to stay with her till they return from wherever they went to. I'm sorry, Marco. I brought the wine here but she kept on insisting to drink too, you know how stubborn she can be"Diego explained.

Marco sighed.Thank goodness he had returned home,so this was how the guards behaved when he was away.

"Just tell them that they're fired when they get back, I'll reinstate new men who wouldn't dare to leave her side, thank you, Diego for staying with her"Marco said, gratefully.

Diego grinned."It's nothing.So the deal with Juan Pedro is cancelled then?"

"Yes.Right now,her safety is more important than anything else."

Diego's fist clenched.This woman practically has Marco wrapped around her little fingers.

He forced a smile out of him."See you tomorrow, goodnight"With that,he walked away.

Marco stared at Aurora.Why was she so stubborn? What was her reason for getting drunk?

He bent before her.

Aurora's eyes slowly opened,she giggled stupidly.

"Why do you always appear in my dreams? Can't I be safe in here for once?"She drawled.

Marco snickered.She thought she was dreaming.Damn!She always dreamt about him.

"Dummy, I'm back"

"Mi papacito rico(my handsome and hot guy)"

His heart fluttered,he had heard that alot from different women but hearing it from this woman made his heart take a more urgent beat.

"Let's get you to bed,Nena"

He lifted her into his arms and instantly her giggles stopped and turned into hiccups.Her head spun ominously but cleared again.

As he descended the stairs,his body stiffened feeling her fingers running through his hair.

Every reasonable thing disappeared from Aurora's head and all she knew was that she was in Marco's it dream or not.Any concern and inhibitions were dissolving like snow on hot coals at the feel of his body so close to hers.

He walked down the hallway heading for her bedroom.

She pressed a finger against his mouth,a core tightening in her belly.She could feel his chest contract and move against her.

"I love it when you kiss me, Marco."

Being drunk was turning her into something else.

Marco moved his head away and Aurora's hand fell to his neck.She started to pull at his bow tie to get to the bottons of his shirt.Frowning in concentration,she was barely aware of Marco walking into her bedroom,she was so intent on her task.

When the bow tie proved impenetrable to her clumsy ministrations,she gave up with a huff and started to undo the other buttons of his shirt.Sighing happily when she could slide a hand in and touch the warm skin of his chest.His heart was beating heavily against her hand and she felt unbearably hot all over.Waves of heat were coming and going, gathering intensity.

Swaying dangerously,she giggled when Marco stood her on her feet and cursed.

"I'm pissed at you for getting drunk so don't even think that I would fuck you"

She swayed again unsteadily,sighly voluptuously."Then I would fuck you"

Marco frozed."Where did this dirty mouth of yours come from?"

She replied by pushing him to the bed.He quickly sat up on the edge of the bed.

"Aurora, you're drunk and...."

"Shhh"She pressed a finger to his lips.

"Relax... you're gonna like this"She assured.

His jaw dropped.Was this really Aurora?

She bent down between his legs and started working on his belt.

He swallowed.

Shit!She wanted him and there was nothing he could do when he was damn hard already.

Lifting his hips,he let her tug off his trousers and briefs.

"You've got one hot dick,you know"She muttered, stroking him.

He just stared at her, speechlessly.

Someone really needed to answer this question.

Was this Aurora?

She bent her head and ran her tongue through his cock in a slick, erotic slide.

"Cagado!"He exclaimed when she suck him.

She hollowed her cheeks and sucked harder, taking more of him into her sweet mouth.

"Aurora"He groaned not wanting her to stop and at the same time he wanted to touch feel her.

"Don't stop"He begged.

She shook her head and tortured him by moving her head up and down at a mind-numbling speed.It felt so incredible watching her worked her tongue around him... swirling and flicking.

"Nena, please..."He moaned but felt her laugh.

A deep vibration rumbled through him until luckily,she stopped before he was about to come down her throat.

Aurora grinned, sheepishly and wiped her now swollen lips with the back of her hand.

"You taste so fucking good"

"I never knew you could say these things"Marco muttered, amused as she got up off her knees.

Sexily,she started taking off her clothes... throwing them at him.

She fell on the bed spreading her lips.

"Come here, baby"She instructed.

Marco grinned,he partially liked the fact that she was drunk.She could say anything she wanted without fear of inadequacy.He knew she would feel embarrassed by this drunken act tomorrow and he would surely tease her with it.

He got between her legs and began assualting her womanhood with his mouth.

"Oh my God...Marco!She moaned.

He loved that sound.She whined and squirmed under his tongue as he paid special attention to her most sensitive bud.He knew how much she loved being touched there.He slipped one finger inside her, sliding in and out.. and she whimpered.

"More...Marco... please don't stop"She begged and he gave her more.Expertly circling and curling both fingers inside her before pulling them back out and giving her his tongue.

Her legs quiver and he pulled back rubbing his finger on her clit till she comes with her eyes screwed shut.

He smiled thinking that was all for the night but then she moved and climbed onto his laps.

Marco sighed, silently hoping that she would get to a satisfactory point soon.

She gripped his length and lowered herself into him.

He groaned in immense pleasure as she rolled her hips against his.

She moved slowly in circles, creating the sweetest rhythm.The shape of her body, her lovely hips,is mesmerizing and sexy as she rode him.He knew he won't last long so he lifted off the bed slightly to meet her movements and bring his mouth to breast, sucking hell out of her nipples.

"Fuck...Marco"She whimpered.

Bringing up his head from her chest, she kissed him deeply and moved down scattering hot kisses all over his chest, sucking on his skin harshly. Kindly Say hi to Deen Arfat on +2348148119643 WhatsApp to get added to our novels group and get PDF links.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and started to move forward at a faster pace.

She placed her hands on his chest, feeling completely ecstatic.

He reached down to where their bodies were joined,she was soaked and his cock glide more easily into her.

"Ohh"She purred.

"I love it when you fuck me,Marco.I love how it makes me feel"

"Who's the only one who can make you feel this way?"He rubbed her clit in tighter circles and continued thrusting into her while she moved on her own.

"You"Her eyes rolled back in her head so lost in her passion for him and he was joining her.

He watched her comes completely undone above was such a beautiful sight.He loved the passion between them.

With a final jerk of his hips,he spilled into her with a groan of her name.

She sighed and slumped on top of him.Her chest falling and rising... falling and rising.

He kissed her forehead feeling so overwhelmed.

He felt her place her hand on his chest.

"I love it when you call me 'nena"She confessed.

He smiled,he knew she had always loved any sweet names he calls her.

"Quiero ser tu princesa para siempre(I want to be your princess forever)"

Those words made his heart stopped.

He shakily stared at her,she was drifting off to sleep.

No! She shouldn't want that.He couldn't be with her forever even if he wanted to.

He was suddenly becoming everything he was scared of being.She had control over his heart.She could make him the happiest man on earth but if she keeps on wanting more,she'd would end up shattered when he dies.

The morning sun woke Aurora up.

Her head hurt like crazy.And her whole body ached.

She tried to sit up but she was weighed down by someone.....


How did he...when did he....she thought he was on a business trip.

Untangling their legs and waking him in the process,she moved away from him.

"Morning, sex maniac"He began.

"Don't call me that"She snapped holding her head.

She grabbed the mattress and wrapped it around her body.

Marco scoffed."Don't even try to act timid when last you nearly killed me"

The image of her sucking and riding Marco played through her head.

Was that her?

"Even if I loved your wanton display last night but why the hell did you drink?"

She bit her bottom lip trying to remember, Diego had suggested she had a glass... after that she couldn't remember much of what she did or said.

Her eyes ran through his chest and neck, littered with red spots.

Did she do all that?

"I thought you were on a business trip?"

"I cancelled it because I didn't want you to miss me too much"

She averted her gaze, willing herself not to let his words affect her but they already did.

"I don't have a head for alcohol,I probably didn't do anything much...."

"Didn't do anything much?"He snickered.

"I told you that I wouldn't fuck you but you say you would fuck me and you indeed fucked life out of me"

Aurora gasped."I would never say anything like that...."

"I guess you don't remember much but you were so energetic and I was like.....God Aurora, you're gonna be the death of me.... it's okay for tonight"He said, dramatically.

"And you were like...Die a little Marco cause I'm fucking you till dawn"He said, mimicking her voice.

She threw a pillow at him in dismay.

"That didn't happen!"She exclaimed.

"It did,nena"He argued and laughed seeing her cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

"I'm never going to get drunk again"She sworn getting out of the bed,she hurriedly walked into the bathroom shutting the door.

Marco grinned.

"You don't have to worry,princesa.I love how wild you were last night"

"Stop talking!"She yelled.

Marco shook his head and put a call to Ximena to prepare a hangover soup.

He stood up from the bed, staring at his hand on,the next thing he could picture was touching her soft body again.

He had said she was wild but he always turned into something feral within touching distance.

He walked into the bathroom, watching the water from the shower run through her delicate body.Could he ever get used to seeing this?

She was too beautiful.

He moved closer to her and wrapped his arms around her stomach pulling her in for a backhug.

"Marco!"She exclaimed, surprised.

He rested his chin on her shoulder.

"Let's stay like this for a while, I want to hold you"He said, gravelly.

'And never let you go'He thought.

How could he possibly part ways with her soon?

It was nearly one month since she had gotten into the agreement with Marco and Aurora was starting to feel differently physically and emotionally.

Emotionally because she had gotten used to Marco... drowning in his sensuality almost every night,she wanted more and she wished he would have a change of heart about their deal....the idea of getting pregnant now sounded appealing to her because she had always loved kids but she wished he would want her in his life permanently.

Her physical changes were in her boobs which had gotten bigger and she found herself sleeping alot and feeling tired even when she practically did nothing.

She slowly washed her face and dried it with a towel staring at her reflection on the mirror after throwing up.She placed her hand on her stomach and stared at the pregnancy kit, preparing her mind to check it out.

Did Marco too suspect that she might have conceived?Had he noticed that her menstrual cycle had not kicked in since they started sleeping together? Surely,he must have noticed even though he hadn't said anything.

Could it have happened so fast?

Well,now,it seem so fast to her because she didn't want to leave him.

They had sex alot.Some days,they barely got out of bed.And even now,she could hardly keep her hands off him.It shocked her how much she craved him,how often they could make love and for how little time that fierce hot arrow of desire would remain satisfied.

So,it was not beyond the bounds of belief that she might already have fallen pregnant.She was excited and apprehensive..... excited at the prospect of a baby,but apprehensive that conception would mean the end of all intimacy between her and Marco.


Extraordinary everyday from



(Mi Corazon)

Episode 13

Author: Pamela.

Aurora stared at the lines in the pregnancy kit which confirmed that she was indeed pregnant.

There it was, ironically, the outcome she had secretly come to fear most.Seemingly,it had taken hardly any time at all for Marco to get her pregnant and it was a discovery that ripped Aurora into emotional shreds and plunged her into violent conflict with herself.She hadn't expected to conceive so quickly and had simply assumed that it would take at least more than a month.

She loved Marco. She was not yet ready to lose him... could not see when she would ever be ready to.Would she now be returning to her father's house...there to wait out the course of her pregnancy with nothing more than occasional phone calls from the man who had fathered her child.

In the circumstances, how much more involved could she expect Marco to be in her life?The whole point of being in his house had been to conceive a child,she reminded herself bleakly.He would not have wanted her otherwise.Now that the baby had become reality,Marco would be free to return to his former lifestyle of wine and women,a possibility that made Aurora feel quite sick with apprehension.

Still,she had to tell him.

Clad in cropped trousers and a silk top.She hurried across the imposing landing and walked downstairs with her obnoxious guards trailing behind her.

She found Marco in his study talking in Spanish on the phone.The guards stood outside.

Eyes tender with love,she watched Marco unnoticed from the doorway for the space of a minute, revelling in the memory of the closeness they had shared and proud of the intimate ache that was the penalty for such passion.

"Aurora...."Marco perceptibly tensed the instant he saw her there,his lean strong face pulling taut and shuttering."I'll be with you in a moment"

A little hurt by the reserve she sensed in him,Aurora asked one of the men outside to bring them coffee and took a seat.

"I've got something to tell you"She said as soon as Marco had finished his phone call.

The guard created a welcome hiatus with his return with a tray but he walked out after dropping it.Marco wandered over to the window with his cup cradled in one hand, sunshine glinting over his black hair and adding reflected light to his charismatic dark eyes.

"What is it?"He asked, casually.

Aurora lifted her head high."I'm pregnant"She told him, quietly.

Marco looked revealingly stunned,as though that was the last piece of news he had expected to hear.His ebony brows pleated in a questioning frown.

"You can't be..."

"I am, you said it yourself that the kit was expensive and highly effective so it confirmed that I am pregnant"

"But so soon,"Marco breathed in stilted English,his surprise still lingering in spite of her explanation."I just thought it might take months"

"No.We'll be parents by the end of February next year"Aurora told him excitedly, wanting to infect him with some of her enthusiasm because he was standing there so still and quiet.

"February next year"Marco repeated, slowly.

She thought he looked pale beneath his bronzed skin and more like a man who had been dealt a severe shock than a man given news he should have been eager to hear.His strong facial bones were clearly defined,his brilliant eyes hooded so that she had not the slightest idea what he might be thinking.It was the most complete non-reaction that she had ever experienced and very far from what she had hoped to receive.

"You're not pleased"She breathed, unevenly.

Marco unfroze and took a hasty step towards her, only to come to a halt again and then hover with uncharacteristic uncertainty."Of course.I'm pleased!"

Aurora could feel herself turning stiff and defensive, for any hint of the warm intimacy of the night hours had been well and truly scuppered by his attitude.

"No.You're not pleased and I don't understand why you're not.Isn't this what you wanted? Didn't you let my father go scot-free so that I could give you a child?"She prompted,her voice getting more shrill without her meaning it to, and for a horror-stricken instant,she was afraid she sounded whiny.

"Mierda! What's the matter with you?"Marco chided, pulling her resistant body to him with firm hands.

"Does falling pregnant make a woman shockingly cross,Nena?"

"No,of course,it doesn't!"She rebutted tightly, gazing into his breathtakingly handsome features with bewildered eyes."It's the way you're behaving that's making me feel like this.You've changed your mind, haven't you? You don't want a baby anymore?"

Marco closed his larger hands firmly over hers.

"I have never heard such nonsense.If you are having my baby....."

"I am"Aurora slotted in truculently.

"Then naturally I am overjoyed,princesa"Marco insisted forcing a smile out of him,his beautiful dark eyes intent on her troubled face as if he was willing her to believe what he was telling her.

His hold in her hands tightened."Now that you're carrying a baby,you'll have to rest more and I'll book an appointment with the doctor so as for you to know how to fully take care of yourself during the months of pregnancy"

"I'll be sensible and you practically don't allow me to do anything in this house so you don't have to worry about stress"

Marco nodded."And another thing,you have to stay with me till I find the person who attacked you so that when we part ways,I want to always feel at ease that you're safe"

Her chest ached and she pulled free from his arms,so he still wanted them to part ways?

"I want to go upstairs now,see you later"She said trying to sound neutral.

"Okay then"

As soon as she left,Marco hurriedly looked up his illness online.

He had done it before but this time he wanted to find something... just anything that might make him live.

He was glad that a child was on the way to bear his name but he wanted to see that child....he wanted to have a life with Aurora.

Almost an hour later found him in doctor Carlos office.

"You see,I saw online that most people with brain tumor suffer from memory loss but my memory is still intact,I can still recall things that happened years ago and I haven't felt any migraines for a while now, please doc... maybe the tumor isn't that bad... just please,tell me that I still have hope"He pleaded, desperately.

Carlos brought his palms together staring at him sadly."It pains me to say this to you,Marco but the tumor is bad and not everyone suffers from memory loss,and I told you before that if you undergo surgery, there's a very high percentage that you won't come out alive.The nature of your tumor is that bad to the point that very soon,you would sleep and won't wake up, I'm sorry,Marco. There are no new neurosurgical techniques for treating brain tumor yet"Carlos said, ruefully.

Marco leaned back in his chair feeling so miserable.

As he drove home,he pictured himself holding a baby with Aurora by his side.

God!He would give anything to be there for be in her life for a very long time.

He came to a halt and jammed his arms on the steering wheel, angrily.

He didn't want to die.He wanted to live for Aurora.

His head fell back on the headrest, frustratedly.

Why does he have to die?

It has been three days since she told him that she was pregnant and suddenly,he had created a distance between them.

Aurora sat up on her bed feeling so sad.At the dining room,he barely talks to her,he hadn't even stepped into her room and would just dismiss her curtly each time she tries to start a conversation with him.

She was convinced that he had not been pleased.Had he really changed his mind about having a child with her? Admittedly,she had conceived more easily and quickly than either of them had expected and he had been unprepared for her announcement.But could that simple fact have caused him to have second thoughts about fatherhood?She kept on picturing his expression at the instant she had given him the news.

He had looked bleak, disturbed.... guilty?

Her brow furrowed.

From where had she received the impression that he felt guilty?That had to be her imagination because why on earth would he feel guilty about her having fallen pregnant just as he had planned?

Now he was putting more than physical distance between them because he was treating her with detached and impersonal formalities.

She felt as if she was losing him and it unnerved her, for intelligence warned her that she had never had a normal claim to him.He had never loved her and lust was not an advantage now that she was carrying his baby.

But she missed him like hell.She missed his warmth.She missed just having him in bed with her, drowning in his scent..... listening to how much he loves to tease her.

How could she possibly part ways with him?

She didn't want to let go of him.Fine!It was insane loving a womanizer,maybe... just maybe he felt something for her too but was scared because he is a playboy.

He could change...she had heard of love changing alot of playboys so Marco could change....Marco might change for her.

She wanted him to give them a chance...a chance to have a proper relationship...a chance to have a life together.

Spilling her pride to the floor,she got up from her bed and headed to his look for tell him how she feels about him and perhaps he might love her too.

Staring at her annoying bodyguards,who wouldn't stop following her,she knocked on Marco's door.

No answer.

She held the doorknob, realizing that it wasn't locked,she bent it and walked inside.

She saw him walked out of his bathroom with his towel wrapped around his waist.

She tried not to be floored by his great body and focus on her purpose of being here.

"What do you want?"He asked, coldly.

"Why have you been avoiding me?"

"I'm not avoiding you, I'm just busy"He snapped.

"Too busy to even talk to me for a few minutes?"

The sadness in her eyes tore at him but he looked away...he was doing what he thought was best for her...the one thing that he didn't want to hear from her was.....

"I love you, Marco"She confessed.


Author Deen Arfat.