Mike was flung away in an instant. Lord Auroch and Lord Brutus saw what happened and came to my aid. I broke the sword in half before pulling the part of it stuck in my stomach by the handle.
"There's still hope. We can definitely win this war", Lord Auroch said.
"No. We're losing." They both looked at me in disbelief. "Our forces are losing in the other battlefields, and we're clearly not winning here as well."
"But how can that be? We are stronger. More powerful. How are we losing?" Lord Brutus was furious.
"Teamwork. It's not surprising. This is your first war together as allies, and hopefully your last."
"What do you mean by that my queen?"
"You have to go back to your world, that's the only choice you have."
"You and not we?"
"That's right. Look at me. I'm at my limit. There's no more hope for me." They both stared at my chest where blood was still dripping from my wound. "But you have a long life to live. save yourselves."
"But how? I thought it was a one-way trip? How could we possibly get back?" Lord Silva and Lord Orcus came to join us.
"There is a way. But before that, the lords need to make a promise."
"Anything, my queen", Lord Silva stated."
"The past years, the demons have lived in harmony- without conflict. You go home and continue to be united. Live a life of prosperity, together. Most importantly, promise me that you'll take care of the monere. Without a queen, they'll be confused. Help them cope with it. Do not harm them. Protect them at all cost."
"Of course we will", Lord Orcus said. "But we won't be able to do anything if the monere wanders off through portals again. That is why we must win this war."
"No, they won't. As long as there is peace in the demon world, a portal will not open again. Promise me."
"You have our word."
"Then take this." I pulled out a seed from my arm and handed it to Lord Auroch.
"What is it?"
"I created it after I mastered Ivana's power. It is the seed of life. It's filled with my magical energy and life force. I will use all my remaining power to transport every demon home, both dead and alive. Once you get back, plant this seed on the ground and it will help revive the others. Not everyone though, only those whose physical bodies are intact. Is that clear?"
"But are you sure you're not coming with us? I'm sure we have skilled men who can still do something," Lord Brutus said.
"No, it's alright. I can feel it. This is the end of my journey." I got down and placed both hands on the ground. I closed my eyes. This is it. The last thing I can do is save everyone. I opened my eyes, and created multiple portals simultaneously. Portals opened on the ground, where every demon stood, and on the skies, where every monster flew. I "saw" portals open in the other battlefields as well. "This is goodbye, then."
"It was an honor to have fought by your side", Lord Brutus declared. The lords knelt before me, and then vanished out of sight.
The commander pointed his sword at me, "Why did you do that? You sent them back to the demon world to escape."
"I am the queen and it is my duty to protect them", I said with dignity.
"But why stay? Why didn't you go with them?" It was Dan who asked. He came closer with Mike and Ris beside him.
"I sent them to their home, and now I shall die in mine", I said with a smile. As I said that, my trees stopped moving. The roots and the vines were turning to dust. My hair was slowly turning back to black. I felt it. I felt the power growing weaker. "Here is my last gift for you." I took out another seed from my arm and offered it to Dan.
"What is it? Why should I accept it?" he asked, disgustingly.
"It is the seed of life, the same one I gave to the demon lords. Plant this on the ground, and it shall revive all those you've lost, those with their physical bodies intact, at least. take it."
"I thought you wanted to kill us all? why make such a thing?" he was still hesitant to take the seed.
"I guess that tiny human part of me still had some goodness left." He finally accepted it and planted it on the ground. Out grew a huge, beautiful and majestic, golden tree. Its roots and branches collected the bodies and wrapped them in their warm leaves. I felt the thorns loosen inside my chest. Then, a heartbeat. And another. "At last, I found my heart." I closed my eyes my eyes for the last time.