...The Acting...

The temple became visible and fell back to its original place. Yvine hid the moonstone and joined the others.

- What's wrong with the temple?

- The monks decided not to hide it anymore.

The group started moving away while The monks were watching them from the window.

- Are you sure that this is the right decision?

- Our job is done, this is the right time to let everything back to its original estate. 

Rose and Hans went to check on David's condition.

- How is he, Doctor?

- He is still alive and that's impressive.

- Are you saying that there is still hope for his survival?

- I don't know, the next two days will tell us for sure.

Despite that Hans didn't show much compassion towards David, he was very worried about him. The last time he punished him hard over his mistake and he felt kind of regretful.