Chapter One - A Normal Start

Desmond Harrow, 17 years old was walking into his local college, ready to start his day there. Listening to music on his phone through earphones; one on and the other off. He wore black boots, blue jeans and a white buttoned-up shirt with a red jumper over it, Desmond surely felt confident that everyone would like him at first glance.

When he looked, all he could see was the college, it looked like a traditional secondary school, but with extra height to it. He could see inside a few of the classrooms, although did not see any students inside them.

Desmond was dazed at the sight of the college's height, walking towards the main entrance before walking into a stranger. "Oi!!" The stranger said turning around, seeing him. "Sorry for bumping into you," Desmond quickly told the stranger in an apologetic tone. "Hey you're- the new kid," The stranger said with a surprised tone in his voice.

"Do you know, where the reception is?" Desmond asked politely. "Yeah, follow me." He spoke, Desmond walked behind the stranger into the college only to be immersed by the hub of the college.

He was baffled of course, by both the stranger's kindness that he had shown outside, including the immersive room of the reception that he was in. It was massive with a chandelier hanging down from the ceiling of the upper floor, lighting both the reception and the floor above, crystals hanging down from it resembling stalactites.

The reception area was walled off to both the left and right with students' shadows being visible, walking past through the top floor of the room. Amazed, at the sight of the room while turning, Desmond staggered towards the front desk.

As the stranger hunched over the desk, looking at a computer screen with what seemed to be his profile, Desmond couldn't help overhearing him. "Yeah, that's him, Desmond Harrow… interesting." The stranger said before turning around to see him, as he extended both his arms, he exclaimed. "Desmond Harrow, welcome to High Gates College!" As the stranger continued to talk, Desmond, tuning him out, looked around him, seeing a seating area not far from the main corridor, Desmond also saw a canteen to the right of him, behind a pane of glass. "My name is Jonathon, I've been at this college for 6 years now, I will be helping you in settling in on your first day here," He said.

"Thanks, Jonathon," Desmond said, walking past him, approaching the reception desk where a receptionist remained sat, with a noticeable necklace around their neck, with initials of their name engraved on it. "Do all students wear a lanyard?" He asked the receptionist kindly. "Yes, but it is optional to wear a lanyard as a huge majority of the students do not like wearing them," The receptionist replied with a nice, calming but somewhat soothing tone.

"The staff will organise your lanyard for you, Desmond. I'll show you to your bedroom," Jonathon quickly suggested. Desmond nodded to him and followed Jonathon past the cafeteria that had pillars holding up the floor and ceiling above them. Various people dotted at different tables, glancing towards Desmond and Jonathon as if curious as to who the senior student had brought in now.

Catching their glances, Desmond slid his hood up as he didn't want to catch any attention from them. With his hood up, walking down the hallway, he caught sneering glances from students walking down the hallway and towards the cafeteria. As Desmond looked forward, there laid a door engraved in the stone, white brick wall that lined each side at the end of the corridor. Desmond knew that he didn't need to assume anything. "Through that door is the college campus, which is all outside of the building," Jonathon told him.

As Desmond looked behind him, looking at the students passing by, reeling his head back towards Johnathon an urge to ask him a question was all that remained in him. "So Jonathon. How long-" It was cut short by a voice that came from behind him. "Hey, Jon!" Many thoughts swirled round in Desmond's head but there was one that lingered on his mind. 'Oh no, could it be a member of staff about to tell me off for having my hood up?' Scared if the voice belonged to a member of staff, Desmond quickly turned on the spot around to look for the source of the voice.

At first glance, it seemed like that the voice was part of his imagination until he made out the shape of a tall girl with a slender body, approaching the two. As she continued her approach, Desmond couldn't help but be reminded of shimmering water with her blue eyes. As the unknown girl finished her approach, Jonathan had turned away to lock eyes with her. "Hey, Sam," Jonathan replied.

Confused by Desmond's presence, the girl shot a glance towards Desmond and gave an assessing look at him. "Who's this?" She asked, with one arm behind her back and the other holding it. "Oh, you mean Desmond?" Johnathan replied him clicking his fingers in a well-mannered way. "He is new to the college and I'm just guiding him to his room." After Jonathan had finished his sentence, Sam gave both him and Desmond a quick look before talking. "Fine, I'll take your word for it."

Jonathan realising that Desmond was confused, backing away and allowed the girl to introduce herself to him. "Hi Desmond, my name is Samantha, but you can call me Sam," She said in a nice voice before extending her hand out for a handshake. "Hi," Desmond said, taking her hand and holding it, her hand felt nice with a weird but settling smoothness to it, taking a mental quick note of it, Samantha exchanged a look to Desmond and tried to tiptoe up to his face only to have her feet not able to support her and touched the cold marble floor. Desmond made a mental note of that as well.

Samantha tiptoeing again up to his face, shocking Desmond. "Are you. About to-" Before he could get his last word in, he felt her give him a quick peck on the cheek. Flustered, Desmond stood there, processing what had happened with his eyes expanded in shock. "Is he okay, Jon?" Samantha quickly asked him, while still holding Desmond's right hand with her left.

"I think he might have developed a crush on someone rather quickly," Jonathan suggested. Looking at him with a lost glance, then looking back to Desmond. She realised, breaking their interlocked hands to cover her face with both of hers. Reeling from his thoughts, Desmond saw Samantha stood there with both her hands covering her face. Giving Jonathan a confused glance, Desmond took Samantha and allowed her to rest on his chest.

I think I sense some romance in the air for you two" Jonathan remarked. "Jonathan. May I ask if you could 'zip it'?" Desmond asked Jonathan with a hint of an angry tone, with silence being the answer he was waiting for. Desmond looked down back where he had allowed Samantha to rest, locking eyes with her. "Your eyes. They're... Beautiful." Samantha added, giving him a curious look and yet a comforting one.

Samantha rising from his chest, as both of them noticed that their hands had entangled each other with a finger on top of the other. They glanced at each other, blushing, parting their hands, covering their blushing. "I think there are parallels between you two," Johnathan remarked. As the two of them, locked eyes yet again, Desmond was able to hear Jonathan trying to get his attention. "Hey, Desmond!" He exclaimed but sighing after. "Hey, Romeo!" He exclaimed, breaking Desmond's concentration.

"We don't have enough time for you to go all Romeo and Juliet," Jonathan said with an urgent tone. "Do you need reminding how that play ended?" Samantha replied to him with a slightly angry tone. Stuttering, Jonathan replied. "No, no. I don't need reminding" As Samantha sighed, she looked at both Desmond and Jonathan and gave them a wave. "Okay. Well, I'll see you boys around!" She exclaimed as she walked back to the cafeteria.

"Well on that note, shall we continue our journey?" Jonathan asked with an agreeing nod from Desmond, as they continued walking down the hallway, Desmond could not get his thoughts of her out of his head. "Could she be-" he began to mutter before he hit another student with his head first, knocking all their books on the floor.

Upon collision, the student started to pick up the books strewn about on the floor. "Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." Desmond apologised and picked a book up. "You should've been more careful! What's next? Bumping into me on purpose?" He snarled at Desmond. Jonathan turned on the voice and ran back, skidding on the marble floor in front of Desmond.

"Jake. I'm sure Desmond accidentally walked into you... Is that right?" Jonathan stared at Desmond, hoping for an answer. As Desmond stood up, he replied. "Yeah, it was an accident, that's all. Although it seemed the scene was over, Jake quickly picked Desmond up from his feet and held him at his throat. "Well, looks like Jake Wedge has found his Deku." A passing-by student said, snickering at his joke. "What?! This kid is not my Deku!!" Jake exclaimed at the student, scolding them.

"Jake. Put Desmond down... Now!!" Jonathan exclaimed at Jake, continuing Jonathan scolded him. "First, you harass Sam, then you blame Desmond for walking into you!?" As Jake listened to Jonathan scolding him for his actions, Desmond had never felt unbridled anger before. 'First, you harass Sam.' That one line was what broke the camels back. In a fit of rage, Desmond bit Jakes arm, resulting in him dropping down to the floor in a sweaty heap.

As his vision started to flicker, he was able to see more of the scene and what followed after he bit Jake's arm. Screams from Jake, which Desmond knew was screams of pain. Desmond knew he was smiling at his accomplishment, even though it was not what he was expecting. He felt kicks coming from Jake, hitting his chest, as he screamed in pain. Members of staff appeared from down the corridor and ran to stop the fighting. Pinning Jake back against the wall. The last thing he was able to hear was Samantha's shoes running down the hall, kneeling next to him, exclaiming something that he was not able to hear as his vision flickered away.

(Hi!! This is Herrak, the author. I would love to see support for this by giving this a like and a power stone, it helps me know that you want to see more chapters for this story.)