Chapter 3 - A Raging Storm

A helicopter flew over a raging ocean, dark clouds above raining onto the windows of the helicopter. Its lights illuminated through the darkness. Light her up," A voice came from behind, Slowly lights appeared, illuminating what seemed to be an oil rig in the middle of the raging ocean, with the supports showing signs of rust and decay.

As the helicopter hovered above the oil rig, in the cockpit, a voice yelled. "Can you ask if we can land! This storm is getting rather ferocious!" Hearing the demand from the cockpit, a voice spoke into a microphone attached to their headset. "Permission to land?" They waited for what seemed like 30 minutes before getting an unnerving reply. "You may land... On Gods forsaken fortress."

As the helicopter descended onto the oil rig, people swarmed out, running over to secure the helicopter to the platform. "Offload those boxes." A demanding voice boomed, as the doors of the helicopter opened the passengers emptied onto the wet, slippery platform. "The boxes we brought with us, are valuable, do not drop any of them." One of the passengers yelled as the blades of the helicopter continued. "Ah! Jackson! How are you?" The man exclaimed and asked at the same time, with the lights illuminating his face. "Good, how's business," Jackson replied.

"Ah, good. How about we head inside instead of being out here in the rain?" The man exclaimed drowning out the noise of the rain and helicopter blades. As the two walked away from the platform and towards the door inside. "Yeah, might as well go over the plan while you're at it" Jackson replied, getting a laugh out of the man. You think that I would share my plans with you?" The man said with a threatening tone, Jackson only stared at him, not flinching from the man's tone. As Jackson sighed, he spoke yet again. "How about we partner up, Benjamin. Then that way, you'll have more security to cover those blind spots of yours." Jackson suggested, smiling, showing his white but dirty teeth.

"Fine. But if you double-cross me, I'll put a bullet through you." Benjamin said, with slight agitation in his voice. "You can't threaten me with bullets and everything, you know my history," Jackson replied, only to get silence from Benjamin. As the two approached the door, a noise came from the platform "Stop!" A crash was heard, Jackson ran back over, investigating the damaged box. A dent was visible on the side, with little damage to the rest of the box "Next time, you won't be so lucky" Jackson snarled at the worker who had unloaded the box. "Next time... What will happen next time?" The worker asked. Jackson stared at him for a few seconds before getting his gun and shooting towards the sky. "Next time, I'll put a bullet in your head." He said, pointing the gun towards him.

As Jackson walked back over to Benjamin who was standing next to the door, holding a cigar in his hand. "Well?" He asked in a curious tone. "Fine, let's go in," Jackson said, before clutching the door handle, swinging it open and staring into the darkness of the room. Walking in, Jackson allowed the hot, but cool ventilation to dry the water off him.

"Yes, I have seen your record. Killed 1,000 troops in the Battle of the Somme during World War I," Benjamin said, glancing at Jackson. "You should know that it took me years to receive my medal of valour, although it never happened. I was thrown in jail for 35 years for killing my troops and even platoon." Jackson explained, trying hard to not lose his sanity as he did all those years ago.

As they walked further, Jackson was able to see several rooms that they passed. "Communications, Medical Bay. You've got a pretty interesting setup here my friend." He said. As they approached a door with a hand scanner engraved in the wall beside it. "Well, if it wasn't for all those supplies that you have provided us with, then we wouldn't have been able to gain access to satellites," Benjamin said as he held his hand against the scanner, waiting for it to register his hand. "Although, there are some things that you do keep secret. There are still mysteries surrounding how you are still alive." Benjamin continued.

As the hand scanner beeped in succession, the door let out a little hiss, allowing access to the inner rooms. As Jackson walked into the room, he was surprised to see what there was. Multiple screens litter the wall, of every part of the oil rig that they were stood in. A big map, lit up by artificial lighting from under it encompassed the middle of the room, showing the whole of the United Kingdom. "Well, I'll be damned impressed. You've got a good operation going on here." Jackson said in awe of the big room that he stood in.

"Well, we've worked with a few drug lords to get to where we are," Benjamin said, observing a screen. "You've worked with drug lords?! That must have been dangerous to organise." Jackson said in shock. "Yes. But now we work in the shadows, we've been waiting for our time to strike." Benjamin replied. As Jackson walked around the room, out of the corner of his eye he saw a folder sat on the console, open with the name. 'Operation Joyride' As he picked the folder, he saw a picture of what seemed to be Harry Harrow. "What the," He said, assessing the folder and the contents in it.

"Now I see why you wanted me to deal with him," Jackson said, directing his voice to Benjamin. "Yeah, he was getting too close to finding out our plans," Benjamin replied, walking over to Jackson. "Can I have the folder back?" Benjamin asked, without a single tone of politeness in his voice. "Who left this?" He exclaimed, making everyone in the room jump in fear. "Sir that would be Francis, before he left to be with his wife." A woman replied. "Ich, find him!! If he tells the police, we'll be compromised." Benjamin yelled.

Everyone in the room, tapping on keyboards and searching for where their comrade has disappeared. "Jackson, sorry for dragging you into this mess again. But can you deal with this... Liability." Benjamin said, with a surprised polite tone in his voice. "Yes, I will help with this. Yet again." Jackson replied before a shout came from one of the monitors. "I've found him. Well... Sort of." They said. "Well, put it on the table!" Benjamin snarled as the map changed Jackson was reminded of where it was. "Tunbridge Wells." He muttered. "Well. Well, this has seemingly developed in an interesting direction. Zoom in on the beacon."

Benjamin said, shouting the last phrase so that everyone in the room would hear. As the map zoomed in, a building was apparent, where the beacon had been coming from. "What's this place?" Benjamin asked, only to be replied to by Jackson. "High Gates College. It's where I went to study when I was younger," Before long Benjamin uttered the words that would take Jackson by surprise "Well, Jackson looks like you're going back to college after all these years."

(Hi!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. This is probably one of my personal favourites so far. So many interesting things happened in this chapter, even the cliffhanger ending to it! Like usual, if you want to support this and see more chapters then you know what to do and I'll see you in the next chapter.)