Chapter 5


They say if there is a storm there will be a rainbow after it. If there is dark clouds there will be a light, in short there is a hope for everything in the dark. But as I see in this place, the Olympus, I can't see a light. Not even a sign of hope. This world had changed. It didn't change for the better, maybe the people who are in a higher rank thought it was there heaven but for a commoner like me is not. This is a living hell. This is a high tech world and now wonder after five years even the dead person can be bought to life. The world to the brink of catastrophe. Albert is right this is the sign for me to keep moving and bring back Kousuke. I will do everything for him, I'll do everything what it takes.I will not waste any chances that I have now.

I looked up at the sky and see no stars. How long has it been since I have seen them? Kid's nowadays have stars in there room, a virtual stars. They didn't even have the chance to see real stars. I smiled bitterly as wind caress my cheeks, what is this wind by the way? A fake wind? I can't even see a tree who produces fresh air anymore.

What happened to this city, what happened to this world. What the hell am I asking? This is not even a world, this is a hell.

Devils are not in hell, they are living here.

My hands formed into fist as I remembered what happened that night. That nightmare. They showed no mercy in killing them. Revenge is a sin but I am ready to accept the consequences.

"Hey, Ole, care to tell me what are you thinking? Because I hate to tell you this but your face looks like a poop, ya knaw."

I glance at the right side of my position and saw Albert. His hands were on his pocket and headset were plucked in his ears but I bet there is no music playing on it. I looked at him disapprovingly and ignored him. I heard him laugh and walk near me.

"Loosen up old man, don't stress yourself now. You are the one who told me that the more I stress, the more I couldn't think better or for a better solution. I think you should apply some of your irrational advices huh. Don't think too much... I know you can get him back and I will be here for you. I will help you, I'll be rooting for you old man. That is the only way I can repay you," he sighed at the last word and I can't help but to smile.

This young man never fails to amuse me but his attitude should be polished. I don't like it, it's getting in my nerves. And I am sure others too.

"Where are your manners young man? Do you want me to cut your tongue? Brushen your teeth? Kick your ass?" I said and within a second we both laugh.

"I am not getting any younger, Albert. And before I die, my only wish is to get him back. I want you to help me. I need your help, Albert. Look at your surroundings, this is not the world you are seeing. There is much more than this. There is much more, Albert. And I believe if I ever get him back, he will find the way because I will guide him. He will bring back the old people, the old living...the better living," I said and a tear escape my eye.


One night your father was invited for a formal dinner of the most respected man here in our city. Your father was surprised and doubted the invitation, your mother was worried that night and had the feeling that something was wrong, something was up. But your father insisted on going, that night I too feel the fear because we know everything. Your father is one of the formulators of God Game and your mother and I believe that he was up to this. Everyone was up to that game and we don't even know why it was like a big treasure for them to be like that. You were sleeping that time Kousuke and I can't sit still in my seat while watching over you. While your mom is outside waiting for your dad. I do not know but I feel something strange.

But when your dad got home that night I lost my nervousness. Your mom talked to him about what happened. What they did not know was that I was listening to their conversation. I know your dad is hiding something, he just doesn't want your mom to worry. It was about eleven o'clock in the evening when your father knocked on the door. He talked to me about the invitation. I was shocked and scared and immediately looked at you sound asleep. You were only a few years old then but your parents seemed to be on the brink of death. I could see the pain in his eyes. He kissed you and kissed you again and again. And he gave you to me and told me to get away. I also asked if your mom knew even though I already knew the answer. At those times I loaded you and it seemed like your weight was heavy. My nervousness and trembling were incessant.

And then I heard the cars. We weren't too far away then and I seemed to stop running. I saw their merciless rain of bullets all over the house. And when they were not satisfied, they entered the house. At that time I should have been running while carrying you but no, I was still watching them. I saw them pulling your dad and mom. They are full of blood but they still have no mercy.

They even shoot your parents until they get bored. And then I saw him, the man who plotted everything.